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  • Root Admin

Not sure where to post this, mods relocate if you find better.

I hope I am not offending anyone of I post the woodcutters guild under LR, if so, your king should tell me (based on your complains of course, if any).

Not that I want LR peopel to chop down their own land , but it only seemed appropriate to associate wood cutting with Loreroot.

I am founding a new guild, one that will have as main activity the gathering of wood and related resources from across the land, mainly Loreroot. Anyone over 30 days can apply for it, I will select a few and then the leader of the guild can invite more based on his/her own rules.

My rules for starting the guild is that you should state why you wish to join it.
things that will raise your chances: current role related to similar activity, real life hobby or occupation related to woodcutting, wood carving or similar.

The guild will receive a set of tools to distribute among its members. If you lose the tools its up to you to get them back. The tools are regular items, usable, powered with the new item features that allow you to gather wood related resources and increase your woodcutting skill. There will be apprentice tools to perfect your skill and master tools to perform more advanced operations once your skill is high enough. Wood and wood related materials will be a main resource in the realm, but remember there will be a lot more resources and similar guilds and you can only be part of one guild at a time.
The resources gathered by the guild members can be stockpiled for later purposes or traded to outside parties for any price or service the holder wants. Once gathered, the resources are yours to do whatever you wish with them. Actual use of these resources will be added in time (soon) and will consist in crafting of other items , a chain of production even, creating of reusable or consumable items, etc. Most resources will condense in low quantity composite products that in turn will combine to create even more rare advanced products. For example woodcutters will be able to provide "tree bark", an essential ingredient for the alchemists guild (oh yeah). That incredient together with a lot more others comming from other sources will finnaly assamble into powerfull items but only by people that have the right skill to do that.

Leader of the guild will be the one with highest loyalty score, i will not assign a leader. These guilds are tehnically respecting the rules of alliances but i refer to them as guilds because they have nothing to do with fighting. The guild will offer high protection but no attack or other fighting bonuses. The skill you gain while performing guild related activities remain with your profile forever and might count to future crafting activities.

I will look over this topic and pick the first members of the guild as soon as all the features are ready and the items are prepared. The leader will be given all the items and he should distribute them among the other memebers on whatever reason he pleases.

I will discourage a single person to master opposite skills. Once you pick a path you should stick to it and master it. I even plan to make skill drop in case you increase an other competing skill , so don't think you will be able to master all.

Good luck

Posted (edited)

I wish to apply for this guild, i am to be honest unsuited for a career of woodcutting however for the past year my path in MD has been vague and meandering with little meaning to it. I would view acceptance into this guild as my chance to change this.

I also had a hobby of creating eating and cooking utensils out of wood a few years back in RL if that helps, also while not actually knowing much about woodcutting itself i do know a lot of uses for wood and how to do so, i have at one point in my life fletched a bow - albeit brought the string with me. I also know a lot about the construction and artistic uses such as how to turn it into furniture and the properties of the different types of wood from the like of the harder woods e.g lignum vitae (believed extinct) and green oak to the softer woods like particular varieties of teak and ebony. So while i do not know much about the cutting i know a lot about the woods themselves

Necromancer Mortis

Edited by Necromancer Mortis
Posted (edited)

I am interested in how the guilds will work and would like to put myself forward to join.

My reason for applying would be because I was an apprentice craftsman in my prior life and I would like to continue my apprenticeship and do something useful for this realm.

Reason for edit: Add reasons for application

Edited by Laphers

I really like the idea of having a non-combat skill we can level, it sounds fun and exciting, but one thing is discouraging me from signing up. I am a MP4 player and I found out that if I join a guild, it would be like joining an alliance, and i would be opened to attacks from all other alliance members, and i dont think i can defend myself from MP5s alliance member's attacks.

So is there anyway we can join a guild, which has nothing to do with fighting, without putting a "kick me" sign on our back to alliance members?

Posted (edited)

I would like to apply for the Woodcutting Guild. I am in no existing alliance and am greatly enthused by this new oppurtunity.
I have a natural affinity for the forest and have spent much time lurking in it's wonders and woodworking with fires and shelters In RL.

Edited by DoppleGanger

[quote name='Grido' date='10 August 2010 - 02:06 AM' timestamp='1281405974' post='65531']
It is a guild that is being formed, which means that if you get accepted into it you would have to leave your current alliance to join it.

Is that correct?

I didn't see Mur mention that guilds and alliances were the same thing. The new skills addition doesn't really have anything to do with fighting. It would make much more sense if the guilds complemented the alliance system.

A woodcutting legend speaker could be different than a miner legend speaker.



[quote name='Darigan' date='09 August 2010 - 09:46 PM' timestamp='1281404800' post='65528']
Being that Laphers and Sub have applied I'll assume these guilds are something you can join while still being in an alliance?

If so I'd have interest in this guild or others you have planned to help develop my role...I don't currently have much of a role at the moment and could see one of these guilds helping to develop mine and a lot of others roles

I'm pretty sure Mur said that you can't be in both. But I agree, it would be nice if they complimented each other.


Just a reminder to those who apply:
[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 07:56 AM' timestamp='1281401804' post='65517']

My rules for starting the guild is that [b]you should state why you wish to join it[/b].
things that will raise your chances: current role related to similar activity, real life hobby or occupation related to woodcutting, wood carving or similar.


  • Root Admin

[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1281401804' post='65517']
Leader of the guild will be the one with highest loyalty score, i will not assign a leader. These guilds are tehnically respecting the rules of alliances but i refer to them as guilds because they have nothing to do with fighting.

[quote name='cutler121' date='10 August 2010 - 06:14 AM' timestamp='1281417252' post='65540']
Is that correct?

I didn't see Mur mention that guilds and alliances were the same thing. The new skills addition doesn't really have anything to do with fighting. It would make much more sense if the guilds complemented the alliance system.

A woodcutting legend speaker could be different than a miner legend speaker.


Its an alliance, you can infer it from that line.


[quote]I hope I am not offending anyone of I post the woodcutters guild under LR, if so, your king should tell me (based on your complains of course, if any).[/quote]

Well, I am as much in the dark here as anyone else really. Does the guild reside in a particular land? Will it be part of Loreroot and therefore its members citizens, or will it be a non-land entity that merely happens to harvest the resources of lands? How does that place the land whose resources are being harvested?
If the guild is supposed to be part of the land, then perhaps its membership should only be open to citizens? The reason I say this, is because I am getting the sense that it will simply be seen as the next shiny thing for the magpies to want.
Not to sound negative, but currently there seems to be an impression that alliances and citizenship in general are just clothes that can be changed or discarded when a person feels like it. Guilds or groups which suddenly seem to offer a new skill or ability are obviously going to draw attention and to me at least, it feels that people with a sense of loyalty are the ones that will be let down, while the magpies will simply move on to pastures new with more exciting shiny bits to feather their nests. Again, it may sound negative, but it is at the very least something that could be considered for the future, which can have a positive outcome.

  • Root Admin

keep this topic discuss this guil, i will open a separate one to discuss land affiliation and alliance restrictions.

- yes this is tehnically an alliance, you need to exit current one to join this one
- yes it comes with lr citizenship, that i should have thought of and discuss it with firth firth, my mistake
- woodcutters are not careless tree choppers. It should be as part of their code to protect the forest and be sure they will have what to gather later.

I suggest there will be a tehnical rule that resources that are completely depleeted will not regenerate as fast as those partially depleeted. That will make woodcutters and other future guilds learn to moderate their gathering and also care about the resource provider in this case the trees. This would be a great addition to support an internal code of a gathering guild but also a vulnerability, and you know how much i love this kind of combination.

by that your concern about lr turning into mindless tree choppers should be solved...right? Consider you are collecting the harvest not consuming nature. wood grows back if you are not destroying the forest. This might go well also with seed planting and watering.

Posted (edited)

Hmm well i guess i will put in my opinion here.

I dont know but maby it would have been better to approach the king of the land
on this idea of the guild mineing the resorces of that land. Get the king to organise this new guild

The reasion i say speak with the king of the land and get him to help start the project off
is that if you look at it as in RL each land as a resorce that they can use as their trade.
like the way each country exports it resorces and import what they dont have.

MD lands could work under the same principle. I am assuming that the guild will not just be
giving away wood all over the place and that a cost may be worked out in some way for the materials
so why not have the king help organice this new resorce of his land. In this way you get the people working together
with the land kings and the people of that land will be the ones to work for the king in a way.

I can see this working much better than just sticking in a new guild and making them part of a land
as this seems to be the direction for the woodcutters as it would make sence that they are part of that land
other wise they would not be able to do their work as the land citizens would be forced to attack that guild for
ileagly mining the resorces of LR.

I think this idea would work well and is a great way to generate resorces within the lands and the realm
this i believe would also encurage trade more as there would be no conflic of intrest for all parties involved
I am not sayign the king should control the guild per say just that he has some input to the idea and to the new guild
In this way a tax or a small fee could be charge to keep the land resorse for bigger trades of more rare items but the land
king also this would help each land build their treasurey and allow the king to give other types of rewards.

Mur i think the approach on this matter could have been done a little better i feel if you had spoken with firs first
and come up with a way to introduce this idea it would be better recived and would have been better to see such comunication
and provide a good example of how people could work with you the creature to bring in new features.

Ok i got to stop or i will just ramble
Hope i didnt anoy anyone to much with my thinking.

Have fun

Note i didnt see mur post above
unill i posted this one but this one still stand as is

edit to add a note

Edited by Yrthilian
Posted (edited)

i would still like to join lol despite the problems
reasons to create more purpose in playing rather than just waiting for creatures to age lol, and curiosity over where this will lead and what role it will fill/take
used to do woodwork in skool still do every now and then

Edited by marleybob

Firstly lets get the little things out of the way :)

Name - Sasha Lilias

Age - 355 Acticve Days

Now for my reason:

Introduction: I am interested in joining this guild for both in game and out I enjoy woodcrafts.
In game: Sasha Lilias enjoys being around nature alot, though she has never actually cut down a tree, she has often crafted little things from branches and sticks. In her younger days her mother was an experianced woods crafts lady, and created the Golden harp that Sasha has to this very day. Her mother taught her alot of what knows, including woods craft, but she does not usually have the means to practice it. Being in a Woodcutters guild would give her the chance to acquire the wood in a more practical way than just foraging for the already cut or fallen.

Out of game: I used to, and still do, enjoy looking at trees, planting them and learning about there different properties and ways to work out what tree is what. Also I used to be a keen outdoors girl and taught my siblings about the trees we had around us, this would often mean the three of us camping out for a few nights (for fun ^_^). We would often cut down smaller (usually dead) trees to use for fire wood. It was great fun :)

Conclusion: All in all I would find that joining this guild wood allow me to place some of my unused knowledge into the game and that it would help establish a solid role for Sasha. :)

Thankyou for reading this.

~Sasha Lilias~

Posted (edited)

Character Name: The Warrior
Character ID: 111191
Age (Active Days): 485 (on day 221 year 5)
Loyalty (at time of writing): 279

I, The Warrior, am intregued by this new guild am would like to sign up for it. In RL I love walking amongst the trees and nature, and I like making things out of wood, branches, sticks, bark, leaves and seeds. Since being in MD I feel I have become attracted to the land of Loreroot and I think I have generally spent more time there than anywhere else. I like gardening, I am interested in sustainability and am looking forward to this new development. I like having a balance to life so I would try not to over harvest myself and would encourage others not to. If need be I would defend the workplace (where there are trees) against over harvesting and general malicious damage to the trees.

Edited by darlec77

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