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lol outside of context i would like to remind people me and DST get along quite well. I was approached this morning about attacking dst's personality. I really enjoy DSTs company, and we find it quite enjoyable to argue with each other. Please don't think otherwise.

In context: Why should her being in my alliance have anything to do with it? The rules for the bedroom are pre-stated. I can not make her deny anyone, or have any effect on the bedroom. I simply feel that someone who does so much for the Tribunal should have the job.

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Because choosing Tribunal was pure chance. You had no contribution into this :D.
And of course you cannot make her deny anyone but you can make her accept (this is a bit of exaggeration but I have to smack you with your own weapons).
As you could see, I propose someone that has no connection to me. Why can't you be objective about this?

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I always try and be subjective in all posts :D

I am simply stating what I see. While the Tribunal place was pure chance, it is still in the Tribunal. A Land, if not a completed one, is still a land of its own. I feel it should go to someone who is an active part of the Tribunal.

I feel giving it to someone who isn't a citizen, would be like giving a Necrovion the ability to deny, or grant acess to the Oak Tower in Loreroot. Would Firs, or those of loreroot think that fair?

I'm merely stating my opinion on why, and who I think would be best for the job. I don't have the ability to give her the keys, or force Mur to make a decision. As all others I am simply stating my opinion, as a loyal citizen of my land, on what I feel would be best for it.

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you know i would have to agree with phan on this one.

It does not matter how or why the room ended up in tribunal
the fact of the matter is it is in tribunal lands

So yes i would agree with phan that someone from tribunal should have the keys

so to add to phan nomination,
i would also like to suggest that Sephirah be the next key holder

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That's a hard question..is there anyone asides of Miq who doesn't seem to be "known" that much and actually doesn't really have an affiliation? Just asking, because I can only think of a few inactives. It's rare for someone to be a white paper in political terms. Or almost white paper.

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Yrth, that's plain bs :D.
According to your logic (and phantasm as well) I should get the item phantasm had/has for running the GGG. Why? Because the players are sent into UG which according to both your logic is MY territory. Or at least I should have as many rights over it as a player who is affiliated to MDA. In this case nor phantasm nor Chewett would be entitled to the item.

I will be honest since I have nothing to lose or gain from this. I don't trust phantasm not to influence Saphira in her decisions.And as far as I know phantasm he will "help" certain players using his influence over Saphira (btw:sorry if I misspelled the name).

Oh and I have another nomination if you want: Yoshi.

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Caveat Emptor: The room is not soundproof. Earfocus and Acoustic Remains can be used to see within the walls.

I never said I wanted the to be in charge of the keys, and as a matter of fact, I do not want that responsibility.

I resent the implication that if I were to be granted such a responsibility, I would abuse it.

Elthen was paid three silver, as per his rules, and has multiple messages waiting in his inbox from me inquiring to his whereabouts.

I do not think Dst should hold the keys. Here are some suggestions off the top of my head:
Assira the Black, Sephira, Adiomino, Kyphis, Awiiya, Pazur, Lightsage, Aysun

Edit: Yes, Dusty, I think Yoshi is a good nomination as well.

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Yrth, that's plain bs :D.
According to your logic (and phantasm as well) I should get the item phantasm had/has for running the GGG. Why? Because the players are sent into UG which according to both your logic is MY territory. Or at least I should have as many rights over it as a player who is affiliated to MDA. In this case nor phantasm nor Chewett would be entitled to the item.


Regards the item well no you would be wrong in that as MDA is not really a land per say.
It is there and well mostly empty. Just because an item send someone to a place does not meen
that it is an item of that place. The GGG is a completly diffrent issue to be honest and one i
wont get into from here.

As UG has no real ruller unless you wish to become queen then you have no claim to any item
and as the item is not a land based item you have less of a claim to be honest.

i am only goign by the logic you put forward here for the argument over the GGG item
but to point out also i didnt know there was one :P


Oh and I have another nomination if you want: Yoshi.

Yoshi would be a good choise.
The idea of this nominated list is for people to be nominated
i agreed that i would lean more towards players from the location
that is involved in this dispute.

If you wish Make a list of players and i meen a proper list
one that can be seen without having to go through all the pages of the topic
or even start a new clean topic and have people vote.

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By default termination of the better known people, out of the list so far I saw leaves Miq, Pazur or Aysun. Which are also those I haven't seen on a less political side.

Unless you people wish to have a better known person taking care of it.

Is there anyone else? I don't think we have to pick someone with these 2 conditions, but we could suggest someone like that.

I can't say much about them though, since I never talked to them much. If I went by profile, I'd actually recommend Kafuuka- but I don't think he'd want it, nor be online enough.

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Yeah, it is best if it isn't someone that is a person of title/notoriety or whatever you want to call it. I really wouldn't have felt in a position to hold the keys, even if Mur hadn't said anything. The notion of a king of a land holding some resposibility in another land seems wrong to me.
I do think that Phan does have a point. Even if Tribunal was just a place that was chosen, it is there now nonetheless. My personal preference would be to see a 'neutral' party chosen. By that I mean someone from a land with no king.
However, I would say that Miq is a good sort indeed and I have found Pazur to be quite altruistic. I think it may make a good recognition of Pazur's altruism. I can't say anything about Aysun, simply because I have not had much if any contact with them. So I'm not saying they shouldn't be chosen, merely that I am not in a place to make a comment either way.

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[quote name='Yrthilian' date='17 June 2010 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1276798970' post='62088']
UG has no real ruller
Neither does the Tribunal, so by your logic, the Tribunal alliances have no right to any land-based items.

I believe that this is being seen as a huge responsibility when it's not. It's just access to a room where you can use chat without worrying about anybody seeing it. No matter who is chosen, somebody with the spells Grapefruit mentioned can still ask to be let in after somebody has left.

So really, the only thing I want to suggest right now is that spells have no effect in the room.

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='17 June 2010 - 01:43 PM' timestamp='1276800215' post='62089']
By default termination of the better known people, out of the list so far I saw leaves Miq, Pazur or Aysun. Which are also those I haven't seen on a less political side.

Unless you people wish to have a better known person taking care of it.

Is there anyone else? I don't think we have to pick someone with these 2 conditions, but we could suggest someone like that.

I can't say much about them though, since I never talked to them much. If I went by profile, I'd actually recommend Kafuuka- but I don't think he'd want it, nor be online enough.

Thinking on it, Miq and Pazur are both in alliances which does not completely make them neutral... however Aysun is not a part of an alliance. She is fairly active and seems to look at things with a reasonable perspective and she is not quite so well known either. I think she would be a good choice.

I would have to agree with your mentioning of Kafuuka as well, though I do not see him much.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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I'm not entirely sure either...I remember seeing that player around, but yeah..can you honestly tell me you knew Elthen before this started?

Might be that Miq and Pazur got alliances, I didn't keep track. I'm not recommending Aysun before talking with her (or him)..but I'm just saying that out of the list handed in so far only those 3 come to mind to fit the 2 criterias of being not too famous and not very political.

Does anyone know where Aysun usually walks? Now I'm curious just what kind of player joined a while ago.

Edit: In case anybody thinks the other way: That's the list in my opinion. Different views, different lists, obviously.

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='17 June 2010 - 05:05 PM' timestamp='1276812310' post='62113']
I'm not entirely sure either...I remember seeing that player around, but yeah..can you honestly tell me you knew Elthen before this started?

Might be that Miq and Pazur got alliances, I didn't keep track. I'm not recommending Aysun before talking with her (or him)..but I'm just saying that out of the list handed in so far only those 3 come to mind to fit the 2 criterias of being not too famous and not very political.

Does anyone know where Aysun usually walks? Now I'm curious just what kind of player joined a while ago.

Edit: In case anybody thinks the other way: That's the list in my opinion. Different views, different lists, obviously.

She usually runs around in No Man's Land, either at the GoE or at the Howling Gates.

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Ah, I remember her now (I think). She the noob that used to write huuge posts on the forum that I never had the patience to read.

She's waaay to new for a job like this.
Pazur is really a great guy except for the fact that he's Loreroot's guy :D. And I doubt he will be able to oppose Loreroot's will.

So back to square 1 for me: Miq or Yoshi.

Kafuuka would be the best possible choice but yes, I doubt he will want the job. He values his freedom too much and I respect that.

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Yeah and Necro is a new version of Loreroot (except maybe 2 or 3 people who have no power of decision and except from jester who lately was inactive - and I will not comment on this because everyone has his/her reasons). Let's not hide behind words and titles.

LE: I got it from the first time :D. No need to tell me twice :D

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If I actually go by profile..then I'm not exactly sure Miq or Pazur fit in as well.

Aysun doesn't fit from the profile of what I got just by looking over the old posts.

Since I'm not too interested to act for this affair..I suggest everyone suggests some more names.

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Yeah, he isn't a Loreroot guy. Kind of really beyond fed up with such comments too. If you think that someone is good for the job it shouldn't really matter where the hell they are from should it? I wonder, if Loreroot were to be removed from MD, which land of people would you chose to berate then?

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Please keep this in order and a discussion about the issue as to why this topic was opened. Open flame wars shall not be tolerated and warn levels given if the spam is too excessive.

I'm saying this as a mod btw. If you want to discuss and flame, do so in another topic.

If anyone believes I'm too involved to remain neutral as a mod here, step forward now, else I'll really mod it if I see the need to.

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