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Hedge Munos

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Posts posted by Hedge Munos

  1. Hello.

    I've been looking through avatars, because I enjoy the history of them. I purchased a shroom-like avy, and though I like it a lot, it doesn't have anything to do with my character, so I'm selling it. I'll accept whatever you have to offer for it, coins, credits, creatures, items...I don't really care. It is an auction, and I'll run it for a few days, perhaps longer, so no specific ending date yet. Here's the avatar:

    [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3271%20"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3271 [/url]

    (There's a link because I couldn't get the image to work properly)

    This is the history I have on it, received from someone else...

    The last twelfth generation avatar, artist unknown but most likely BlackThorn. There is little more I can tell you about this, as it is not in my records anywhere, and therefore was most likely grabbed by someone who went inactive almost straight after.

    Auction open now

  2. Hello,

    I've lost an avatar that I uploaded. I changed it out, because I'm going through the credit shop, and I didn't know I'd lose it, I assumed it would be stored in my vault. It's a man holding a walking stick, magnifying glass, and a piece of paper, wearing a fedora, and a trench coat. If you see it, please purchase it, and I will repay you with coins. Thank you,


    (I just noticed the warning on the shop...I apologize for my ignorance.)

  3. All of the entries are wonderful, it was a difficult decision. I've decided that first place goes to living_puppet, and second to Phantom Orchid. However, I've decided to give all other entrants 1 silver coin each, for participation and quality of entries. Please message me and let me know when you are around so I may reward you. Thank you all!


    UPDATE: Grido, Living Puppet, Fyrd Argentus, Phantom Orchid, Tipu -- Have been rewarded

  4. Due to the lack of voting, I will judge the two winners. I appreciate all competitors and it's been interesting reading your responses. For any more entries, I give you 24hrs to post them here. If by then, there are no new entries, I will declare the winners. Thank you for your participation,


  5. Greetings,

    I was pondering things while taking a stroll, and I thought I'd turn one of my questions into a miniquest/contest. I have a question regarding brains. Post any questions about MY question, here. Answers will be posted here and any duplicates will be disqualified, so read the other entries carefully before you enter yourself. You, the readers, will vote for your favorite answer using the like buttons. The top 5 you choose will go to a final round, where I will select two, a winner and a runner-up. The rewards?

    First Place: 3 silver

    Second Place: 2 silver

    The rather long question(s):

    Do some brains share the same shape? If so, why do they not share the same thoughts? Just because of the way they develop? Affected by upbringing? Or, does everyone have a different brain shape? And does this affect the way our brain develops and the way we learn? Some people have better memory than others, is this because of brain shape? Or are some people just using less of their brain than others?


    Q: Are multiple entries allowed?
    A: There is a maximum of 2 entries per person

    Q: Do you need a certain number of participants for the contest to continue?
    A: A minimum of 7 participants is needed.

    Q: Is there a time limit?
    A: There is no time limit for now, I will start round two when I feel like it, so try to get your entries in!

    Q: Can I enter after the final round has started?
    A: You can post your answer, but it will not be counted in the contest.

    Post any more questions below, thanks,


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