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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. Yes, though not ~very~ significant :P
  2. how does eara have 88 hp...?
  3. 1) you can't copy ctc's and itc's if someone would put them, if/after pasting gets fixed :P 2) you can't copy links like storenow 3) more which I can't think of right now cause I'm sleepy
  4. not being able to copy from chat is completely wrong...
  5. Are we able to paste links like storenow in chat..?
  6. Ah yes... I forgot about that. But it's not done for turn 9.
  7. For characters who take damage, can you please calculate their health remaining at the end of the turn? You used to do that for the first few turns. It will avoid such problems again in the future...
  8. You've done it all wrong... Eara is at scene 38, she moved there last turn. And because samon has attacked her she can't move again. (she did not move anyway) Please calculate all the damage samon, Lintara and I have done. Thank you.
  9. Love how Chew is going back to 2-year-old threads :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chewett


      To some of us, two year old threads are just yesterday. I can start bumping the original posts if you want?

    3. Junior


      no this is good because since i am mobile it says its new content so i can respond now :D

    4. Junior


      otherwise i would have never known

  10. When clicking on specific post links (that number on the top-right) it takes you to the first page of the thread rather than the post itself, even if that specific post is on the second/third/further page... For example, clicking on http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8052-conspiracy-theories/#entry89610 should take you to a post on the third page of the conspiracy theories topic, but instead it takes you to the first page even though the link is correct. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Whether this is a bug or not, I strongly suggest that it should get changed to how it was before.
  11. The usual case is that I "pick" them up from the park/GoE and take them for personal papers to MDA, and in the meantime they ask me any questions about anything they like. I am careful not to give spoilers; rather I ask them questions to make them realize the answer themselves. I tell them about combat-related things if they want to know, and give them the forum link to my guide after telling them to make a forum account (forum account is part of the alt-check). I tell them to check out the MD shop and see if they have 5 credits (another part of the alt-check since alts don't get those 5 credits). As they grow and train, alongside answering their questions, I tell them about the different lands and tell them to try different things, eg: Berserker's Way quest, Loreroot guards, spells when they get their first wishpoint, etc. It doesn't last a few hours, but weeks.
  12. Since a long time, even before I applied to become LHO, I've been trying to make newbies stay in MD. Another person doing the same was Fang Archbane, and I must say both of us were successful (the rate of people staying in MD increased a loooot). I dunno about Fang, but I personally would spend lots of time with them and guiding them with everything they should know. As you may have already guessed, it is very time consuming, and sometimes I can't even give time to the actual newbies... and then alts come in. Can you imagine how pissed one can get after spending quite a long time and then finding out that the person you helped was an alt? NOT fun. (Ravianna, Magistra's alt, was one of these people, but she got caught in my alt check. See below.) Due to this, I devised a manual "alt-check" a while back, in which I seem to get a good idea if someone's an alt or not, and it does work. I check all of the newbies before I spend too much time on them. ____________________________________________________ Basically, my point is that there are more than enough people in MD who are willing to help (notice I haven't even mentioned the LHO's in this post. Other than normal MD players, they are there too). Whichever newbie asks, his question 95% of the time gets answered. From my experience (and I have a lot of experience with this) , those who want to stay in MD will definitely stay no matter what, and those who don't will definitely not. All we can do is make the realm more comfortable for those who want to stay, which is very important.
  13. You ~totally~ misunderstood me. I meant that I MYSELF would not ask newbie questions to others from an alt account. Whenever I would want to ask a newbie question, i.e. a question a newbie would rather ask, I would rather use just my DARK DEMON account. You thought I meant asking questions to newbies :mellow: EXACTLY, except that I still care. :P
  14. Something else I wanted to point out... 10 SC is worth much more than an attacklock/movelock stone... I think you can get three of them in that much money.
  15. I myself have alts, but I don't care if they are revealed or not (only one is known so far). I make them for reasons all into one: to check other story mode paths, for roleplay which my character can't do, to check people's reactions when a player would act a certain way, etc.
  16. Thanks for your responses :) Two things I still don't get... 1) Why does one need to abandon an alt when it's found out? 2) Even if people know it's an alt, they won't know whose unless you give them hints, so isn't it basically your fault if someone gets to know the identity, i.e. you? __________________________________________________________________ I got to know that it was discussed in the LHO group that LHO's should be able to check if someone's an alt or not. The only reason I could thing of having this ability is the same as mine: why spend hours on someone who may already know the stuff cause s/he's an alt? The alts may just do it for fun, and not care about the time LHO's are wasting... Maybe LHO's don't feel this way and don't mind spending time on alts. In that case, it's only me who minds a lot. I spend lots_of_time with newbies, and after finding out it was an alt who already knew that stuff... I get really angry and pissed.
  17. Thank you Menhir :) However, it's not Magistra's reason here, who did it "just" to check other principles. I know some people who have successful at making an alt, given away their identity and are respected citizens of another land/alliance too. I won't name any, but they know who they are :D . ________________________________________________________ Like dst (who posts as I write >.<) just said right now, basically :P However, Menhir's point isn't false either.
  18. Thank you Burns :) ______________________________________________________________ Is it not possible to learn at MP4 or MP5? If you know less than some MP3's, my first guess would be that those MP3's are alts too, but if they are not, then why not learn them with your old account? Look at me, for example. I never ask newbie questions from my own alt (which I just made check alternate story mode options) but from my own DARK DEMON account. Why use this account and not a newbie account? Cause it has a greater reputation and greater means to get hold of that knowledge due to age and experience. To all those older players who have alts and pretend to be newbies with them: WHY? Why would you do that? Really, I want to know. _______________________________________________________________ If that was the only reason, you could have ~easily~ done that without pretending to be a newbie. Heck, you can still do it with another alt. See above question in bold ^^ _______________________________________________________________ Well, each person has a different point of view. I see now that some people may be willing to help/show around someone pretending to be a newbie, but not me. I don't find it fun, but feel I'm being exploited cause they firstly lie to me that they're not an alt, and secondly they know the answers of everything beforehand... lol :P
  19. Of course. Why would one like to spend hours teaching an alt who may already know everything but is pretending not to? At least I personally wouldn't waste my time on that.
  20. Congrats :) Mindpower 4 is a period where you learn quite a bit.
  21. Well, just saying cause dst seems to get unhappy :P
  22. Umm... it's been more than 2 years since he last logged in...
  23. Wasn't entirely them.
  24. I wonder too... :P
  25. When I wanted to do it, I was told it costs a wishpoint... and even then you needed a very good reason. I also got humiliated badly and made fun of, so it's most probably frowned upon.
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