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"Creatures require MP level to advance!"

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I have tried to not make someone spill a Spoiler of some sort, as I am not very much familiar which is one and which not.

Here is my personal question, brought up mostly by the lack of information for that current creature, which I am still growing:
[spoiler]I know only, that Angiens are maxed at 7th lvl, but I don't know from which lvl now they need MP6 to grow up. If their max lvl at MP5 is 6th, then I don't mind someone destroying me with them at that 6th lvl, but since I can't reach 7 lvl with them at MP5 it is some kind of unfair for me, being hit with 7th lvl.[/spoiler] That comes for all the others too.

I give that example, cause it's the only one I can reason about.

Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid of being beaten, I learn little from every battle.

I see of what I am talking about implemented at MP3/4, but I don't understand why at MP5 it should be made an exception. I just suggest that the max lvl creatures for the MP lvl to be used only. If someone want to beat me with such creature, let it be, but he/she should attack with the max lvl allowed.

I am patiently awaiting for the next announcements, but from the light of the current, that's all I can say now.


Edited by Fire Starter
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MP5 is the ultimate fighting level thats why it's the exception and with the new wish even mp5s can get crits that they'd normally need mp6 for as long as they've got a wishpoint. As far as Angines go, you'll have to train them up to find out whats needed for the next level telling you what is required for a level you haven't reached is a spoiler.

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  • Root Admin

Its also because you arnt meant to be mp6 all the time. There can only be a few amount of people at mp6 at a time because of the needed adepts and such. So it makes sense to only allow them upgrading when in mp6, but to use them for mp5 as as soon as you upgrade your crits and then drop, they would become useless.

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I know it's a spoiler, now I guess I should edit my post too. Or even destroy it...

I see the benefits in terms of players stimulation, but I don't see how my suggestion is a bad thing.

@Chewett: And that's from today's point of view, but tomorrow MP6 will change.

Edited by Fire Starter
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[color="#2e8b57"][i]I love this annoucement - I feel its been a long time coming. I hope that MD ,now, will no longer be one congolmerate grinding mass in MDP and that players will actually move around and fight people. - Thank you Mur :)

As we say in Malawi - Pepani! (Tough shyte!) to all the poor mp3's , mp4's and mp5's who can now no longer gain ridiculous amounts of stats and who will have to learn to battle as the game was intended. You guys did kinda bring this on yourself - you found a loophole and exploited it...well here are the consequences....


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[2011-03-04 22:37:24 - Stage 10]
Creatures upgraded over the maximum level allowed by the current MindPower level of the player will become automatically frozen in combat. Creatures requiring MP6 to upgrade will remain usable at MP5, this is an exception for now until the MP6 requirements are clarified. [color="#FF0000"][u]This means MP3 and MP4 will not be able to use in combat the upgraded creatures they might currently have. The creatures will appear in the fight but will not be of any good.[/u][/color]

Ok I understand Mur plans for the good of the game but my concern is that of the 16 creats I have I am now left with only 3 that will actually be able to fight and be of use to increase my win / loss ratio. Am I reading this announcement right?


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  • Root Admin

[quote]my concern is that of the 16 creats I have I am now left with only 3 that will actually be able to fight[/quote]

This is a situation because the new changes apply on a game world where every mp could have any creature level. Your situation is easy to fix, get more creatures while you are at mp3 if you want to stay, OR MOVE TO MP4.

This situation can't happen again for a new player because they can't upgrade the creatures beyond a point where they can use them. The can actually but in a very hard way (wishpoints) and if they do that then for sure they know what they are doing.

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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]I love it when Mur creates such chaos with a flood of changes. What's life without a little chaos?! The panic! The mayhem! *coughs* I mean change is a good thing. Without change, people moan and groan about being bored.

To quote Margo Channing from All About Eve ~ "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"[/font][/color]

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  • Root Admin

mp6 change won.t come too soon. making mp6 more accessible doesnt mean at all to lower adept requrements, that will only lower its quality. The ideas i have however, are so drastic that they cant be made partial and finished later, they need to be done all in one fast and big update.

clues: 6 = 7 7 = 5 = 7 , illusion vs protector
highly dependent on xp concept change, that one needs to be done first

not open for debate yet..

just hope my memory will not give fatal error till then, or i will forget the awsome things i have in mind for the "rare" mp levels now :)

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My only worry is with the "storyline under construction" people, this is going to prevent them from being able to complete creature collections just because of their personal choices in the story mode, unless they are willing to either saccrifice wishpoints or buy MAGIC creatures from other players >.>

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  • Root Admin

I thought that once you got the exp, you would then be able to advance even if its under construction. That would fit for Nad since i doubt he would have "wasted" some exp and reached the limit yet.

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funny but I think they would have returned to being frozen. I am just waiting for somebody to actually use freeze of there creatures to there advantage. [spoiler]For example the nutcracker and its ability to heal an opponent giving them a win. It may be used as a way to achieve losses more effectively. I already see it being used as a way to give opponents victories.[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1299336020' post='80131']
[color="#2e8b57"][i]I love this annoucement - I feel its been a long time coming. I hope that MD ,now, will no longer be one congolmerate grinding mass in MDP and that players will actually move around and fight people. - Thank you Mur :)

As we say in Malawi - Pepani! (Tough shyte!) to all the poor mp3's , mp4's and mp5's who can now no longer gain ridiculous amounts of stats and who will have to learn to battle as the game was intended. You guys did kinda bring this on yourself - you found a loophole and exploited it...well here are the consequences....


The new xp-dynamic changes are just going to make stat grinding easier, if the system for stat gain doesn't change. And mp4s will still be able to get ridiculous amounts of stats... Even more so because they will be able to drop more experience by saccing... and even more because they will have the possibility to get crits with exp and sacc them. The stat gain will be a bit smaller because of the level the creature is sacrificed on, but it's not drastic.

Anyway, we should wait for the xp system change and then see... But I think everything is going to stay the same... People will still opt to stay on lower mp levels... less on mp3, more on mp4... They just won't have high level creatures.

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[quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1299453552' post='80296']
The new xp-dynamic changes are just going to make stat grinding easier, if the system for stat gain doesn't change. And mp4s will still be able to get ridiculous amounts of stats... Even more so because they will be able to drop more experience by saccing... and even more because they will have the possibility to get crits with exp and sacc them. The stat gain will be a bit smaller because of the level the creature is sacrificed on, but it's not drastic.

Anyway, we should wait for the xp system change and then see... But I think everything is going to stay the same... People will still opt to stay on lower mp levels... less on mp3, more on mp4... They just won't have high level creatures.

I agree with this actually, it really doesn't change stat grinding one bit as one doesn't need high level creatures to stat grind.

Due to the changes I'm now unfortunately powerless to defend myself against stat farmers as my counter ritual is frozen, ahh such is life. =.=''...

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Perhaps. But it also means that if stat farmers want to use fully upgraded creatures, then they need to move on to the next MP level.
There are people that been hanging on at MP3 and Mp4 way longer than they should. As Mur already posted and many seem to have missed; MP3 is a LEARNING stage and MP4 and Intermediate stage. You ARE NOT supposed to be walking around with maxed out creatures (especially Angiens).
What should happen is that you should be learning how to fight and oops, you hit your xp cap one day and then progress. Instead, some people have been calculating how to upgrade creatures to max and stay at MP3. This creates an imbalance, because you now have people that are decidedly NOT learning, swimming in the same pool as the people who are learning. We have constantly seen this in the HC, where some people just dominate the MP3 and MP4 stages and clearly shouldn't be there. We've seen the stupid MP3 maxed Angien rit. What's worse, they seemed to take some pride in being able to defeat Mp5s with it. Newsflash, if you can orchestrate leveling the creatures without reaching the cap, let alone defeating players 2 MP levels above yours, then you are NOT a learner and should not be at a level intended for people learning.

Personally I see this as a correction that needs to be made. Freezing the creatures is also needed, because if you don't, you will get numpties remaining at MP3 or MP4 on the basis that they now have creatures upgraded to a level impossible for newer players at that level.
Don't blame Mur for these changes, blame the numpties.
Anyway, they are needed. I know some may not like them, but they are definitely needed. Besides, its something new and different in MD and in the end the motivation is to improve things overall. Not a bad thing in my book.

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The more I think about this change, the more I wish that freeze was implemented on mp5 as well. It could create a permanent stage with no drach/angien battles. (At least not as they were before) Maybe when mp6/7 is changed, but I doubt it...

I could finally make a ritual that fits my character and use it in combat... (I can do that now, but it's just not competitive)

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[quote name='Firsanthalas' timestamp='1299583185' post='80351']
Perhaps. But it also means that if stat farmers want to use fully upgraded creatures, then they need to move on to the next MP level.
There are people that been hanging on at MP3 and Mp4 way longer than they should. As Mur already posted and many seem to have missed; MP3 is a LEARNING stage and MP4 and Intermediate stage. You ARE NOT supposed to be walking around with maxed out creatures (especially Angiens).
What should happen is that you should be learning how to fight and oops, you hit your xp cap one day and then progress. Instead, some people have been calculating how to upgrade creatures to max and stay at MP3. This creates an imbalance, because you now have people that are decidedly NOT learning, swimming in the same pool as the people who are learning. We have constantly seen this in the HC, where some people just dominate the MP3 and MP4 stages and clearly shouldn't be there. We've seen the stupid MP3 maxed Angien rit. What's worse, they seemed to take some pride in being able to defeat Mp5s with it. Newsflash, if you can orchestrate leveling the creatures without reaching the cap, let alone defeating players 2 MP levels above yours, then you are NOT a learner and should not be at a level intended for people learning.

Personally I see this as a correction that needs to be made. Freezing the creatures is also needed, because if you don't, you will get numpties remaining at MP3 or MP4 on the basis that they now have creatures upgraded to a level impossible for newer players at that level.
Don't blame Mur for these changes, blame the numpties.
Anyway, they are needed. I know some may not like them, but they are definitely needed. Besides, its something new and different in MD and in the end the motivation is to improve things overall. Not a bad thing in my book.

Considering how I was only reffering to stat farmers rather than MP3s who desire to have each and every creature in their arsenal upgraded it seems quite unrelated but I do acknowledge that this change is probably for the best for now.

My only concern is that this makes it harder for your so called "numpties" to even fend themselves against the Gods of MP3/4, take note that those who are already considered Legendary of those stages probably have over 3k stats alone which would be more than enough dominate all MP3/4s by just using a single Aramor.
Fair? Probably not. Counter-able at that stage? With the freezing of certain creatures; More or less impossible.
Again, I'll agree with you that MP3 and MP4 is meant to be a learning stage BUT disabling certain creatures at this stage doesn't really allow these MPs to experience different rituals and how they work. (Perhaps this is what Mur is after; that we learn about fighting in the later stages)

Well that's just my personal opinion as an permanent MP3 player. Why do I stay in this stage you may ask? Not to show off over my maxed creatures or the fact that I have a fancy avatar but to teach those younger players on the basics of the game, the battle mechanics and etc. (I know that not all players are like me but still!)

But yeah, changes will be needed, I just hope it doesn't affect the learning curves of the earlier MPs.

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[quote]this stage doesn't really allow these MPs to experience different rituals and how they work[/quote]
Exactly, its a learning stage. You are not meant to be able to do and experience everything. You are supposed to learn the basics first. As it stands, some rits have no benefit at MP3 and are not supposed to. In fact, some are detrimental. That's why you have these 'gods' of MP3/MP4 (who, incidentally are often the people that I am referring to when I say numpties). They are at a level they shouldn't be at. They are far and away too advanced to be at those MP levels.
Think of it this way. In most countries you start off learning on a low CC motorbike, like a 125 or maybe 250 at most. When you are comfortable with that and most likely not until you pass your driving test do you upgrade to a more powerful bike. Right now we have MP3s spinning around on 2000CC turbo jet engine propelled bikes that can fly and microwave croissants.

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