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Sunny Bedroom


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After the Ap was shut down and the little private chats were killed I remembered that we already have a place for such chats. Then I realized I haven't seen the keys keeper in ages! I know he left some keys to few people. Several questions arise:
- how can someone else get the keys?
- who will moderate the "giving" of the keys?
- who will cash in the silver every player has to pay for using the bedroom?

Or will Sunny Bedroom become the Clouded Bedroom?

[color=purple]Topic made into Poll - Grido[/color]

Poll closed. See the second poll thread.

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I was wondering when this would be noticed. Elthen rented two keys to Pample and advised her strictly that there was a relatively brief time limit on keeping them.

Then he disappeared.

Pample and Keith have taken blatant, flagrant advantage of his absence. Someone else needs to be given the keys, and they need to return to general circulation of the MD community.

The question of what to do with the silver is a good one, and one I confess I had not thought of.

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i agree. I have myself wondered what was to happen about the whole key thing. For a time I know Mur had one, and thought perhaps Elthen would return. I even put an advertisement up for him in the kitchen. It has been quite some time now and I think it ready for the key holder to be passed to someone else.

I personally think Sephirah Cealum would make a fantastic holder of the keys. She spends a large amount of her time in the Tribunal RPing and is a very active member of the MD community. The silver, I feel, should be set up in a treasury of the Tribunal for when Mur decides to progress with the Tribunal. That is the only conclusion I can come up with so far, though other opinions are of course helpful and valuable.

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it's not what Mur needs the silver for, it's the same thing as what does a multimillionaire need with a property he gets 300 a month for? it's also the symbolism of payment, rather than him needing it

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[quote name='dst' date='16 June 2010 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1276721817' post='62019']
@phantasm:I am as good as Sephira at keeping the keys if you ask me :))

As for the money: they should go to Mur. It was pure chance that Tribunal was chosen. I was pleased with the current setup. Too bad Elthran stopped playing.

And it comes to light. Chance non the less should it not be RPed by someone who has close affiliation with the Tribunal, not someone who is known for their tearing down of RP, and thus would have the ability to sneak into the room and copy chats?

If anything you are by far the worst choice. You are not only well known for being a hater or RP, you are also one of the most well known for using all methods both illegal and legal to ruin other peoples fun in the game. No DST you are the worst at keeping keys.

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Do your reading, phantasm.

[quote][2010-01-10 00:24:30 - Alpha 9]
Private location
On public request, there is now a location where you can talk _anything_ you want and have total privacy. Sunny Bedroom, inside Tribunal lands, is the new private location where your privacy is 100% guaranteed. You can rent the room for several hours by contacting Elthen Airis. No more than two people can rent it at the same time. The rules of that place will be presented by him and you can also find them inside the room. The room can be opened with a key, the first usable inventory item in MD, that will be borrowed to you when renting it. In the next days, features such automatic clearing of chat on entering/exiting the room (acusticremains will not work either) will be added to fully protect your privacy inside that room. Nothing said inside that room can be used as evidence or against anyone regardless of whats said. Nobody will monitor it at all. For full details read the rules there or ask its keymaster.[/quote]

So yes, dst is right, anybody who is active enough and generally well known would be a good choice to hold the keys.

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An active player.. Well, there are three players that come to mind who would be decent holders of the key, who are both trust worthy and fair. Each are active and all of them are veterans.

Why not have either Phantasm, Pample, or Keith take up the job of holding the keys?

Personally, I believe that Phantasm should take the job of it as he leads an alliance based in the Tribunal lands. I have known him to be fair, and have never known him to abuse his power or abilities.

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Pip, I read that announcement, but fail to see where it mentions the choosing of the keymaster. Can you be more pointed?


LE: Question answered via Udgard.

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It should be someone active. and someone easily contactable such as someone who is generally
in a central location by that I mean easily found. Personally since that announcment I only ever
saw Elthen Airis once.

Edit: I dont see why DST wouldnt be a good choice, she is highly active. easily recognisable
and generally in an easy to find location. I know other people fill those catagories aswell.
but theres no need to shoot it down for personal reasons.

Edited by Sparrhawk
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Perhaps Veteran is the wrong word for it, but would it not make sense to have the key's holder be someone well known in the community who is easy to contact? Plus Phantasm leads a neutral alliance that is established in the Tribunal lands it would make the most sense for someone related to the land to hold the key would it not?

[i]Edit: had more to add.[/i]

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='17 June 2010 - 12:13 PM' timestamp='1276751604' post='62034']
Do your reading, phantasm.

So yes, dst is right, anybody who is active enough and generally well known would be a good choice to hold the keys.

[quote name='awiiya' date='17 June 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1276754458' post='62036']
Pip, I read that announcement, but fail to see where it mentions the choosing of the keymaster. Can you be more pointed?

I believe he was referring to this part (I was confused at first as well as to what he meant, so I think I understand what you are asking).
[quote name='phantasm' date='17 June 2010 - 09:29 AM' timestamp='1276741745' post='62032']
And it comes to light. Chance non the less should it not be RPed by someone who has close affiliation with the Tribunal, not someone who is known for their tearing down of RP, and thus [b]would have the ability to sneak into the room and copy chats[/b]?

If anything you are by far the worst choice. You are not only well known for being a hater or RP, you are also one of the most well known for using all methods both illegal and legal to ruin other peoples fun in the game. No DST you are the worst at keeping keys.

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Just on a sidenote..I spoke with him once, and apparently my request to just visit the room once (which he granted for free) meant that I was the first to do enter after creation. Apparently Pample and Keith are literally the first paying customers...that might be part of the reason why he vanished.

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[quote name='phantasm' date='17 June 2010 - 04:29 AM' timestamp='1276741745' post='62032']
And it comes to light. Chance non the less should it not be RPed by someone who has close affiliation with the Tribunal, not someone who is known for their tearing down of RP, and thus would have the ability to sneak into the room and copy chats?

If anything you are by far the worst choice. You are not only well known for being a hater or RP, you are also one of the most well known for using all methods both illegal and legal to ruin other peoples fun in the game. No DST you are the worst at keeping keys.

As I remember, the chats in those rooms should be cleaned when one person goes in and there should not be possible to get the log of the chat.

I think dst is the best for this for 2 reasons:
- if there is bug in the logs ... she should find it and report it (unlike many other that I know)
- if she is managing the keys :)) there should be no need for you to run away from her, of for her to blame you for doing things in other locations as she should know where you are
- she is online most of the time and she does not do that kind of RP (this way there is a high availability of the keys)

there should be a few more reasons, but i'll keep this short

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phantasm, stay out of the sun cause it hurts your brain!

I did not make this topic so I will get the keys! Elthran was a good choice back then. But he stopped playing. We need someone who is truly neutral. Not phantasm, not Keith not Pample. You don't give the flock of sheep to the wolf for god's sake!

LE:Pample and Keith, are you going to pay for the usage of the room or since Elthran was away you'll consider it a gift or something...?

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there are only a few i would think fit this job

and yes DST is high on that list

Out of the people i know in game
I see the likes of


Yes i know this is a very select few but they are the only ones i know online
a lot and are well known in game. Grido and DST are proably the most seen
and are in NML the most and easy to find or contact.

SO yes i would think DST would be best suted for the task
as i am sure grido will try and get bribs :)) (only messing G)

As much as people may dislike DST she is also fair in many of her dealing
and as mentioned she would not care for what is going on in that room as it
is private and DST i am sure will respect that.

Yes i also think it would be good for it to go to someone from the east lands
but to find a truly nutral player well that is like looking for a needel in a hay stack.

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can your one post ever be non-political Yrthilian?

Akasha is right tho, as is Dst with "neutral one (in this issue) should have it".

I think that silvers should be either awarded to LHOs or invested in some projects/quests for newbs to keep them entertained in this realm. [since this feature isn't of a private made but of Murs]

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='17 June 2010 - 10:31 AM' timestamp='1276767116' post='62046']
can your one post ever be non-political Yrthilian?

sorry this is off topic but umm...


I am not beeing political in my last post it is how i see it.
i dont get what you meen by beeing non-political?
please clarify.

send me a PM to keep this from going completly off topic.

[b]Edit to add last line[/b]

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  • Root Admin

Rules of the room were stated clearly. All entrances should be payed, I didn't placed the fee value, it is more of a symbolic meaning. However elthans did and it was ...1 silver ..hmm
payment goes to me , and eventually it goes back into md one way or an other. The current fund collector for different purposes is the postman, among other things this is his role, he "collects" payments, packages and such. don't get me wrong, you are not paying ME , you are just placing the currency back into the system.

Elthans defenetly lost any chance of getting anything similar if he returns, but what I was more curious of was how this will turn out and how long it will tAke , I guess now I have an answer.

regarding who should have the keys, I want the experiment to continue, it should be a less popular, but devoted character. No celebrity will get the keys. Player should not have any significant Alts, He should have enough active days, and should show from previous activity that he is involved and cares. I was about to pick someone, but since you showed initiative, let's see who You pick.

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Hmm...let's see"

[quote]it should be a less popular, but devoted character. No celebrity will get the keys. Player should not have any significant Alts, He should have enough active days, and should show from previous activity that he is involved and cares[/quote]

I nominate Miq. In my opinion he is all the above.

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so now we nominate people, make a pole, and see who wins?

If so I think we should keep in mind when nominating what Mur just said. NON CELEBRITY!! That includes me, dst, akasha, grido, etc....

Again I think Sephirah would be the perfect choice. She is highly active, fairly well aged in the game, a part of the Tribunal (which like it or not the Sunny Bedroom is a part of the Tribunal therefore has bearing), is a pleasant woman with no animosity twards anyone, and is a devoted personage to the MD game.

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