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Path Of the Dragonrider

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MD land is well known for its fighters.....as days passes more and more joins the land....and today I saw some strangers.....but beautiful warriors.....ah!! Women are magnificent creatures created by God.....how many times I draw them...i feel something missing...finally I stopped drawing and watched them enjoying their beauty.....below is far I could draw




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Hello .....is there is any Women championship happening...there are more....coming in....ah!! my hands are shaking...they are beautiful .....but......Warriors

Here is the calm one with a sword twice her size :P

and the tougher one...may be she doesnt need weapons :P...she has beautiful packs


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  • 3 months later...

While ceremony was happening, it was night here and I was sleeping with dreams of my veteran medal.....suddenly I saw MoC calling me, I opened my eyes..yes it was MoC with a gift box and an egg.....I walked towards him....suddenly i saw his face becoming evil uh!!.....i felt my vision getting blurred ...grr!! BLANk!! everything became dark....I jumped up and found myself in bed uhh!! it was a dream...and here is what i saw


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  • 2 weeks later...

I flew far beyond the Winds Sanctuary...in search of lost dragon realm....i wasnt mistaken ...i found the remains of the great dragon palace, here are some items that i found


Amazing Dragon Lantern: -Its said that at night the dragon open his mouth with flashing light...tearing the darkness




Book Of Dragons:- Ancient book of dragons written by the dragonriders...it contains information about dragons..I am still decoding it




I am gonna place these items when I rebuild the dragon palace... :))



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

These days...I am flying a lot, my dearest art tools are somewhere far....so i grabbed ....a medieval iPad and a tool called "Adobe Ideas"....started again (still amatuer..)...but this time since I flew over some rainbows...my drawings got color :)





Edited by dragonrider7
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  • 1 month later...

I have a conspiracy theory - someone is sneaking into MD, coping all the artworks, then goes back in time and creates sculptures, myths and legends! This is a major Sabotage!!!

Edited by Fire Starter
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