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Everything posted by Jonn

  1. Jonn


    It's not needed to make the whole name into a link, just a small "something" next to the name that appears on :hover.
  2. Jonn

    Gifting Credits

  3. Pick me, pick me!
  4. You know you've been here too long when you start signing your papers and contracts with your playername instead of your real name...
  5. I'll send my slave *Cabin Boy* ID:95907
  6. 4400 is the max heat you can have in the heat counter and 4000 what you max can use in battles.
  7. It's a timeout. Once the ritual is created you are redirected to the attack screen which, if you've taken too long, has expired giving that msg.
  8. [quote name='dst' post='19374' date='Nov 2 2008, 09:50 AM'].[/quote] :good: The extra slashes only appear if you forget to remove the ones that's already there before you save it again.
  9. and if they don't, stop asking about it.
  10. Happy Birthday Now back to work, noobs can't take care of themselves
  11. What! You're eating cookies on the job? Bad Light....where's my lighter. It would be a usefull thing Kragel, signed.
  12. Jonn


    lol EMO bunny
  13. Jonn


    Down with the Bunny Empire
  14. I found a topic that I actually want to reply to. I am amazed. [quote name='maggot' post='17937' date='Oct 6 2008, 01:41 AM']Like I said, you can't expect people to be able to judge what is spam according to the game's judgment. If they believe they're using the spell purposely, then they won't think of it as spam, which by definition constitutes something pointless. Guess you're right about the second rule though, hm. Too bad not enough people complained about rpc abuse, huh? Been poking around on the forums, reading old topics, plus heard some things firsthand. Don't think names will hurt. The one about discussion an interpretation of rules was Robin (who was banned). Ren punished Robin (again, poor thing) for complaining about being attacked (I guess too much by Ren's judgment). A player who quit a while ago, Glaistig, told me about a person who was banned for complaining that another player lied (although he did spam, he wasn't banned for spamming since he stopped, just complaining repetitively). There was dst, I think, for something trivial I forgot, by Wodin, and his friends threatened for protesting his ban. I think kase, a former LHO, was banned, though don't know for what... except others disliked him. Some others, I don't remember but others might, and here we have Ledah.[/quote] I remember Robin Hood and I remember kase and I remember Ledah and I also remember the reason why these ppl where banned. Yes Robin Hood was attacked by Ren (cross-mp) and he complained about it in the forum, but that was not the reason he got banned. Back in the old days when Wodin Ullr was Wodin Ullr and not just the leader of GG, he had some rules in his area that would make his and others life much better when being there. One of those rules where not to annoy him. Robin did that for a long long time despite being warned a million times that if he continued to whine in that area we would have to remove him and restore order. The reason, as he later explained, for not shutting up was that he was extremely drunk at the time. Is being drunk a crime? No, but if you can't handle it then stay away from other ppl. kase was a different story. He just turned out to be a psychopath (I'm not exaggerating). When I asked him to behave probably and not loose his temper all the time he went crazy on me and used all his accounts to flame me in different areas. Ledah is one of the more normal stories, he just misused the silence spell despite warnings and spammed in crowded areas, therefore he received a temp. ban. End of story. [quote name='dst' post='17950' date='Oct 6 2008, 12:06 PM']To ban a player you need a really good reason. There are other ways of punishing players than banning them. The rules are not perfect but they can be improved. And as for me being banned...yes it happened. Why? Because I used the shut up command on Wodin. Was he wrong? YES. He did it without warning me (this was the main reason I protested) and also he could have used something else. One question:was Ledah banned or just exiled in the Passage of War?[/quote] He was both different occations though. I put him in a dream too once. Whenever I ban a player I make sure to have both evidence and a good reason. If you have any complaints send me a note and I will ban you
  15. Noooo it's fun chasing those that abuse the spell.....gives me a reason to be evil ... ... .... ... Nah ok make it silent.
  16. There's no body in the personal page that you can manipulate like that, you will have to make a divider with the background. <div style="background-image: url('[url]');width:[width];height:[height];z-index:-1;"> [everything else of the page] </div> That should do it if not I also too only know how in css.
  17. Images: <img src="[url]" /> Videos: <object width="[width]" height="[height]"><param name="movie" value="[url]"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="[url]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="[width]" height="[height]"></embed></object> This will show properly in the personla pages but not in the /players/[playername] page for that you need to remove the " pretty much everywhere in the code. Hope it helps.
  18. Happy Birthday Braiton
  19. Gotta try this
  20. It's a good idea and I think you should work on it.
  21. Welcome Back Act
  22. Welcome to Magicduel, you're gonna be busy if you want to find all the secrets
  23. Happy birthday to both of ya
  24. Thanx guys and girls. You are great. I'll remember to put you all on the not-to-torture list
  25. The pages support any frontend scripting language. Furthermore there's aome thing you need to be aware of. The pages insert a break tag <br/> everytime you do a line break, it's really annoying and it insert the " around the attributes automaticly so you should omit them in your coding ie <img src=url /> one more thing actually, it escapes the " and ' in the text on your profile, to fix that you just need to replace them with the corresponding ascii code.
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