Curiose Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 I like the announcement, like Chewy Said. In the back of my mind, I was always thinking that perhaps this would be a solution, and voila! It is implemented. As for the mp6 thing and above... MP6 are normally in alliances, anyway, so maxing their creatures would be easy. However, I do not agree with people going all happy dandy and gathering adepts JUST because they want to max their creatures. I stand by those who actually become mp6 to help people, rather than for selfish reasons. Other than that, Mur said RARE creatures. Probably like Darks, Morphs, etc. Which, is probably to also help them from becoming a monopoly? Amoran Kalamanira Kol 1 Quote
Tipu Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1299244181' post='79957'] Creatures needing an mp level for an upgrade would be good, if it was an old feature. Now you'll have older players in all mp levels that have creatures on levels that are now unattainable for new players. Along with stats and knowledge of older players, and all the nifty things like tokens, this will lead to an even bigger gap between old players and new players. Solution for this would be to scale down all upgraded creatures to 0 level and let people upgrade them all over again. [b](Leaving wins and xp how they are)[/b] [/quote] I agree with Raven's idea. If this is practically possible why don't we try it... Quote
Sunfire Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 i think this is a bad idea even now there is a huge gap between the mp4 and mp5 levels even with some maxed creatures and some shopcreatures i hear it is very hard but now we cant even have a maxed heretic archer, how will we survive against them vets with maxed drachs, angiens, etc i think raven's idea is good as it would even all the odds Quote
xrieg Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 (edited) Hmmm why it seems to me that everybody is caring so much about poor newbies and balance on low MP level without asking them for opinion? At the same time vet MP5s are untouched by any MD change (even here: MP5s are except from the 'freeze') In theory we all should find our place/ role in MD. Well, some did in lower MP level. I spent 2 months MP3 doing quests - was quite active during that time. My experience from MP3 and now MP4: overpowered MP do not abuse their positions. Quite the opposite - training with them gave more understanding and knowledge than completely blind tests with fellow noobs. It's not an accident they have tens of friends, more than most active MP5s... If they found their role and nobody (except some MP5s that would love to fight them) complains about it - what is the objective of the last change? I admit though, that with the previous change (exp transfer, exp loss by sac) MP4 could easily get off balance. I do not thing it would happen, though - MP4 seems to be empty most of the time. With new requirement I would also suggest lowering exp cap for MP4 down to like 1.5M. As it is those who do not feel ready can easily avoid the cap now, there is no MP4 to train to prepare for MP5s anyway - and last announcement means also that after becoming MP5 also crits will be new. In many cases - by a few lvls as former MP4s will get attacked by people that went MP6 to max their crits. And least but not last - it would be only fair to allow people to reduce lvl of their crits to the highest level that allows for fighting. I am half way to the MP4 exp cap without any exp loosing tricks and several of my fighting crits are 'frozen' due to the last change. So please give me a MD Store reset at last (another rather new change it seems - no reset at start); I could buy new slots, get new crits for training EDIT: thanks for the reset :-) Edited March 4, 2011 by xrieg apophys and Neno Veliki 2 Quote
Burns Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 I've been all for that since christmas, love it! Also, I'm totally looking forward to whatever will happen to protector system. Just one thought I'd like to throw in: It would be nice if MP-requirements properly showed on a creature, not just 'advance mp' when trying to upgrade without the matching mp-level. Quote
aaront222 Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 (edited) Development status: evolving that we have't seen in a long time evolving working on something, be it game feature or just bug fix. constantly adding new things. This is the most [u][b]commong[/b][/u] stage and sign that the game development is progressing and that the game grows not only in players but [u][b]aslo[/b][/u] in features. so clearly mur is going to make big changes soon, he's working on this and also he misspelled also and common Edited March 4, 2011 by aaront222 Pipstickz, Tarquinus, Seigheart and 2 others 1 4 Quote
Neno Veliki Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 i want to thank xrieg for bringing out the other side of the story of those "horrible overpowered mp3s". also i would like to suggest mp5s to pay attention what those who have really been in touch with us have to say and not just bring out halfinformations, insinuations and propaganda of theirs without knowing the whole story. xrieg and apophys 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted March 4, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted March 4, 2011 If you hadn't realised by now, Mur's language isnt english, And therefore he will sometimes make mistakes. I would advise you nicely to not point out any misspellings unless you want to improve the translation (talk to grido methinks?). Your romanian is a LOT worse than his english. I would quote Murs post about spelling but i cannot find it. Quote
Arcane Wanderer Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 I just wanted to say that I am fine with the changes, except that I now fear that people might think poorly of me for staying at MP3. When I entered the realm, I was told that MP3 was to learn as much as you can. Since I am still doing Mya's MP3-only quest and am learning a lot from it, I have not yet moved on to MP4. I know this is more or less repeating what xrieg wrote, but I wanted to provide support in the form of another testimony besides his own. Quote
MRHoly One Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 (edited) disregard my last statement! for now that is Edited March 4, 2011 by MRHoly One Chewett and dst 1 1 Quote
Mya Celestia Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]The announcement didn't say the creatures were being reset. Just that the leveling requirements were changing. If they're maxed now, you don't have any concerns currently. It's 30 adepts for MP6, too.[/font][/color] Quote
Amoran Kalamanira Kol Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1299260541' post='80018'] I like the announcement, like Chewy Said. In the back of my mind, I was always thinking that perhaps this would be a solution, and voila! It is implemented. As for the mp6 thing and above... MP6 are normally in alliances, anyway, so maxing their creatures would be easy. However, I do not agree with people going all happy dandy and gathering adepts JUST because they want to max their creatures. I stand by those who actually become mp6 to help people, rather than for selfish reasons. Other than that, Mur said RARE creatures. Probably like Darks, Morphs, etc. Which, is probably to also help them from becoming a monopoly? [/quote] I will say this: I am in complete agreement with Curiose's statement on this. I realize that this is a change in the game play, but I will leave mp6 if it's purpose to help newbies in the game is lost. If that's the case, I would rather simply go for LHO and continue to help newbies outside of mp6. The spells are a great help where aiding others is concerned, but if mp6 is cheapened, I can do without the spells. Brulant 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 4, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted March 4, 2011 mp6 will not become an other deeper mp5 level...if that is what you are worried about. Lowering the adepts makes it too easy to abuse, and pointless because someone that goes to mp6 just to upgrade creatures will not care about the adepts. Considering this and more things you didnt realised yet about potential issue with mp6 in the new setup, i will have to think of something that changes mp6 not just "fixes" it to work with all this. These future changes are not for debate here, yet, and what matters now is that certain creature levels will be less common because of the mp6 requirement. There is however a pending changed to be announced that will offer a painful alternative, not a replacement however. Quote
Brulant Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 (edited) Funny how just the other day I was hoping for some madness. Thanks Mur Edit: I'm an idiot, I asked a question I already knew the answer to. ¬.¬ The only important things I said were 1) Lowering Creature levels and 2) Using your frozen creatures as cannon fodder Edited March 4, 2011 by Brulant Quote
xrieg Posted March 4, 2011 Report Posted March 4, 2011 [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1299258345' post='80011'] creatures that require a certain level of upgrade will be usable only on that level, otherwise they will automatically receive freeze during combat. Exception makes mp6 requirement that will still allow mp5 to use creatures that needed mp6 to upgrade. [/quote] [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1299278872' post='80072'] So… MP5s who have maxed creatures that can only be maxed in MP6 now have those creatures frozen, correct? Is there a way for MP5s to lower creature level, or are those creatures useless except as cannon fodder now? [/quote] Valid question :-)With the mantioned new announcement it seems upgrading mp6 only crits will not be that easy - it would make current MP5s very powerful indeed comparing with these that are moving up now or did recently. There was a suggestion of one-time reduction of all crits to level allowed for given MP Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 4, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted March 4, 2011 I will ignore questions answered already by the announcements. mp5 can use any creature levels. upgrade requirements are an other matter. lowering creature levels ... my answer for now: "heheheheee" can't talk about that now About madness, i was just starting the fire, Rendril will carry on with the ongoing changes. MD is not yet at madness dev level (as it used to mean before) but got closer. If i tell you all the things would run in panic , scream, then return in shock ... and I don't want the forum explode of ideas that will never be considered about things that are not yet there. I return to my initial idea that the major changes in md must be done by one person and not open for debate. Think of it, if i was to allow you the opportunity to debate the last changes, things would probably different , better seen from each ones view but much worse seen from above. My only real problem is my memory that seems to fail me quite scary and increasingly worse, but my logic and intuition when it comes to MD are quite good and i dare say, unmatched. With the help of Rendril and the Council, things can become increasingly more real than just ideas on paper. All in good time Quote
Darigan Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 Eventually, all of you wonderful people will realize to just roll with the changes that come. You may not like some of the things happening but you will learn to adapt or you'll just stop showing up. MD is more then just fighting, though it may not seem like it at times because the fighting can tend to overshadow the mysteries and puzzles within. I would rather things evolve then stay stagnant. I like most realize there are some things unfinished in MD, but given time, Mur will eventually either run out of new ideas and get back to working out the kinks or he will find some new way to finish off the things left behind by integrating it with new ideas. I for one don't mind these changes, MP5 has always meant to be the ultimate fighting level and this just confirms that even more now, have fun and adapt. Quote
Luke27 Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 So MD also has an apocalyptic stage and it's not even 2012 yet... Anyway, I just want to point out that Mur is "god" in this world of his and we are only pawns so to speak. What rights do we have if he wanted to (drastically)change some parts of the game. Maybe he sees some issues we don't and he just doesn't want us to know any of it, well not yet anyway. And as for my previous post. I still want to level my creatures to the max at MP5. I don't care if it's frozen or not I just want all of the creatures that are available in MP5 be maxed out. Quote
apophys Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 I think we should wait until the transition is complete before judging and proposing improvements. It seems there are many more changes to come. Quote
Manda Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 Hehe i really want to see one HC at mp3 ahem maybe really special creats (reindrach, GG drach, Dark, morph, tainted, windy, maybe shades, and SW) can be used at mp6 but upgrade mmmm its a really hard work to up to mp6 i hope the staff or Mur make a brilland and good idea about the new things Quote
Brulant Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1299289322' post='80084'] I think we should wait until the transition is complete before judging and proposing improvements. It seems there are many more changes to come. [/quote] Hear hear! At first I thought that there were only the first few changes, but it's rapidly becoming clear that that is not the case. We should just sit back and ride it out before reassessing the realm. Quote
Deatznce0 Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 As an permanent MP3 player, with most recent change I'm essentially 99.99% useless since fighting is completely essential to my role. And with certain creatures being either completely unattainable OR unraisable; no longer can I compete with people who have an overwhelming stat advantage over me as I am just UNABLE to use certain rituals. Does this affect the already gods of the MP3 level? No, it makes then even more powerful as most people are now completely unable to counter their measly Aramor who are able to strike all of your creatures one turn at a time. I don't know but this in my opinion completely limits any potential MP3s have on learning about different rituals especially when they don't have access or usability of more than half of the initial given creatures. Not that I should really be commenting on how MUR should be doing things but I honestly think that just resetting the EXP of all creature transfers to the MP3 stage would have been a much better idea. apophys and Tarquinus 1 1 Quote
notxasj Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 So is there a list to identify what the MP requirements are for the various creatures? Quote
Fire Starter Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 (edited) Can I have a comment on my suggestion earlyer? [quote]I am not sure what is the lvl/MP requierment for Angiens, but if it's lvl 6 max achieveable at MP5, then I don't mind being hit with a lvl 6 angien, but being burned with lvl 7 is wrong. [/quote] I like the processes in the new Announcments. And since I can't really now if this is the case with Angiens, because I don't have that high lvl yet, please treat me with patience. I just need an answer, be it in the form of a PM or a hint. Edited March 5, 2011 by Fire Starter Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 5, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted March 5, 2011 excuse me but are you not reading announcements or are you talking about something different? I don't understand, what's with this fear of getting crushed by same level mp players that have higher level creatures than you. please explain "Creatures upgraded over the maximum level allowed by the current MindPower level of the player [b]will become automatically frozen in combat[/b]. Creatures requireing MP6 to upgrade will remain usable at MP5, this is an exception for now until the MP6 requirements are clarified. [b]This means MP3 and MP4 will not be able to use in combat the upgraded creatures they might currently have[/b]. The creatures will appear in the fight but will not be of any good." Quote
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