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Md Awards 2010 - Suggestions


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Right, as much as I hate to think of it nearing the end of the year (I refuse to acknowledge Christmas until as close to the start of Dec I can get away with), the timing is close enough for the MD-Awards for this year.

This thread will be used to suggest the different categories for awards, scheduling stuff as well at the bottom. So yeah, this is for award suggestions, not nominations, and certainly not voting yet.

The below list is the combination of both 2008 and 2009's final categories, striked out are ones which are decided (by you) not to include into the list (I already removed a few, obvious and noted reasons). New categories are also encouraged, and will get added to the list if there's no/negligible objections to it. This is the purpose of the thread, to come up with a final list of categories, remove and add as you decide, I'll just edit the list every so often.
Notes in brackets are up for debate, but are like it for a reason.

Adventuring Award (Quester)
Best Artist
Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (combined)
[s]Best Dojo Staff[/s] (Doesn't exist)
[s]Best PL Entry[/s] (See Best Quote)
[s]Best PWR[/s] (See Best Role Player)
Best Quote [s](See Best PL)[/s]
[s]Best RPC[/s] (Doesn't exist)
Best Spell Caster
Champion Fighter
Elite Evil Villain of the Year
Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
[s]Funniest Character[/s]
The Golden Protector
[s]LHO[/s] Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated, erg...didn't what to expand that one [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img])
[s]Least Convincing Alts[/s]
Most Addicted
[s]Most Annoying[/s]
Most Influential
Outstanding Service to MD
[s]Paragon Papers[/s]
Pre-eminent Role Player
Prime Quest
Rookie of the year (20 - [s]100[/s] 365 AD)
Superlative Orator (Debating)
Top Techie

Suggestions (This thread) will be open for a week, till 23rd Nov, at which point;
Nominations will open on 24th, will also last a week, ending 1st Dec, then;
Voting, starting 2nd Dec, for 2 weeks ending 16th Dec, or until 100 votes (whichever is sooner);
Awards Ceremony will then take place on 19th Dec.

[b][u]About Schedule[/u][/b]
- Suggestions details at top of page.
- Nominations must be made by other people, you cannot nominate yourself, doing so can lead to being excluded from all voting and being voted for. This includes from alts.
- The in game voting system will be used, I spoke to contact about that and seems to be alright since Mur suggested it last year. Alt votes will be removed from said list and owner voting rights and winning rights removed. There was an issue with the number of people voting last year (24 I believe) so hopefully in game system will lead to more votes, a low AD requirement will hopefully be added to be able to vote (To prevent people not knowing wth is going on, voting), but with the rookie award not sure on what that requirement should be (Suggestions?). You will not ~have~ to vote in all categories, but it is preferred.
Myself, dst, and [s]one other person (Basically first person to message me, offering to help)[/s] Awiiya, will independently count up the votes, and match up numbers, to ensure that none of us are miscounting.
- Awards Ceremony will hopefully take place in Sage Keep again, need to sort that out still, but hopefully there shouldn't be any problem with it, doors open an all, wherever it ends up being, should be at 2000 server time Sunday 19th Dec, this was the time last year, if there are any objections, please state them.
Last year winners were told before the ceremony that they had won, and to prepare a speech, this year, they will NOT be told before the ceremony, a few people complained about it, all players nominated will be expected to have some semblance of a speech prepared in case they win.
I will take a chat log (will post it in the vote thread), and also post winning speeches on md-archives.

[s][color=#ff0000][b]I need an artist to draw trophies for this[/b][/color], please approach me if you're interested, I may be able to send some coin your way for doing the trophies. After suggestions are final, I would then send you the list of trophies I would be commissioning [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img].[/s]
Marvolo has offered his services to draw the artwork.

Previous years threads[spoiler]2008
Can't seem to find the voting thread, pm me a link if you do please



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You stated in the thread below that this might be a good addition to the MD awards.

Perhaps it could be used for the best RP couple instead of what was thought originally.


Edit: So as not to get the people banned for the status of being Mr and Mrs MagicDuel, it'll be something like Mr and Mrs 2010, unless someone else comes up with a more creative name. Or, we can keep it at the same old comedic standpoint that it was originally.

Edited by Curiose
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Mmmh.. I only know a couple of whom I want to nominate.. so.. yeah;

Veteran of the year; Grido
Most Annoying; Aaront22
Outstanding Service to MD; Grido (I do not have a man crush, that would be Bubbah)
We can't nominate Mur can we?

As for the rest, no name pops out of the grey masses of the people, and that's the first criteria I have for nominating at all (not voting, that's something else).

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bad bunny!

[quote]This thread will be used to suggest the different categories for awards, scheduling stuff as well at the bottom. So yeah, this is for award suggestions, [b]not nominations[/b], and certainly [b]not voting yet.[/b][/quote]

@Curi, convince the hoi polloi, they have the final say

Edited by Grido
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Lifting my post from I am Bored's aborted attempt at starting this thread, and whittling off the items on grido's list, or that were awarded prizes on their own merit....


Puzzle Quest, Group Adventure Quest (split this category)
Event Organizer

Game Service:

Forum Mod, Code-Bug Killing, Big Gift Spender, Cash Supporter,

Booby Prizes:

Obnoxious Win Poacher, Biggest Mouth, Silliest Role Play, Biggest screw-up, Biggest Combat loss, Most jail time, Funniest

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Shouldn't some of the nominees be told if they win. Not that I plan on being nominated (god knows I won't be winning anything) but it would be rather embarrassing if one of the winning nominees decided not to show up because they thought the votes where against them.

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@Fyrd, Big Gift Spender, Cash Supporter = not objective, so not something really voteable, just a matter of looking at the supporter status thing, Gift Spender might be able to do, but I don't think so for same reasons
Most Jail Time, regardless if it's a booby prize, nobody should get a reward from being in Jail a lot

@RJ, Fossil of the Year would be same as Veteran one, name changes are fine though btw

@Kami, Last year they were told and some of those that didn't win complained about why they were waiting around if there wasn't a chance of winning, when the nominations are settled I will try to ensure that either they can make it, or that a proxy can be arranged to attend on their behalf.

@Curi, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoi_polloi"]Hoi Polloi[/url]

@Kyphis, Best Protector is already there, and Worshipper would be a matter of looking up how much heat a player has donated? Too clear cut.

--As usual, these are only my opinions, and only if people agree with them do they count for this.
I will give it a day or two before updating the initial list, to give time to talk about which are good awards and such, remember, I kinda expect you to remove a few from that list as well, so find the ones you don't think should be an award and point them out please.
Just because I've randomly decided, someone has to show support of your suggestion for it to get added, like "I like the idea of the LHO of the year award, blah blah", equally, removal of awards has to be agreed by others.

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Hoi polloi et barbaroi :P
A.k.a the plebs, you know, oliver twist kind of scruffy little peasants who have the gall to get in my way and the nerve to complain when I drive over them.

Also, not bad bunny, sleepy bunny... if you look at the post, you'll see it was posted at 3:41 am. So.. yeah.. I was sleepy.

Anyway, since we are not going to nominate Mur, I think it's better to differentiate between social contributor of MD and technical contributor of MD.
If no one agrees, I am fine with just having an 'Outstanding service to Md' award. (cuz it can be a bit too general)

Also, maybe differentiate between types of quests?

Best quest, hardest quest (and possible, but less likely) funniest quest, worst quest?

And a category for most awesome bunny in all of the realm.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1289897154' post='72236']
Most law upholding ex-villain
Most Effective Protector
Most Effective Worshipper
Best Bug Hunter

Law upholding - sounds stupid lol
Protector - yeah i like it,
Most effective worshipper - same as grido, too clear cut and also too open
Best bug hunter - the best bug's that have been discover, you will never hear about. So its exceedingly pointless as only the bad bug hunters tell everyone about the bugs...

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[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1289877536' post='72227']
Puzzle Quest, Group Adventure Quest (split this category)
Event Organizer
As much as I'd like to have more chances at winning, I have to ask not to split categories too much until there is only one candidate left. You can categorize by difficulty (from insane to so easy it only took one minute for someone to win), by enjoyability, by amount of people participating, by integration into MD...
On the other hand, a lot of people would not think about events when asked about quests, so having a best event might be nice.

Obnoxious Win Poacher, Biggest Mouth, Silliest Role Play, Biggest screw-up, Biggest Combat loss, Most jail time, Funniest
I think it's tricky to have and funniest and best PL and silliest RP. Seems to be highly related. You say it's a booby prize, so I guess it's supposed to be the silliest RP that was not meant to be silly? That would be difficult to judge, whereas most funny (intentional) is a lot easier.

If we have both best <100AD and best >whatever AD it takes to get on the vet list, shouldn't there be something for those in between? It seems to me that whenever there's a rookie I like, they get to be 101 AD by nomination time.

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[quote name='Novato' timestamp='1289917128' post='72248']
Most funny Character (not that I liked, but, let's be realistic, the majorit of all role player are funny stuff, not nobel mimic stuff)

Best artist (don't ask me how to know their work, just a suggestion)
Best avatar
I like this ;)

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[quote]If we have both best <100AD and best >whatever AD it takes to get on the vet list, shouldn't there be something for those in between? It seems to me that whenever there's a rookie I like, they get to be 101 AD by nomination time.[/quote]
Rookie could get extended to <365 (I think someone else commented this), you do ofc then have the issue of are they still rookies?
If you want one for some intermediary period, then suggest a name for it? I believe it's like this way currently because rookies get rewarded for progressing well at a young age, and veterans for sticking around and still playing for so long, the middle don't come under either of those too...fittingly (imo), so some other..err...description or such would have to be thought

On suggestions to remove;
Least Convincing Alts
Most Annoying
--both were removed last year btw, but were in first year

Any renames people can think of? I'd rather have fewer "Best.." and call them something else

(As always my ideas have to be agreed if they are to be acted upon, I do not place my opinions on awards above others)

LE: @nad, Best Item? err...lots of items i could say that about, so I'd be against that, and Item holder is a little clear cut, would that be whoever has the most items? Best collection? people would vote for friends, idk, don't see it working
MP6 already have in the Prot award
MP3 basically already have in the rookie award
4 & 5 might be a reasonable intermediary like Kaf was saying, but how would you judge it?

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[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1289955054' post='72279']
Any renames people can think of? I'd rather have fewer "Best.." and call them something else
You could just take the word "best" out and replace it with the word "award" at the end, for example "Quester award", or something similar.

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Alternate names (and a few comments):

Best Back Story(Have either this or Best Personal Papers. They seem redundant)
Best Debater - Superlative Orator (Meant to be wordy - it's the best debater after all)
Best Fighter - Champion Fighter
Best Role Player - Preeminent Role Player
Best Personal Papers - Paragon Papers
Best PL Entry(I don't like this award, it strikes me as difficult to judge)
Best Protector - The Golden Protector
Best Quest - Prime Quest
Best Quester - Adventuring Award
Best Spell Caster(Might be best to fold this into protector?) - Most Magical Caster
Best Techie - Top Techie
Best Villain - Elite Evil Villain of the Year

There are plenty more adjectives meaning "best" where that came from....


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