Tarquinus Posted June 9, 2010 Author Report Posted June 9, 2010 You are very welcome to participate, 'kets.
Grido Posted June 9, 2010 Report Posted June 9, 2010 [quote] [list][*]There is no restriction on the use of spells.[/list] The first round of fights will occur at GoE. Anyone can join, but those who have not been visibly part of the quest (if you have any doubts, assume you need to do this) should note in their own PLs which "side" they represent: Mya (and Darigan and friends), Ivorak (and co-conspirators), Renegade (people who want to attack everyone but still agree to abide by the rules of this phase of the contest), or Noncombatant (participating in the quest, but staying out of fights).[/quote] Can i list myself as none of the above?
Tarquinus Posted June 9, 2010 Author Report Posted June 9, 2010 [quote name='Grido' date='09 June 2010 - 09:36 AM' timestamp='1276094184' post='61467'] Can i list myself as none of the above? [/quote] Yes. Unless I misunderstand you, I presume you are simply not wanting to participate in this part of the quest according to the rules as I have defined them. The quest makes no demands on players not directly "involved", as I have told Burns and Totenkopf. Free radicals, if you will, are part of the experience of MagicDuel, and questers must be prepared to handle semi-random (or deliberate) brigandry.
Darigan Posted June 9, 2010 Report Posted June 9, 2010 But Grido you know you want to avenge your fellow LHO
Totenkopf Posted June 9, 2010 Report Posted June 9, 2010 [quote name='Tarquinus' date='09 June 2010 - 11:08 AM' timestamp='1276070891' post='61418'] The fights will function as follows: everyone participating in a quest-related fight will fight until their rituals are defeated. [/quote] i don't get this part...how many attack/def rits are "allowed"? [quote] Have you made an utter wreck of things to the delight of Discordians everywhere? [/quote] w00t! all hail Discordia!
Kyphis the Bard Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 (edited) [quote name='Tarquinus' date='09 June 2010 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1276070891' post='61418'] Kyphis - you will be allowed to invite recuperating duelists outside the sanctuary for creature-healing purposes. [/quote] Thankyou, I "look forward" to seeing how this phase turns out. I will be keeping the time stamped logs for each healing fight I do, and will be sending them to you so you can make sure only those who are already defeated for that round are healing off me (I assume your rules prevent the normal combatants from useing external healing like that, I'm not about to tell people not to heal off me or punish them for it, that's your job. If I am interpreting that incorrectly please say so It will save me keeping logs ) (OOC Note I: as an Aussie, we have a thing for favoring the underdogs. As either side develops a clear advantage over the other, ie gets close to the opponents home base, I will be casting Silvertongue on that sides casters. This prevents spell casting for 8 minutes, but increases the amount of heat you gain by a decent amount. I have 3 casts left, so be ready) (OOC Note II: I will leave casters focusing on healing until last, and will focus on more offensive casters first.) Edited June 10, 2010 by Kyphis the Bard
Tarquinus Posted June 10, 2010 Author Report Posted June 10, 2010 (edited) [quote name='Totenkopf' date='09 June 2010 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1276125157' post='61518'] i don't get this part...how many attack/def rits are "allowed"?[/quote] In theory, only one is needed. The first defeat a character suffers should take him or her out of that particular fight. In practice, that may be too naïve. If brigandry (attacks by non-participating players) is very heavy, then I might rule that only defeats from participating characters "count" for knocking a participant out of a particular fight, or that one can take multiple defeats from brigands before being knocked out. So if a character is hit by many brigands, I might say that it takes (to use a random number) 3 defeats from brigands to put him or her "down". My only basis of comparison - the Bell's invasion of Necrovion - had only two sides, and neutral observers stayed out of the fight. These fights do not take long either way - part of the reason for the long interval between fights is that it gives us time to review the fight logs and figure out what "actually" happened. I am pretty sure the Necrovion invasion battle worked that way, with people removing themselves when defeated and the logs being scrutinized after the fact to determine who had been "killed" by whom. It is conceivable that we will just keep having fight rounds until questers withstand attacks on their own long enough to determine a marker-moving win, because the fight map "marker" can be moved regardless of outside attacks. If one side or the other had someone "left standing" after all other quest-fight participants had been knocked out, that determines which direction the marker will move even if the last quest-fighter is subsequently taken down by brigands before she or he can get to the Sanctuary. Does that make sense? [quote name="Kyphis"]I will be keeping the time stamped logs for each healing fight I do, and will be sending them to you so you can make sure only those who are already defeated for that round are healing off me (I assume your rules prevent the normal combatants from useing external healing like that, I'm not about to tell people not to heal off me or punish them for it, that's your job. If I am interpreting that incorrectly please say so).[/quote] You can really only keep logs of fights you initiate, so there's not a problem. I think it is fair to let people attack your healing ritual to heal their creatures, but you might want to stand clear of the actual fight so your ritual doesn't get abused by questers or anyone else. What I have in mind is your coming to the sanctuary between fights and offering to use the healing ritual on fighters in the interim period. I really can't stop people from taking advantage of your service - I see you as a Red Cross sort of character in this conflict, offering healing to any who ask for it (subject to your consent). You don't need to keep logs at all! If, however, someone, whether a quester or not, persistently breaks your Nutcracker ritual in an abusive way, please inform me, Mya, Pample, or Fenrir. It's bad form to attack a neutral healer, and such actions will be taken into account when quest rewards are distributed. Since I am, in theory, open to considering non-quest participants as recipients of rewards, your input may make quite a difference. Edited June 10, 2010 by Tarquinus
Kyphis the Bard Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 (edited) [quote name='Tarquinus' date='10 June 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1276137612' post='61528'] You can really only keep logs of fights you initiate, so there's not a problem. I think it is fair to let people attack your healing ritual to heal their creatures, but you might want to stand clear of the actual fight so your ritual doesn't get abused by questers or anyone else. What I have in mind is your coming to the sanctuary between fights and offering to use the healing ritual on fighters in the interim period. I really can't stop people from taking advantage of your service - I see you as a Red Cross sort of character in this conflict, offering healing to any who ask for it (subject to your consent). You don't need to keep logs at all! If, however, someone, whether a quester or not, persistently breaks your Nutcracker ritual in an abusive way, please inform me, Mya, Pample, or Fenrir. It's bad form to attack a neutral healer, and such actions will be taken into account when quest rewards are distributed. Since I am, in theory, open to considering non-quest participants as recipients of rewards, your input may make quite a difference. [/quote] Glad to have that cleared up, thankyou Tarquinus I have about 200 of the nutcracker ritual set, so it would take a concerted effort to break it up, and my Regen will always heal it to full. Also, I am currently maxed at 11 mill, so attacks that would normally reduce or increase my experience are not a problem. (I meant the basic [In/Out|~V~|~L~|Player|You lost|Enemy lost|Rounds|Time] logs, since what they attack me with is largely outside the rules of engagement. However, if people are attacking me in an abusive manner, I will be sending full logs to you, since they aren't that hard to get ) [b]Notice to Fighters/Strategists[/b]: Bear in mind that as I am a member of an a alliance you need to wait 24 minutes between healing attacks against me. If requested, I can attack you will the nutcracker myself, but keep in mind the cooldown timer when formulating your strategies. Conserve your Casters for emergencies and the periods when I am absent, otherwise you may find yourself out of healing support (I will DEFINETLY be absent for at least half of this event, I have prior engagements in RL. The first will be for about three hours from around 11ST. Once I leave the second time, I am not coming back as I will be asleep) Edited June 10, 2010 by Kyphis the Bard
Pazur Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 I am surprised Not a single call for a peaceful solution? No one wants a trial? Why? Because there were arbitrary, predefined rules laid down? As we stand outside, and within, the gates of Troy who wonders why we are gathered here? Isn’t this a conflict between Menelaus, Paris and Helen? Or are they even the main characters, or forces, in this tale? As we sit beside our campfires tonight, let us cling to the reasons why we are here. Loyalty, duty, land, honor, friendship, chaos, greed, glory, justice, love, revenge, joy, ..., ... Let us cling to these reasons that turn the fall of one blade into many How one murder multiplies To Mya, Darigan and the rest of us I mention two things: Revenge is like a forest, it’s easy to lose your way and A mirror turned upon a mirror reflects to no end Pazur will be there. Sure, for land and country and all the blah blahs. But the real reason, what he really wants to see… is how one elegantly planted seed can sow a field of flowers To Mr. Celine, I tip my hat To those who do and do not see, I say Kill Bob or kill me! All hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! Ivorak, Phantom Orchid and Kyphis the Bard 3
Tarquinus Posted June 10, 2010 Author Report Posted June 10, 2010 You will recall, of course, the numerous volumes written about times of peace and plenty. Nobody wants peace. Peace is dull. Does an eye for an eye make the world blind? In MagicDuel, it just changes your fight balance. No need to quote Hardy, but I will anyway: [quote]"I shot him dead because – Because he was my foe, Just so – my foe of course he was; That's clear enough; although "He thought he'd 'list perhaps, Off-hand like – just as I – Was out of work – had sold his traps – No other reason why."[/quote] It is not MagicDiplomacy, my friend, but MagicDuel. And if there be bread, why, there must be circuses, too. Phantom Orchid, Chewett and Kyphis the Bard 2 1
Pazur Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 Ahahaha! Oh, well said That put a smile on my face Ok, ok. Before we start dueling with carefully crafted quilts of woven words, I will walk away. Must resist the urge to hijack this thread. I’d certainly wear my a$$ as a hat, but it’d be fun Tarquinus knows this but, if someone is curious, my previous post was not a call for peace. I, and Pazur, want circuses. It is simply an observation, a handful of questions and a statement or two. Completely innocent, I assure you Kyphis the Bard, Phantom Orchid and Chewett 2 1
Totenkopf Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 [quote name='Pazur' date='11 June 2010 - 01:58 AM' timestamp='1276210682' post='61598'] Ahahaha! Oh, well said That put a smile on my face Ok, ok. Before we start dueling with carefully crafted quilts of woven words, I will walk away. Must resist the urge to hijack this thread. I’d certainly wear my a$$ as a hat, but it’d be fun Tarquinus knows this but, if someone is curious, my previous post was not a call for peace. I, and Pazur, want circuses. It is simply an observation, a handful of questions and a statement or two. Completely innocent, I assure you [/quote] come to mp5, you'll have all the circus you need on-topic: when is it starting?
Darigan Posted June 10, 2010 Report Posted June 10, 2010 If all goes as planned it should start at 6:00 server time today
Totenkopf Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 wow, that's kinda early...i'll try to join 9:30ish - if it's still going on, i'm definitely working from home tomorrow
Tarquinus Posted June 11, 2010 Author Report Posted June 11, 2010 It will start at 0600 server time. I realize that's early, but I wanted to put as much of the European day in the "calendar" as possible. Note to all participants: when you lose a fight, whether on offense or defense, regardless of whether or not you were fighting someone registered in the quest, you are "knocked out" and should retire to the nearest sanctuary ASAP. This rule may change depending on how heavy the brigandage is. Note to all others: Just be yourselves and do whatever you want. I'm keen to see what will happen, regardless. Kyphis the Bard 1
Darigan Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 [quote]Note to all others: Just be yourselves and do whatever you want. I'm keen to see what will happen, regardless.[/quote] Chaos will reign down upon the battle field and all shall be consumed by it...but it will be awesomely fun chaos Kyphis the Bard 1
SageWoman Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 [quote name='Tarquinus' date='10 June 2010 - 08:44 PM' timestamp='1276220670' post='61611'] It will start at 0600 server time. I realize that's early, but I wanted to put as much of the European day in the "calendar" as possible. Note to all participants: when you lose a fight, whether on offense or defense, regardless of whether or not you were fighting someone registered in the quest, you are "knocked out" and should retire to the nearest sanctuary ASAP. This rule may change depending on how heavy the brigandage is. Note to all others: Just be yourselves and do whatever you want. I'm keen to see what will happen, regardless. [/quote] Postscript: I am at Beserkers Way. My Triage is all set up and refreshments are on hand. I will heal each participant only once per battle. All worshipers are requested to send Heat. Kyphis the Bard 1
Udgard Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Seems like I am able to make it to the event. Will be neutral, or probably a bit skewed to my fellow ex-crafter Ivorak depending on mood.
Tarquinus Posted June 11, 2010 Author Report Posted June 11, 2010 Act II is now completed: Mya's forces prevailed, despite a number of very closely fought battles. Now we come to Act III: Resolution. There will be some small roleplaying segments to help Mya and Darigan determine the fates of Ivorak and his co-conspirators, Pamplemousse and Keith Moon. Rewards will be distributed in the next day or so. At least a few of you seem to have had fun in Act II, and I am glad. Some of you caught my attention in a very good way. Our story draws to a close, but every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. Kyphis the Bard and Phantom Orchid 2
Mcvitie Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 (edited) Finished a bit quickly didn't it? Yes I do. Edited June 11, 2010 by Mcvitie pamplemousse, awiiya, Tarquinus and 6 others 1 8
Tarquinus Posted June 11, 2010 Author Report Posted June 11, 2010 If you call ten hours of fighting quickly, then yes.
Totenkopf Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 it was really fun! wish movelock lasted for longer one of the best rotfl moments was after i posted on the mood panel that GGG moved to tribunal lands at the location of the fight, and people actually showed up yelling "set" in the middle of combat PS - Discordia really stole the show at the final battle thanks to some funny spell-casting antics from shadowseeker and apophys! Kyphis the Bard 1
Darigan Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 I must have missed the ggg/replacement antics but I'm sure they didn't last long with the ggg rits ...and yes you people and your spells are certainly good at causing havoc chaos and anarchy
Kyphis the Bard Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 I was only able to be there for 7 hours of it, but what there was was incredibly enjoyable. The tactics people used where quite imaginitive, and it was fought quite intelligently by most involved (especially those bloody Discordians )
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