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Plix Plox

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Everything posted by Plix Plox

  1. Because when Change going shopping, he/she needs 'odd change' to buy Christmas Gifts without getting back some more 'loose change'. For instance, products which cost $99, [s]$24.99[/s] etc. (Oh I see...Didn't know that Change Errm...No cents then )
  2. I presume if we don't hear back, our applications were rejected? (Just asking, not bitter or anything )
  3. Pimped Grasan II (#1) Stored Heat: [color=#330000]331319[/color] Age: [color=#330000]119[/color] Tokens: None Pimped Grasan II (#2) Stored Heat:[color=#330000]103560[/color] Age:[color=#330000]73[/color] Tokens: None Make your offers
  4. How about Tormented Souls?
  5. [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Best Beautification[/font][/color][/b] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Dante Lionheart[/color][/font] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Golden Protector[/font][/color][/b] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Peace[/color][/font] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Helper of the Year[/font][/color][/b] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Maebius[/color][/font] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Outstanding Service to MD[/font][/color][/b] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]BFH Lightning [/color][/font] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Prime Quest[/font][/color][/b] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Lashtal [/color][/font] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Top Techie[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maebius[/font][/color]
  6. ZenTao. She does things promptly and efficiently. Very helpful person
  7. What's the minimum bid?
  8. Here is what I think of you. http://i50.tinypic.com/29m4tqr.jpg [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/29m4tqr.jpg[/img]
  9. Hello! This is a picture of my friends (and my favorite creatures) celebrating an early Christmas [url="http://i47.tinypic.com/t5hk46.jpg"]http://i47.tinypic.com/t5hk46.jpg[/url] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/t5hk46.jpg[/img]
  10. [i]Are the caretakers even open for applications....? [/i] [i]Well anyhow, here goes...[/i] [b]Name:[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Plix Plox[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]MP Class: [/b]MP4[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]Age: [/b]98 Active Days[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]Main Principle: [/b]Transposition [/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"][b]Reason For Applying:[/b] I know I'm just a mere little MP4 with minimal experience or extensive knowledge in this realm, but I've been fascinated about the concept of mortality amongst these lands. With people dropping dead here there everywhere, what better alliance other than the caretakers can satisfy my curiosity of the dark dank topic of death or to 'take care' of these maggoty rotting bodies? Death aside, I'm fairly fond of the lands. Would love a chance to explore it more; unearthing its secrets. [/color][/font]
  11. The portals aren't so random (I think). From what I've heard there are only two places it can take you. Pillars of Harmony in GG and somewhere in Lands of the East.
  12. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1346423166' post='121289'] From what I figure, it's because he has a....colourful past, and some people have long memories. The same people have developed a general dislike for him and it's spread a bit. There are other factors, a general dislike of his personality being one, but get to know him, make your own mind up about that. [/quote] Never see him around since he's...dead
  13. Why are people hating on Seigheart anyways?
  14. If you're wondering why the retention of new players are abysmally low, it is not just because of the confusing tutorial, but I think it is largely because of the abysmally high AP cost to get into other lands. Generally speaking, a player will soon grow disinterested if they discover that they will possibly need to play this game for more than 200+ days just to get into the MDA. It doesn't help that viscosity is perpetually around +40 because not many players visit these high AP lands, which adds to the high AP cost problem. Not that i'm grumbling and picking at this, but I'm just suggesting and pointing out that this is a possible or large contribution to the reason why new players aren't staying. This is just some constructive criticism. I hope you guys don't take it the wrong way ><
  15. I just explored the lands today, pity I only got up to the temple doors
  16. Ok. Got help from LHO. Learnt my lesson, won't press random portals again.
  17. I know there's a maze that takes you back to MDA..... ....but I don't know the correct path....
  18. [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/b] Part 1: Scarecrow Drawing Entry #2 [attachment=4099:Scarecrow2.gif]
  19. Somehow the LHO button above the compass looking thing on the side is not there....
  20. I clicked the portal in Gazebo of Equilibrium and was teleported to the Pillars of Harmony. Now i'm stuck in Golemus because I don't have enough AP to get out. What should I do?
  21. [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/b] Bonus: Plants that go well with pumpkins Though I have limited knowledge on herbology, I think companion plants should embody two different things. One is a functional quality in that these companion plants can facilitate the growth of pumpkins. Another should be an aesthetic quality in that these companion plants should look good next to the pumpkins. I will start by talking about functional plants before moving onto aesthetic plants To start, pumpkins are often susceptible to pests. So in order to solve this problem, plants such as Catnip and Peppermint should be grown next to the pumpkins as these are natural pest repellents. Catnip repels many kinds of insects as well as roaches, mosquitoes, beetles, ants, aphids, and mice. Peppermint on the other hand can deter a number of pests, including rodents, like rats and mice. It also keeps ants, fleas and ticks away. Another functional plant would be grapes. As grapes are grown with a scaffold above ground, it provides a structure for pumpkins to grow upon. Knowing that pumpkins have lots of shoots that like to climb, by planting grapes next to the pumpkins can facilitate its growth. As for aesthetic plants, I think most plants will do so as long they are of specific colours like red, yellow, orange and green. As these are colours that represent autumn (the season where pumpkin is harvested) these colours also go well with the orange colour of pumpkins. Another consideration would be the shape. I think an angular shape can complement the roundness of pumpkins very well. Therefore, I would pick orange lilies and poinsettia as the perfect plants that could complement pumpkins. Not only are they the correct colour, they have the correct shape, thus truly embodying the aura that pumpkins emanate.
  22. [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest [/b] Part 3: Pumpkins and Necrovion Necrovion. The name itself exudes a mystical yet cryptic and sometimes deathly quality to it. Speaking from a new explorer’s perspective to this realm with minimal experience and outlook on the history of Necrovion, I have to say my views on scarecrows and their affiliation with Necrovion may be very misguided indeed. However, I do believe that scarecrows have an irrefutable association with Necrovion. Having said that Necrovion is an embodiment of menacing cryptic qualities (I mean it even has a graveyard!), I believe that the meaning behind scarecrows assimilates appropriately into what Necrovion represents. A scarecrow is like a guardian that should look menacing and mean as to deter potential pests from eating its crops. This we all know fits with the very same feeling that Necrovion gives me. On a deeper analysis of scarecrows and Necrovion, I can say that scarecrows are also like guardians of plants and crops alike, whereas Necrovion, though it may not be a sanctuary for the living, it is still a haven and place for the dead to reside, thus both the scarecrow and Necrovion embody this sense of nuture. However, what it nutures is jarring in that scarecrows protect the living and Necrovion protects the dead. In conclusion, with my minimal knowledge of Necrovion Lore, I have observed this rather superficial quality that both scarecrows and Necrovion share. I hope this is sufficient and won’t offend any Necrovians. EDIT: OH MY GOD. I just noticed that I completely wrote the wrong thing! Let me write the correct essay this time... Part 3: PUMPKINS (not scarecrows) and their relationship with Necrovion. Very much like my previous essay about scarecrows, though pumpkins have no extrinsic and obvious ties with Necrovion and it's lore, I believe what it embodies/represents and it's peculiar history that has somewhat of a relationship with what Necrovion embodies. Very much like scarecrows, when one thinks of pumpkins, the first thing that springs to mind is a cryptic quality often associated with a ghoulish festival such as Halloween. I will go on to talk about it's history later. Another though that may spring to mind is it's association with harvest and autumn. Though autumn and harvest may seem like a very non-Necrovion subject, I believe that this particular season and harvesting is steeped in menacing/cryptic undercurrents and concepts. Autumn is the season where everything withers and dies and the act of harvesting can be said to be a process of ending growth of a living thing (the grim reaper is a 'harvester' too!). This is also seen in (relatively) modern English literature. For instance celebrated English Poet John Keats has written a ode about Autumn (fittingly called "To Autumn") and how it represents death and the cycle of life. These ties with death is similar to what Necrovion represents. Though I do not fully know the history of Necrovion, but the grim exterior and the every-present sense of death among those lands can directly be compared to the same deathly qualities the pumpkin embodies and represents. Much of the pumpkin's history is also steeped in death. This tradition of carving pumpkins during Halloween originates from a old tradition where people would carve lanterns into pumpkins in order to welcome the souls of the departed. Necrovion is sort of like a haven for departed souls as well as home to tormented souls, I think this direct yet no-so-direct relationship between pumpkins and Necrovion is fairly apparent. On a side note, though I have been to Necrovion once before and for a very VERY short period of time, I remember a outgrowth of vines and perhaps pumpkins among it's lands. I'm not entirely sure though since I don't remember and it's been a long time ago. If so, then this is a very obvious and apparent relationship in that pumpkins are nurtured and growing in Necrovion. In conclusion, though I do not know enough about Necrovion itself due to my lack of days in this realm, I believe these findings on the relationship between pumpkins and Necrovion are fully justified and interesting.
  23. [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/b] Part 2: Steps to building a scarecrow To construct Necrovion scarecrows the ‘Plix Plox’ way, one must follow a few basic yet meticulous steps. First, one must first select a suitable environment to establish such a scarecrow because I firmly believe that one’s environment will greatly contribute to the scarecrow’s aura and ungraspable demeanour. Now for the materials required to build this scarecrow. Bones are the foundation for such a scarecrow. However, one must not randomly just dig up some bones and use it haphazardly as bones are remnants of the dead and forgotten, thus they should be properly ritualised to prevent unwanted spirits from haunting the scarecrow. The wooden framework can be comprised from lumber collected from all around the realms of MD. However, the best wood can obviously be found in the mystical lands of Loreroot. Now onto the body of the scarecrow. The bodily parts of this scarecrow can be crafted via the usage of toxic plants and many other unidentifiable plants across the realm. This way the toxic nature emanating from the scarecrow can effectively scare away unwanted pests. As for the unidentifiable plants, well that contributes to the mysterious quality that a scarecrow should possess. Along with sand and sawdust, these powdery substances would help pack down and reinforce the structure. Moving onto the clothes (obviously, the scarecrow should not be nude. That would be public indecency!), I believe even though the clothes the scarecrow should adorn should be menacing, they should also be aesthetically pleasing to those that pass by. So in this case, a rugged texture by using patchy dried skin could be used. To make it black (therefore menacing), lots of ash should be used to concoct a black paste that dyes the skin permanently. A poison extract from the toxic plants should of course be sprayed on the clothes to keep away pests. Straw and lumber are obviously required here to create an earthy wooden look. When everything is in place, heat and water is required to bring it to life. As does most plants in this realm, water and heat is necessary for organic material to grow. So it is only fitting that an organic being such as the scarecrow should require water and heat to maintain it’s ‘life’ in a sense. In summation, the ingredients needed are:[list] [*]Bones [*]Refined Lumber [*]Toxic Plants [*]Unidentified Plants [*]Sand [*]Sawdust [*]Skin [*]Ash [*]Poison Extract [*]Straw [*]Water (Preferably Mineral) [*]Heat [*]Twigs [/list] The tools required are:[list] [*]Bone Shovel [*]Apprentice’s Axe [*]Herb Basket [*]Mortar and Pestle [*]Bucket [*]Heat Storing Jar [*]Wooden Spoon [*]Large Dyeing Contraption [*]Spray Bottle [*]Scissors [*]Carving Knife [/list] The steps to crafting this scarecrow 1. Look for suitable environment (that being the Community Garden) 2. Dig up some bones using a Bone Shovel in Necrovion 3. Place bones in shape of a scarecrow and perform a ritual around it to ward off evil spirits 4. Construct a wooden framework suing the lumber 5. Place the herbs collected around MD and place them into the Mortar and Pestle. Mix in a little water and grind until it becomes a paste 6. Mix in sand and sawdust along with a little bit more water to make the paste more malleable and stable as if it is like clay. 7. Mould using your hands and create the body of the scarecrow. Pay attention to the details on the face as you should make it as menacing as possible 8. Lay this scarecrow mould in the sun and allow it to dry for a few days until completely hard 9. Acquire some skin. 10. Acquire lots of ash and mix it enough water to make a onyx-black dye. 11. Dunk the skin in this dye and leave it in there until it becomes permanently stained 12. Remove this stained skin from the bucket it is in and leave it to dry in the sun so that it can be fashioned into clothes with scissors. 13. The hat and the hair of the scarecrow can be woven by hand. 14. All of these clothes will be scattered with straw and chopped up pieces of lumber so that it has a earthy look to it 15. Sharpen some twigs using a Carving Knife and Place them onto the hands of the scarecrow. 16. Use the Poison Extract left over from crushing the herbs together in the Mortar and Pestle and pour this into the Spray Bottle to spray all over the scarecrow’s clothes 17. Erect the scarecrow in middle of the Community Garden and pour some water onto the ground as well as giving the scarecrow some heat 18. Voilá, the Necrovion Scarecrow is finished!
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