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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DarkRaptor in Halloween Cookies!   
    Halloween Cookies!!!

    I've heard that the Old Woman is again in the hunt at north of Marind Bell capital as some of you already know she is able to cook the special MagicDuel Halloween Cookies!
    Go TALK to her and venture yourself to help her and get some cookies to yourself! :D

      1. Players that have finnished this quest last year are not eligible for rewards
      2. No alts allowed

      All that sucessfully help the Old Woman to make the cookies will win:
        1 spellstone (locate,mirror or silvertongue ) from my stock
        1 silver sponsored by TK

      The quest will be up until a few days before halloween.

    Please Have Fun!!!

    This quest was prepared for last years Halloween and as such this quest is targeted to new players and those that did not had the chance to finnish it.
    Also.. i've heard that there may be a sequel to this quest during Halloween celebrations.. :ph34r:

  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Toms Suggestions   
    yes i respecfully and in the goal to improve things for new players that moderator take in account my suggestion to  make more ovious and readyly evident the main part of the ruling
    not saying to remove or add the already set of rule but merely suggesting that putting an new an evident short warning would prevent maybe some misunderstanding
    My wording in my exemple is not maybe the best way to put it, but maybe an start for making an nice one
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Toms Suggestions   
    one of my suggestion i remember (but not sure where to find it in forum)
    the disprancy between what one new player see in or when registering, i mean if one read all that is avalable to see about the game he see maybe 10 pages (i did before list all of them) quite an lot of pages talking about magic, principles , spells ... and as am aware its not implement or wide spread yet as for game play... an new player maythink (as i did when i started) that MD its an game of sorceror casting spell around ...
    my suggestion was to disable acess to those pages from outside up to the time that such part of the game is implemented is really the crux of the game playing or at least an good part
    another exemple remember all the shit i got about the gardening? 
    if the quest maker would have mean aware that forum is "13 year old" censur , the report of make beleive planting could have been ask forum message or some more private mean or even say
    to put in hiding spolier tag and how to make it ... so i would not have been attack rudely for only making what is allow in game
    You have an posting about forum rules that is dry , long and not talk about the 13 year old censur and more that post of rule is hidden in no mans land, and even after what apend to me you dont talk about that
    Why not put an section at top : forum rules
    and in it the stick up rule posting of your
    but put before an ***short*** warning post  that say only :
    This forum is rated 13 year old, and censur
    no talk about alcool , or drug , or drug name directly or indirectly is allow except in spolier tags and say how to make an spolier tag: use special BB code button and select spolier
  4. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    You're not writing War and Peace you know. That text has to be few lines. I see no creativity there. I only see a struggle to fit the sign post.
  5. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    I'd say though that you Reward just the first place and submit the first three entries to the council. Also, instead of a wishpoint, reward the first place with the rustgold. If you really want to reward the second and the third places, reward them with 2 and 1 gold each. Because I think a rust gold has the value of 4g in the market. If I am correct.
    You usually reward people on the basis of the effort they are putting in. In this case its barely any effort. Its not even something like poetry or story. And since you yourself are mentioning in the post that this is more inclined to the people who know more about tribunal and it's inside workings, I suggest you give your reward bundle a thought.I know you want more participants and the quest to be popular and such. It seems to be devaluing a wishpoint.
    It's your call in the end.
    Also, Public voting is probably the worst idea for such quests. Because public voting for a person is 90% popularity contest. If memory serves me right, One person invited his non MD friends to join the forum just so that he could get 'non alt' votes to win the quest. Interesting loopholes people can come up with :P
  6. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Valldore Nal in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    What better reward than this ? 
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Change in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Why does everyone seem to think that this will take barely any effort? The effort that it takes depends on the other participants. In a poetry contest, if all of the contestants write their poems in under five minutes, then they put in barely any effort. Look up copywriting for a profession that is all about writing high quality 50 characters or less snippets of text.
    When I play text-based roleplaying games (where people type commands and actions) I often spend hours on a character description that's only 4-6 sentences in length. After I'm done, I continue to refine it as I play the game. This is the same, except it's a description of a land.
    I do think that the first place contestant should only get a wishpoint if their description merits it. Sadly, the only suggestion that I can think of to determine this is to have the judges (for there need to be judges. I agree that public voting is a no) say if they think a description merits one. I say sadly since it seems that everyone is biased towards poetry or more longer pieces of prose. I just hope that, if this method is used, people will recognize a great description when they see one.
    I would like to participate in this quest, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time for it yet, so I'll hold off my decision until a bit later.
  8. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Toms Suggestions   
    Tom, iv told you above, if you want to go through all the pages listing whats wrong, what needs to be taken down, go for it. Then i will have a nice list of things to work on. But if you are just going to complain and ask others to then its not going to happen since you are most bothered by it but are too lazy to do it.

    Swearing isnt allowed either, You didnt abide by the rules, your drug related post was taken down. This isnt up for discussion. Please edit your post to remove the swearing.
  9. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Andur in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Pipstickz give me his final opinion about sponsorship after reading all the comments.  I changed the rules. First place reward is Joker + Special Reward (implementation). Second place reward is Rustgold, third 3 Gold (only aply if there will be more then 12 participants).
    @Rophs and Acksham
    If the quest after changing rules don't suit you, contact me via PM, I will delete your registrations.
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Head Contest - complaint   
    some toughts

    johnconstantine, donniecesar
    I share your feeling, as that for an new player, looking at the contest page, realising that what is written for rules is not what is follow seem unjust
    But you where told right older players are aware that an rule change was in an annoncement before, just that what was written was not updated

    MD community, concil
    I want to summit the idea that this case in an exemple of what make MagicDuel less friendly to new players
    And an priority to make effort to prevent such occurence seem to me it would be an idea for the good of MagicDuel

    I dont think its realistic to expect an new or recent player to dig in old annoncements to be sure there was not an rule change

  11. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Head Contest - complaint   
    public rules: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14911-head-contest-complaint/?p=145283

    It wasnt hidden, it was announced, just some old pages were wrong.

    >>>If Chewett denies John the audience he's asking with Mur this makes this ALL THE WORST since he has:

    Im not Mur's secretary, im one of the coders of the game and with that i have certain power, i have said that from my PoV i wont be doing anything, i even encouraged him to talk to HC, PC or Mur ingame when he was complaining.


    There have been contests since this rule was implemented, with no issues. So the only issue is that someone didnt know the rules for it.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Pipstickz give me his final opinion about sponsorship after reading all the comments.  I changed the rules. First place reward is Joker + Special Reward (implementation). Second place reward is Rustgold, third 3 Gold (only aply if there will be more then 12 participants).
    @Rophs and Acksham
    If the quest after changing rules don't suit you, contact me via PM, I will delete your registrations.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Toms Suggestions   
    what swearing?
    And i dont complain about the rule nor try to change them in this thread ,, what i suggest is that the rule be made ovious for an new player
    (please read my posting as such)
    Note: Chewett, i respect all the work you make in this game, but i find at time you seem to take as an attack on yu and become defencive when its not the intention
    as for list .. you have 2 suggestion in this thread why not start with them before adding eventually more?
    (now stopping, .... seem what i say is taken as negative not positive, when its not what i try to do)
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Toms Suggestions   
    Please dont take my posting as an negative rambling or critising
    i know that Magicduel is an complex thing and to make sure everything is up to date and coerent is hard
    I did even some suggestions to make magic duel more such ... and nothing was done (i dont have coding power or redacting power to enact my suggestions)
    but what realistically  can be done is for exemple, aware ness of each of those that actively can do things
    for exemple that head contest, someone is in charge of that, and maybe he could have look and see that its not upto date, and ask someone to that can put it up to date
    and awareness as for those that make priority of the work of those that can do things, its just what i say
  15. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Aquellia in Head Contest - complaint   
    I don't want your apology and don't try to sell me this spoof about family.
    I will demand rewards for 4 best players in this Head Contest as a remunaration for misguidng players. 
  16. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Change in Head Contest - complaint   
    I don't want your apology and don't try to sell me this spoof about family.
    I will demand rewards for 4 best players in this Head Contest as a remunaration for misguidng players. 
  17. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Head Contest - complaint   
    I was on a lot of medication during that period of time. So <some words burns removed becuase free speech is not allowed on the forum> you very nicely.
    As one of the members who can "approve" your request i deny it.

    I have updated the rules to what should have been uploaded when i was unable to.

  18. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from VertuHonagan in Head Contest - complaint   
    I want to complain about Head Contest. The information provided in announcement is:
    This is a CONTEST! First 4 of each group will get a prize consisting in a stats, skill and credits boost and a head trophy medal!
    But in reality player's need minimum 2000 score to get price.
    I and many young players fight long time just for what?
    To get the news that that there won't be any rewards for second, third and fourth place, because there was announcement about rules change. 
    This is misguiding people. Player's don't have strict and complete information about contest.
    So what? I have to read all the Forum posts, asks players and g know what to get just the INFORMATION about it? 
    The is unjust and this shows sloppines which I see in MagicDuel more over the time and in many aspects.
    If you want to make contest or whatever else provide strict and easily available information about it. And don't find exuces, because adding two or three text lines doesn't take weeks to do. 
    But what I see? That you are making us idiots.
    I was fighting couple of days till the the last minute just to get information that I won't get anything. 
    I won't leave that and I will send complaint about it  to Mur. 
  19. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Vicious in Head Contest - complaint   
    You to. 
    You can't change the rules when the contest is in progess. Law is not retroactive. And you are not judge and jury simultaneously.
    It wasn't request for you. I will ask for private audience with Mur when I calm down a bit. 
  20. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Vicious in Head Contest - complaint   
    I don't want your apology and don't try to sell me this spoof about family.
    I will demand rewards for 4 best players in this Head Contest as a remunaration for misguidng players. 
  21. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    A WP for a bunch of lines is way too much if you ask me.
    And it's a PUBLIC voting. It's the WORST kind EVER. Because people will not vote the quality of the submissions (btw...I don't even know what you can call quality on a description) but they will vote for friends and/or the players they like. So no! This kind of quests should DEFO not have such huge prizes.
  22. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Isn't it a bit too much to give 1 WP for such a quest?
  23. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Ask TK for some sponsership John, a WP shouldnt be given for writing a description.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    When people create quests that need judging they also look for judges. Some post announcements on forum asking for volunteers and so far I haven't seen any quest stopped because it lacked judges.  Another solution people came up with was to ask other players to be judges (PMs, YM, doesn't really matter). The more different the judges are, the better the results. I cannot give you names because of...lots of reasons. And "I don't know a lot of people from East" should not be a showstopper. I don't think any of them would deny helping you just because they are mean. What do you have to lose if you ask?
    And the jury should not know the names of the players that submitted (and also the other way around aka player not know the name of the judges) to increase the fairness of the quest. I have at least one example of a public vote that chose the most popular player and not the better submission and I have also an example where one of the contestants made TONS of alts and voted in the poll.
    lashtal, Burns, Nimrodel...those are first 3 people that pop into my mind who had quests with judges. Talk to them and maybe they will be able to help you more.
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to donniecesar in Head Contest - complaint   
    I did not participate the constest because I was in story mode. Aside from my low chances of winning, it afforded 4 prizes, so,  thought, "maybe I can one". This is very misleading.
    Aside from the "elogious" words between Chewett and Constatine, it is of my opinion that the rules of the challenge count as they are made public - and it said 4 prizes in the contest's page.
    Pipstickz says "the challenge is not fair", but I say a challenge with moving rules is no challenge at all. Similar shifiting rules are used in shady circumstances to punish participants, so it betrays the purpose of contending and is, therefore, not a contest. Using a hyperbolic example, if Chewett decided "the new change made in the rules say Donald Black has won all the prizes, I only had no time to say it before" people here would be having a shi*fit - they would feel stolen from their time - and they would be right. That's what is happening here; the other winners (and I refer to them like this because they are) were stolen by a piece of rules that wasn't made public apropriately by whatever reasons (because to them it makes no difference) and have all right to complain.
    If Chewett denies John the audience he's asking with Mur this makes this ALL THE WORST since he has:
    1. Admitted the mistake was his;
    2. Said he'll do nothing about it;
    3. Will deny access to the resolution of a problem he has created himself, while not solving it.
    It says: "Yes, I did things wrong because I had issues, but I'll do nothing about it, none of you will do anything about and if any of you tries, I'll mess it up". This is not even about the contest anymore, is about being fair.
    I'm a rookie and I know many players - Chewett being an extreme case - gives a lot more time and effort to MD than me, but fair is fair. The right thing to do is to reward all winners according the the public rules, change the rules after and hold other contests in the new law. Burns, over there, said law is applied retroactively, but as far as my research led it only retrocedes in benefit of the charged - and in this case there are innocent people being punished. Put yourself in the place of the other players for a bit, ok?
    Also, the restriction page, or rule page as it is, says the game provides the ability to question decisions.
    Not to give people the chance to question a decision is being very authoritarian: while this happens a lot in real life and in other games, this is (alledgely) a community built game and the purpose to it is making things different and fun - and there is no fun at all in being stolen from.
    Now, something to remember about the intro:
    This is a multiplayer adventure game, you will find here creature fights, amazing places, secret areas, puzzles to solve, alliance collaborative play, a story that changes based on your decisions , magic spells and much much more...
    Let's just hope this "much more" doesn't involve "the same stuff you hear at work and from your government and that makes you feel tired with life and people all around" - that would be very anticlimatic.
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