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[quote]Oh dear gods, I must be getting old, when I see newbies like [s]Burns[/s] [b]Metal Bunny[/b] being named living legends...

No offense [s]burns[/s] [b]Bunbun[/b]:P, but I remember your mp3 newbness quite well[/quote]

I don't think i really have time to write something up for this atm, but if anyone wants to ask me stuff about someone, just send me a pm with some questions you want to know about, i'll be happy to answer if i can :)

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  • Root Admin

[quote]Oh dear gods, I must be getting old, when I see newbies like [s]Burns[/s] [s]Metal Bunny[/s] [b]Grido[/b] being named living legends...

No offense [s]burns[/s] [s]Bunbun[/s] [b]Grido[/b] :P, but I remember your mp3 newbness quite well[/quote]

Surely Living Ledgends are their own legacy? what they have done and are still doing their own legacy.

And what stops people just ripping a tonn of stuff from others sources (namely one very informative place where players histories are detailed greatly)

It will be intresting seeing peoples viewpoint on the older Vets, interesting to see how far their reputation has gone down the "line" of players.

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ehhhm...guys...now i know you are old...i mean really old *coughs* ....but this was supposed to be the submitting place ..soo may i invite you to a cup of tea somewhere else ?

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[quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='05 May 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1273094523' post='59458']
I'm sorry, but...

What has Akasha done?

I'm not even sure what she does anymore. Or if I even knew.

I am really curious if anyone writes about her.

Uh... read the AL...

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Yeah, read the AL. As for the names on that list, not all have had any part in the AL. Does that mean they haven't or don't do anything? I guess ye can decide that yourseleves. Even the people that are mentioned in the AL have done other things which aren't mentioned there. The AL is not the sum total of a person's impact or their whole story, merely a part, if anything at all. Chewy may have had a pow wow on the Angien island, but to me his most enduring (and hopefully long continuing) legacy is his role as forum moderator. Just my two cents though.
Sorry for going seemingly offtopic Indrya, but I wanted to point that out (I think that is what you meant to begin with, but it appears some people missed the point).

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[quote name='awiiya' date='05 May 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1273069788' post='59442']
I still don't know who Tsenn is. Anyone?

I definitely knew the name, but couldn't remember who he was.

Now I remember though =b The rich duke of tempest fort, IIRC!

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1 - the names were just examples, you can submit anyone who you consider
3 - what part "a cup of tea somewhere else" didn't you understand? it was meant for all of you

if you want to discuss about who and what they've done move it to another thread. This is suposed to be contest not a debate and i do not want to hear your opinions about it here.

One of the moderators please delete entries that aren't submissions.

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I can say one thing, probably not the expected one. I am sorry the Adventure Log turned into a ticket to "legendary". Not all legends are there and not all there should be legends. And when AL will continue, and it will continue, I will not change this. I don't plan to use in AL just top celebrities just out of fear all in there will become legends because i put their name in there.

If you can get that and keep md history "sane", good, if not...its your own choice but its not good.

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Know whom i'd like to know more about?

Thanasia, Sacophilz, pdragos, Aqune, ugauga, Eden, omegaweapon, glaistig, Morrel, Morquor, and Laz.
And i don't mean just their deeds, but more like, what kind of persons were they, what did they do all day long...

Jst putting out a few names for the vets to pick up, don't worry if you don't know them, dear folks over 70k :))

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I knew Sacosphilz, a.k.a. pi, only by his posts in the old forum. Unfortunately, at this point I cannot remember their content...

The two mentions of his name so far (by dst & burns) were misspelled; the second "s" was missing.

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