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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. You want to troll about and call me a cow... go ahead. Not like I'm gonna feed you. People don't understand one thing: why must every single thing be taken to the forums? What is the game for, then? Why couldn't you solve the issue in-game? Fine, it would have been a fight but if MD was permanently a love-fest what would be the fun? And if he is MIA what's the reason to continue it? Precisely these kinds of posts have degraded MD the most. I also presume for the next few days you'll come after me and repeatedly call me brainless and stupid (well you do it anyway) now that I've pointed it out, but its the truth and I had to say it.
  2. I suggested something like this a while back... Spell scrolls could be created using different resources (that same process as making tea). That scroll, when made, would give one cast of any randomly automatically chosen spell in the game.
  3. THIS. This is the reason. And people are even moving away from forums because of trolls and like Menhir points out: loss/loss situations which just waste time. By further promoting things like killing, or spending lots of time on something which only one or two people use... I don't think there will be any increase in-game either.
  4. Uh.. I thought we could use tokened creatures but their tokens wont be counted during the fight?
  5. Happy birthday :)
  6. it would increase its own damage with the auras and kill everybody... I agree with Grido about making it a morph though :D (but you can only morph it once it is a gleaming claw, either into a silver drake or a golden cube)
  7. Happy birthday Big Fat Hen!!! (or cow :P)
  8. And I disagree with that completely. There is nothing wrong with getting Loreroot creatures if we invite them for a tour ourselves, and anyways we encourage them to beat the guards the proper way rather than asking for papers a second time. They are kept under full supervision, and out of the countless tours I've given so far, getting creatures is the least of their concerns.
  9. dark demon loreroot
  10. 1 gold for 2 angiens
  11. I'm simply stating what I observe, regardless of how Protectors had been before me.
  12. They aren't associated with LHO's... its the LHO's who become mentors. Protectors either do nothing, or even if they do stuff for a while, they go inactive later...
  13. In current MD, a Protector isn't necessarily a mentor... Mentors are usually others who spend time with a single person and teach them stuff, whereas a Protector looks after a whole group and may not be able to give as much attention to one person to be their mentor.
  14. 1. Dark Demon 2. 241314 3. 389
  15. How can you say that? Where is the proof? Fang has helped newbies A GREAT DEAL. I've seen him do it myself. And I can confirm he's done a lot more to help newbies than any of the people you mentioned.
  16. I'm interested.
  17. My leash (currently with Lintara) does not work any more cause there's "no such player in the realm" :P Is this because I had my name normalized or a side effect of becoming LHO? In any case, can it please be fixed to my current name? Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the quest, Rik! I have to admit though that could have done much better, as I was in a hurry :P
  19. Kicking out is a completely different thing. I simply want to suggest a bit more reward for being loyal to a land aka staying in it, and less benefits if you leave on your own will.
  20. Precisely what Kyphis said. "Loyalty" to a land is gone when you leave it (otherwise you'd not leave).
  21. I agree, Kyphis, but apart from that those loyal to their land should be given a benefit as well. Land hoppers (aka people less loyal to their land) are currently gaining more benefits...
  22. Thanks! :) But who is/was mini jester? :blink:
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