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    Ledah reacted to Aamon for a status update, Basically quitting. I gave all my items out. As many already know thanks to ledah yes   
    Basically quitting. I gave all my items out. As many already know thanks to ledah yes I am blackshade. I tried to rebuild into a new and more liked character. An it did well for a while until ledah had decided to kill me at every mp stage and I'm sure had dst do her alt check on me. It was obvious. However I was inactive for so long this year on this account as I lost a lot this year. I lost my brother and mother in a car accident, and just recently not many months ago the woman I am with had a miscarriage. I came back to try and have an escape and maybe get my mind off things but even on Xmas day and not talking to ledah he still kills me out of spite, for the fun of it cause he knows I am blackshade. Players like ledah and dst are the sole reasons so many quit playing other than just real life. Players such as them will also end up being the downfall of MD. To much power and no one can stop them or touch them. Kill items need a heavy re-evaluation as with the population less than what I believe is 10 players now, what's even left of MD anymore? So many new features and everything, while some are nice and would had been more nice if a bigger population there's basically no need for anything new except to appease chew and the demon themselves and what very very very little players bother to stick around. After my killing on Christmas I am completely done playing. I won't be buying items and won't be associating with basically any one or even leaving the scene I am in. I have locked myself in my scene and here I will stay and continue to slowly watch MD die. Aia I greatly appreciate the revive and I'm sorry you wasted a coin on me for such. Ledah, I really really REALLY hope one day while your in the east that you click on something Mur created and it takes every single item and creature you have. I know there used to be such clickies and I really hope you click one. You are highly undeserving of the power you have but your lucky chew favors you. While he may deny it, the population knows he does favor you, an that and the low population seems to be the only reasons your abuse and abusive power goes unlooked. 
    To everyone else I enjoyed playing. I enjoyed our quests and even enjoyed the very small few whom we became friends in real life. I'm sorry to leave. And those that left too I'm sorry for that also as I know why you/they left. I do hope one day life comes back to MD but I unfortunately don't ever see the population growing again due to such players I mentioned above. So good luck all. If ever wanting to talk in game come find me or send a message. I'll be on once a day I guess out of hope. But even in that hope I'm not playing anymore. Projects now just go unfinished an or forgotten about and I just can't keep watching something I loved true and dear keep dying while the reasons go unpunished. 
    Fairwell all. Good luck MD
  2. Thanks
    Ledah reacted to Chewett for a status update, Love Y'all my Friends ❤️   
    Love Y'all my Friends ❤️ 
  3. Like
    Ledah got a reaction from Lazarus for a status update, Hello world   
    Hello world
  4. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Mallos for a status update, How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(   
    How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(
  5. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Aethon for a status update, How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(   
    How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(
  6. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from lashtal for a status update, How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(   
    How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(
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