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Mercurial Spectre

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Mercurial Spectre last won the day on May 17 2017

Mercurial Spectre had the most liked content!

About Mercurial Spectre

  • Birthday 02/04/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tg-Jiu -Romania
  • Playername
    Mercurial Spectre

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Mercurial Spectre's Achievements

  1. 1 gc 10 sc each swordsman 2 gc 10 sc 14 anni
  2. my last attempt to increase my collection Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 3gc and 10 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days -15 sc
  3. Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 1gc 40 sc Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days - 60 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days 20 sc
  4. Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 5 scAramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days 5 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 436985 - 2969 days - blooddrop1, blooddrop3 5 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days 5 sc
  5. Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 5 scAramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days 5 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 436985 - 2969 days - blooddrop1, blooddrop3 5 sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days 5 sc
  6. this is the first time i see this
  7. is happen to me too sometimes , sometimes the circle with Magic Duel in middle appear and stay 10 - 15 seconds after that everything go fine. also i just tried , even if everything is fine from start but i start refresh page 2 or 3 times , my page go like Blackshade without Loading screenloader....
  8. Happy Birthday Old King , Wish u all the best!
  9. 1 gold coin and 4 silver for anni crit
  10. Of all the things around , i dont get why people gather and have in possesion thousands of all kind of resources but rarely or never use them .With all the tools and locations around , why dont u create a system like Heat Erolin ( dunno if this is the exact name ) and introduce the notion of Food /Feeding . Make tools to cultivate some resources (like bushes ) and introduce recipes . The Feed erolin should work like the heat one , the more u walk or attack , the more it deplete (on a slower rate) . Also while basic resources like water or some fruits give ,, 5 % Feed bar ,, the more complex recipes go to full bar . Make it that way that even just walking around , u still need to eat 1 time per week .If u go under 15% u should be Unable to attack and under 5% unable to move also u need over 65 % to set 100% influence in battles , after all , u get hungry even when u sleep or play on Pc , so as almost every thing generate heat , the same should drop Feed erolin. Just think how many roles this can create , revitalize some existing like resources merchant or pub owner . Have a good day and thanks for reading my ideea >)
  11. i have the Nuttcracker limited edition 2008 :)).waiting for an offer
  12. Interested in a Nuttcracker?
  13. 2 g and 2 sc for knator
  14. I really like to be left alone -so this is accurate but i dont blame others for my failures http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=m,7,1,5,3,6,4,2,0,5,7,1,5,3,6,2,0,4,5&p=full
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