Shadowseeker Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 Excuse me, but are you currently trying to write serious, reputable articles, or is this just some kind of gossip you are currently writing up with a LOT of personal views inside and presented in the most scandalous way possible? I surely hope you won't need me to quote all what you wrote in the latest tabloid about GG, though you seem to forget Indyra and Akasha... But that's not the main issue. Is this to be taken serious, or just like a cheap magazine (not even a newspaper?). Please be so kind as to clarify. Yoshi, awiiya, Curiose and 4 others 4 3
lightsage Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 [quote]A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material. [/quote] So, usually it is stories that have a one sided view for the sake of entertainment yet contain nothing but the truth. [quote]This space is reserved for the first/best insightful story selected that addresses the above topic in an entertaining yet legally defensible way.[/quote] Entertaining would be the one sided view or different angel and the legally defensible the fact that it is supposed to be true. Fyrd did not put in his post that there are no women in golemus, merely that they are rare. (And the question rather there are any) Watcher, Rendril, (Zl-eye-f)-nea and 1 other 2 2
Root Admin Chewett Posted December 5, 2010 Root Admin Report Posted December 5, 2010 I agree with Shadow here. Although you may feel this is a "good move" or some such thing. I personally feel all of these stories are both factually inaccurate, Stupid, and really dragging the good name of the Legend Speakers through the Mud. If this is the direction that they are to be going in then they will most certainly be losing respect.They have changed from the Legend Speakers, To the Rumour Mongers Amoran Kalamanira Kol and Atrumist 1 1
Curiose Posted December 5, 2010 Report Posted December 5, 2010 (edited) I had spoken to Fyrd about this a little bit, and to be frank, even -I- am upset about this. It's not just because we're asking people to write things for -US- the Legend Speakers, but ffs, this isn't even what the Alliance is about! We're a serious group, not some botched copy of the MDNP. My apologies to those who are upset. Edit: Actually, let me go on a rant, and a bit of a tangent here. I. am. FURIOUS. I have been furious ever since I ever heard the idea. Fyrd's plan is to get people 'interested' in the drama and politics of MD. WE ARE -NOT- DRAMA WHORES. [Pardon my language.] As the only other Alliance Member, I find that I have EVERY right to protest against this and I am doing so right now. I voiced my opinions to Fyrd privately, but let me state them here: We are LEGEND Speakers. We speak of the past, and we have creative input. Our ROLE is not to bloody stir the pot any more than it has. I know that under new leadership must come new ideas but this is RIDICULOUS. With all due respect to my "leader," I honestly must say that I do not respect this idea at all. Edited December 5, 2010 by Curiose Totenkopf, Amoran Kalamanira Kol, awiiya and 4 others 4 3
Fyrd Argentus Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 For now I will just say I've gotten multiple reactions on both ends of the spectrum to this little experiment. Kamisha, Jubaris, Sparrhawk and 1 other 2 2
Curiose Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 "Experiment!?" Where the hell do you get off, "experimenting" with our Alliance's integrity, and none the less, reputation? Do you -want- us to get bad names? Do you seriously -want- our publicity to be bad? You're poking the bear, here, and I am sick of it. This is ridiculous. I can understand wanting to get people interested, but to completely change our image like this? As I said before: We are NOT a botched version of the MDNP, we are LEGEND SPEAKERS. I proudly wear that title and if by God you don't like that, then I'll gladly fight tooth and nail for what I believe. Let me remind you that this was originally Yami's Alliance. You hold leadership, but that does NOT mean you own this alliance. Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Totenkopf, BigC and 7 others 5 5
Fyrd Argentus Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Mur has taken a strong stand against created or artificial “Ancient Legends”, insisting that we should instead chronicle the actual events of our time, and actions of actual characters. 90++ % of the new players never learn about what goes on in Magic Duel. They get bored and leave. What people are doing IS Magic Duel. Shining a light on their deeds and misdeeds, sometimes applauding, sometimes booing, sometimes laughing in delight or in ridicule, is not “stirring the pot” or “rumor mongering”. This is writing about things that actually happened, that should not be hidden away in dark corners. And I am asking for INSIGHTFUL stories, not one-sided ones. Any good reporter knows the difference between rumor and fact. Rumor is what tells you something out there is happening. Fact is what you find, and leads you to the real story – hopefully and especially including the “why”. I am offering story assignments (with rewards from my pocket) based on the merest suggestion that there might be a story somewhere. It would be ridiculous to think Legend Speakers has a monopoly on wisdom and perspective, or that 1 or 2 of us can chronicle the deeds of the 200,000 player ID’s that have passed through the realm. My dearest hope is to inspire others, many others, new or veteran, to take up these assignments and uncover the actual truth. Yes, I have adopted an extreme style in the EDITORIAL voice, which should differ from the voice of those with the actual byline. The adventure log is dead, the newspaper is dead, Magic Duel is in survival mode and hurting. Why? It always boils down to lack of interest and involvement. This editorial style is calculated to generate the maximum interest and excitement about what is actually happening in Magic Duel. For better or worse, all we can say about Magic Duel is that “it is what it is”. Unless people are excited and engaged, it will continue to diminish. (The game improves, its financial prospects do not). And as with all things, The Tabloids will either change or die. All of life is an experiment, like it or not. The Tabloids are just one finger on the hand that is Legend Speakers, and does not define the alliance. However, each finger on that hand is directed in a different way, to the mission that I see, which is to bring Magic Duel fully to life for ever more people. That is my goal. Reader response is now evenly divided at 4 vs. 4. If you wish to see Magic Duel grow as I do, help me refine my initiatives in a constructive way. Thank you. Jester, Rendril, BigC and 3 others 4 2
Jester Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) In my opinion Fyrd is showing good initiative. When is the last time anyone heard a Legend Speaker speak about a Legend? I was around when Yami was playing, and the way the Legend Speakers have been recently has been rather pathetic. So far the only thing I've seen is Story Night, which are made up stories and have no relation to Legends whatsoever. These "tabloids" have actual relation to MD, and I think they show potential. I'll assist with this if I can, but I'm rather busy at the moment so I don't think I can write any articles. EDIT: I agree with the other responses about the non-serious manner of the articles being a problem, but you have to start somewhere. Edited December 6, 2010 by Jester Malaikat Maut, Watcher, Totenkopf and 2 others 3 2
Seigheart Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) I agree with Jester. Although this may not be the BEST idea in the world, it shows initiative, and has potential to add to the Flavour of MD. Where would Baskin Robins be if he only had Vanilla and Chocolate icecream? Where would your local newspaper be without the daily comics? Perhaps, just perhaps, we need something player driven to spice up the Realm? There are many odd things that happen that the majority of the Realm fail to notice, perhaps this Tabloid is a perfect way to spread humour, sarcasm, and realmly events. Give him a chance, see where he takes this, before you shoot him down. Edit: I shall give my support as well by suggesting and reporting on the happenings of MD. ~Vic Edited December 6, 2010 by Vicarious phantasm, Sparrhawk, Kyphis the Bard and 2 others 3 2
Shadowseeker Posted December 6, 2010 Author Report Posted December 6, 2010 I am in no manner an enemy of initiative as long as the reports are actually somewhat neutral: But this kind of biased commentary will not further in the cause, only harm it. Depicting things in a manner that are just utterly wrong does not exactly help when it is about "legal" spreading of news and not twisted rumors.
Curiose Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Well gee, Jester. I have tried to bring up Legend Night, but it seems the public was split on the matter. Hmm. I wonder what that says. And as I will say again: I never said it was bad to get people interested-- show initiative but I am highly against this. As for other events, I am working out the bugs first before it gets presented. Amoran Kalamanira Kol, phantasm and Totenkopf 1 2
Fyrd Argentus Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 Shadow, if I hear a twisted rumor, I am going to ask people to find out the truth about it, not bury it. I welcome you and others joining me in the quest for truth and the bigger picture. Since we have yet to have a single story submission, it is too soon to know whether this process is going to work. That is the "experiment" - can my admittedly provocative inquiries generate enough interest for people to wake up, investigate, and actually write stories?
Kafuuka Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1291646677' post='74646'] The adventure log is dead, the newspaper is dead, Magic Duel is in survival mode and hurting.[/quote] That one sentence says it all. The newspaper is dead. Your idea is good for a newspaper. Alas, the legend speakers are not the newspaper. Disconnect your tabloids from the legend speakers and half of your complaints are gone. The other half you'll need to be able to instigate a rival tabloids; a balance to ensure overall neutrality. From personal experience, I've had the neutrality debate often enough to say it never ends. The Legend Speakers are supposed to be strictly neutral and thus anything of this style will keep causing the debate to be actual. Creating something independent and declaring it not neutral is a lot easier in the long run. Kyphis the Bard and Watcher 1 1
awiiya Posted December 6, 2010 Report Posted December 6, 2010 (edited) A self-respecting writer such as myself would never think of writing for a tabloid such as the one you propose. Your prompts were childish, and I don't expect any sort of sophisticated piece of writing to come about from them. If the response so far is any indication, many people are thinking along the same lines as me. I do not want to write about some wishy-washy topic that seems to have no pertinence - who cares if there are few women in GG? Why does that matter? There is something interesting that could possibly be said on the subject, but instead of pointing to an interesting philosophical or moral question, you go for a more at-the-throat sensationalist take. To expect anything serious to come from what you have put forth is to me analogous to expecting Shakespeare from a monkey - maybe with enough banging away something worthwhile will be produced, but I'm not holding my breath. Awi Edited December 6, 2010 by awiiya Sephirah Caelum, Kyphis the Bard and BigC 3
Fyrd Argentus Posted December 7, 2010 Report Posted December 7, 2010 (edited) Deleted - new plan. Edited January 1, 2011 by Fyrd Argentus Kyphis the Bard 1
Sephirah Caelum Posted December 7, 2010 Report Posted December 7, 2010 [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1291646677' post='74646'] The adventure log is dead, the newspaper is dead, Magic Duel is in survival mode and hurting.[/quote] Why not use your time and talent to revive the newspape? There is a lot of things happening in the realm now, and many occured before. Kyphis the Bard 1
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