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Md Creature Card Game


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I have just updated the Creature Card Game with two new features. 1)Deck Creation Page 2) Deck dealing method

1) When first starting the game from the arena link, you will be directed to a Deck creation page. At the top of this page there are three columns containing the Basic Decks for the MP3/4/5 mind levels. There are 16 additional cards in these decks for each of the mind levels. From this page you can drop cards by clicking on the orange links.

At the top of this page there is also a box to add new premium and rare creatures to your deck by inputting a CTC.

After choosing the creature cards you want in your deck you can then play the game by clicking the play game link at the top of the creature deck page.

2) The play style for the game has also been updated.

At the start of a new game half of the cards are chosen from the players deck and half of the cards are chosen from the default deck for the players MP level.

In addition, the computer play style has been improved so it will make less "noobie" mistakes.

Once the current system has been tested to make sure there are no new bugs, a competition for MP3, MP4 and MP5 will start sponsored by Yrthilian the King of Golemus.

Feel free to test out the new additions and add your premium and rare creatures by using the built in CTC checker.



PS. Post any additional ideas for improvement or bugs which pop up here.

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[quote name='cutler121' date='06 March 2010 - 10:28 PM' timestamp='1267878507' post='55844']
... At the top of this page there is also a box to add new premium and rare creatures to your deck by inputting a CTC.

Feel free to test out the new additions and add your premium and rare creatures by using the built in CTC checker.

PS. Post any additional ideas for improvement or bugs which pop up here.

In case people forget, when entering CTC's into clickables, only use the code from CTC to MDC. Do NOT copy the whole code :))

Cutler already had it set up to accept the code in this format :))

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I just posted a new update to the Creature Card Deck Builder page.

It now has a new format for the display of the premium and rare cards.

All of the premium, rare creatures, and max level basic deck creatures can now be added by using the CTC for the appropriate creature. Until a CTC has been added for a creature type only the creature type name is displayed. Once a CTC has been activated the enabled levels are shown in orange and the CTC used to activate that creature is shown to the right. This CTC can then be used to reactivate any cards which were dropped.

That should make it much easier to drop and add cards to make new decks to play.



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Ah, now that's a great idea =))

I must say that i love the game now that it's beating me, and i like the way stats get hidden from the newbies with the ctc-addition...

i was sceptic whether the game would still work without the topclass cards, but it's better than ever before now, congrats =D

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For the basic decks:

I would recommend moving the aramor lv2 and elem lv3 (II) down to mp3, the aramor lv3 down to mp4, the tree and water lv2 up to mp4, and the angien lv2 up to mp5. Many mp3 cannot enter LR, and many mp4 cannot get angiens. So only the basic levels would be visible, as the other LR creatures at mp3.
I would further suggest to bring the aramor lv3 down to mp3, and the bird lv2 to mp4. Not all mp3s can get enough VE to hatch the birds, even if they get the eggs. Every mp3 has maxed an aramor...

Less spoilerish.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The MD Creature Card Game has now been updated with lots of suggested improvements, a new competition, and a tough computer opponent.

On the second of April (not the first which people might consider a joke) the first monthly CCG contest will start at the combat arena (in the MB astral plane to the left of marins marble stairs).

There is now a new stats page where the current status of the competition will be displayed. This can be reached from a link at the top of the deck builder page which also allows new creatures to be added to your deck using partial CTCs.

On the first of the month the currently played stats will be reset and the competition will commence.

As always, if you have any suggestions for improvements to the game or any difficulties feel free to PM me in game. I can generally be found at the Paper Cabin.



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I think it's essentially the total wins you got.

What bothers me more..

You have to have a certain amount of cards in your deck, even if you do not wish to? I noticed that after trying to remove all MP3 and MP4 base cards that it wont let me. So I added some cards to get more.

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Well that's an important feature. Its a probability puzzle. By seeing your card your job is to guess what the opponent might have. If it was two cards for an extreme. You could have an elemental and a Drakhorn card. You choose health when the Drakhorn shows up and power when the elemental is your card you could set up to grantee wins. There is actually strategy when deck building. You should look at what the highest stat is and how it compares to others in order to increase your probability of winning.

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[quote name='Kamisha' date='30 March 2010 - 10:01 PM' timestamp='1269986467' post='57192']
Well that's an important feature. Its a probability puzzle. By seeing your card your job is to guess what the opponent might have. If it was two cards for an extreme. You could have an elemental and a Drakhorn card. You choose health when the Drakhorn shows up and power when the elemental is your card you could set up to grantee wins. There is actually strategy when deck building. You should look at what the highest stat is and how it compares to others in order to increase your probability of winning.

Yes the score is total wins out of a maximum of 100 and minimum of 40 to be eligible for the WP prize, and Kamisha is correct that there can be some strategy in deck construction.

Just one reminder when you play a game, half of the cards in play come from your deck (the strategy building part) and half of the cards come from the default deck for your mind level. So it is possible to play with cards you have dropped and it is also possible to have two copies of a single card in play. Once the deck has been chosen, the cards are shuffled and then randomly assigned to the two players.



PS Yes there is also a minimum amount of cards possible in the deck to limit extreme exploits including having less cards than are required to play.

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One quick question: the score is based on who plays the most? As in:if I am the only one at my mp level with 100 wins I win? Or is there a limited number of games someone has to play?

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[quote name='dst' date='31 March 2010 - 08:19 AM' timestamp='1270019966' post='57211']
One quick question: the score is based on who plays the most? As in:if I am the only one at my mp level with 100 wins I win? Or is there a limited number of games someone has to play?


yes there is a limit 100 MAX 40 MIN
if you win all 100 and no one else does then yes you are automatically the top place winner
I believe it is very difficult to win all 100. But if 2 players do win all 100 games. We will
have to look at who got all 100 first to be marked as the winner.

Hope this helps

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='31 March 2010 - 11:05 AM' timestamp='1270033553' post='57231']
For clarifying..you cannot play more than 100 games?

It only makes sense if you write it that way, but I want to make sure just in case.

Because otherwise a score with 100 wins 500 losses would win, which would be..annoying.

The max 100 games is games played not won. After you have 100 games played any further times you play wont be recorded.

For those who played when we first released the game, I have started the computer at the hardest level available then and as you win more games the computer player gets better and better. I didn't want to hear any more complaining about the game being too easy. :)

This should be a real challenge and I am extremely doubtful that anyone will be able to win all 100 played games. In fact I am so certain that I will put up a one gold coin bounty for anyone who is able to attain this feat. If someone is able to do it then that means there is still some more advanced logic programming that can be done on the computer player and I would enjoy the challenge.

Good Luck everyone.



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Ban news all

I am sorry to have to say that the contest is canceled until further notice.
Reason is the new changes to the clickables is going to be making some things
difficult to run.

so until the new changed are finished the contest is on hold

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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For the people who didn't have the chance to play before and start now when the competition would be taking place, could you make a practice duel or something like that, just to test it, without applying it to their score, so that they wouldn't lose, because they do not know what to do in the game. Thanks.

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Hi Elthen,

The CCG was in place for some time for playing with it is how we tested and developed the current system
but until the issue with the clickable can be fixed or worked with the contest will not run.

I don't think we will do a test round for players to be honest.
But this should not be an issue as this contest is planed to be run monthly
and those what win cannot win again just like the HC.

So even if you don't manage to win first time round you can still think of it as a practice run :)

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[quote name='Chewett' date='03 April 2010 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1270293731' post='57452']
what is actually wrong with it? why cant the competition go now? (i havent seen if there is anything wrong with it lol)

There wasn't anything wrong with the CCG system, it was the new location requirement which messed up a lot of my scripts especially the astral plane which was set up to be accessible from many different locations.

Anyway the issues for the core of the astral plane should be resolved now.

SO ...... drum roll !!!!!

The CCG is back on as of 00:00 on day 93. The competition will run for one week from that point. Once the new day comes, the entrance at the combat arena will open.

Good Luck everyone.



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Hmmm... at the Check Score section, says name will turn orange after you play 40 games, I think it turned orange after only 11 or 12 games.
Also, the colored names are clickable, but it just brings you to the top of the score page.

Perhaps some crazy suggestions from me, make it so there's no set number of starter cards that have to be in the deck, basically make it so someone can create their own deck filled with every card that they want themself, with no unwanted ones. Possibly make this deck able to play with against others, instead of a computer. Or so that they can test their deck against the computer, then play against other people with their made deck. This would allow more strategy instead of having it based solely off of luck.

I do like the idea of the gold coin if someone manages to win all 100 games, but I highly doubt that winning all 100 is possible :)

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