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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. I will give each MP3 alt one silver every week if s/he leaves an it at the park idle with an easy def after s/he logs out.
  2. 10 gold I edited because I accidentally bid 9 gold 10 silver.
  3. I do not remember exactly what you said, but after that all I thought was that the auction was invalid. So are you saying my current bid in this topic is ignored, and the previous one which I won is still there? If yes, then lets meet and make the transaction. If not, I bid 2 gold 5 silver on this one.
  4. EDIT: Oh yes, now I remember.... I recall you telling me on mood panel to contact you like 3 months ago, then when I did you said something along the lines of "forget it"... I had thought the auction was invalid or what. EDIT 2: I have the money to pay for this one or the earlier one, so it doesn't matter which one I win...
  5. In addition.... It has many uses, such as casting spells and increasing combat bonuses.
  6. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13278-illusion-citizenship-problem/ My issue was resolved, but the bug remains and still needs to be fixed.
  7. bump
  8. Me!
  9. But on the other hand, the value of tokened creatures would also increase greatly, wouldn't it? I believe it would be much harder to acquire them as far as non-payers are concerned. As for the lack of targets.. perhaps this system could be limited only to MP5? Isn't that how most online games run, really..? The contests, etc would obviously be separate as well. No it wouldn't. You would pay to get advantages over the other payers. I've seen this system work extremely successfully in another game I used to play long ago. I'd think its pointless right now for players to spend since they're already way ahead of non-payers If you guys actually compare this system with the current system, instead of just looking into the negative points of this system, you may think differently, but that is the problem with MD... sigh. Is the current system much better? Fine, let the gap stay. Let non-payers feel demotivated to fight. Let the payers be unhappy with this recent announcement.
  10. First off I wanna say I'm no real fighter/grinder or any of that, but I see this change as a general problem for MD instead of just for fighters. I decided to open this in another thread since it's a new idea which could solve many aspects of combat, not just tokens, and I'd like to hear the community's opinion. What I thought of was a double-system: Paying players and non-paying players. Both of these would be separate as far as combat is concerned; neither can attack the other. Everything would be different; the fights, the rewards, etc. However, this would only take place if the person BUYS credits. Credits earned or traded wouldn't switch the player to the "Paying" category, they would remain in the "Non-paying" category. Pros: -it will allow paying players to spend freely, and since more competition will be generated among paying players; they will be encouraged to spend more... all the rewards and bonuses from paying can be increased greatly... there will be nothing stopping them from spending... give them all they want -there will be no "gap" anymore between payers and non-payers, they would be separate, which would mean that the non-payers would also be encouraged to fight to get to the top ranks of their own category, rather than saying "Oh I'll never be as good as the payers so why should I fight?" hence increasing activity. Cons: -there are already few players to look for when fighting, now there will be even fewer to fight with. However, I believe this isnt as much of a problem since more people would be willing to fight now that the "gap" would be removed -all this needs to be coded I would think and write more about this, but first I'd like to hear what the community thinks of such an idea in general, so that I don't end up wasting my time. It might turn out to be a good solution if more ideas from you can improve this. No solution can be absolutely perfect, but we can try to make one as best as possible.
  11. WTB 2-3 tokened bloodpacts (not many tokens, only a few). They must have: Blooddrop-3, Claw-2, Dark Sky and Sunshine. They can have more tokens, but not necessary. Please contact me in-game or through forum PM, doesnt matter, if you wish to sell, and then we can discuss the price.
  12. Happy birthday Shar!
  13. Sold. Topic can be closed, please.
  14. Contains swearwords [spoiler] http://9gag.com/gag/aPvqOBR [/spoiler]
  15. What if someone can only attend one auction but wants to buy someone in the other?
  16. Sigh... I feel I should say something here... Back when I tried was different from this since firstly I didn't want to join CoE and secondly I wanted to purely revive it - and do nothing more. I wanted Tarq and Amoran to come back and lead the alliance. I didnt know much about the alliance to be honest... my purpose was solely to increase activity and, at that time, prove myself to Lorerootians that I'd be loyal. A great many mistook me, or as I saw, for being the person to wanted to "be given" CoE, or at least be part of it. What hurt me very much at that point was the fact that I knew I didnt know my way around things as well as I'd have liked, still I continued, but people thought of me as a failure for that rather than helping me. Of course, it did fail after all and like dst said... I hit the wall. Hard. All I can hope for is that Aeo's case doesnt turn out the same way.
  17. Deal made (but not sold yet). Topic should remain open until transaction is completed (for who knows what reasons it may be delayed >.>)
  18. Darkness... because it opened my mind. Made me realize that if there was no light at all, there would be infinite darkness (obviously) but at the same time there wouldn't be any darkness since it only exists due to the existence of light... Loreroot... because my experiences with it taught me what loyalty really means, what a home is, what friends are, what your greatest strength is... Fire... because I believe that even though people may not see it in them, it is present in every soul, and the way it shines, brightens, and dims is what makes each one of us unique...
  19. I'd offer my support, but the past has made me decide otherwise. Last time I decided to revive the CoE left me want to leave Loreroot or even MD for a moment, so its best if I continue trying to forget about it. The "CoE" which was in the past can never be the same, even if revived (which of course would be great), unless the former members return and stay active. We tried the hard way as well as the easy way in the past, both failed.
  20. Well done, LHO. Breaks rules rather than enforcing them. Also, makes people leave rather than making them stay. Cheerio, cheerio. Gotta let Grido know about this
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