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Everything posted by AqlBeast

  1. Hahha Chewett. Now you are an honest one as well
  2. There is a citizen tab? 0_o I really overlooked this one. Marind Bell for me
  3. Thats true No One. I am getting more lazier now cause I been trying for months and getting exasperated the more I try. But I been trying for months. With the college works I am dealing now, I rarely get that much time to play MD anymore. Even when I do have time to play, much of my friends are offline or doing something else. 500 victories in 3 months is not that bad. but that was when I have the time to play. If I were able to get balance sometime soon, and by soon would be about a year and a half or two years since I don't have that much time. If I knew something like losing negative stats may occur, I won't have done what I did in the past. The biggest problem I am having right now is I am near my personal max exp again. And in order to reduce these exp instead of using a wish point item (which I have done some time before), I would have to take some major stats deduction. dst may be able to help me reduce my experience faster but while she is not around, I relied on giving out burst at GGG. For each burst I offered, I get approximately 10 to 15 negative stats and probably more stat lost when I will be able to raise my max VE at the end of this month. In order to reduce my 28 million personal experience to a reasonable number that I can start training again, I would have to take no less than 100 negative stats possibly even more. I understand your viewpoint on this matter No One and I respect your opinion. After all, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. And I have mine as well. I hope not to offend you in anyway. I still have one wish point I have not use since none of the wishpoint item in the wish shop attracts me as much as this new idea here. This item will give me a chance to make my wish come true and that is why I am throwing this idea out there. On the down side, I am guilty because I don't know how much time Mur will have to spend on this. But on the plus side, this item will possibly by available only once to abstain further offsetting and also have the potential to restore the balance in the system after players knew and experience the downside of having an unbalance profile. This also help new incoming MP5 players who haven't the faintest idea what the heck is going on in MP5 (everyone seems to be giving them negative honor). They will be less incline to make their profile unbalance if everyone else is balanced. Or if they are balance and goes unbalance they will be motivated to complete a wish point quest in order to purchase the item in the wish shop. I was also thinking about attacking all them MP2 account in GG in attempt to balance my profile as well, but not sure if I would want to ruin the fun. Mur said something about having a plan for them. They seem to disappear when players attack them so I am reluctanct to follow other's footstep. Again No One. I am simply stating my opinion, and I am too lazy to continuing comment. Thank you for sharing your opinion
  4. AqlBeast


    Farming negative stats? hmmm interesting concept. May be good use in helping others Liberty was testing and thinking about something similar in the past relating negative stats Good luck.
  5. Interesting spam. I would hate to receive that much PM. May be there should be a new additional feature in MD Shop? for blocking or ignoring a certain user? Just a suggestion here.
  6. I support any new ideas, especially new creatures and aura/influences. (makes me vibrate with excitement )
  7. Congratulations Winners.
  8. Hahha I would prefer you use the word "moth" instead of "month." Gives me a very good laugh. But hmm....banning is really harsh haahah.
  9. AqlBeast


    I very much hope something can be done about this. But as there currently isn't any possible way to bring players out of this loop hole, my best bet goes to the next generation of MP5 players. Forget about the old veteran players. I suggest every new MP5 maintains their current win/loss balance as best as they. As more MP4 players advance to MP5, they will not have to experience what you are feeling right now---frustrated. As more and more new MP5 emerges, you will be able to gain your honor and be respected for your deeds. For the time being I wish you good luck in finding an alliance to attach yourself and therefore only concern yourself with loyalty points. Maybe some time in the future when something can be done about the unbalanced veterans out there who are giving off major win/loss ratio, everything will be a bit more stable. Personally, I have more than 2000 losses than wins in the past. It takes me approximately months to be in the state I am---having still 1509 more losses than wins. Evidently this is taking a long time. I did just propose a idea that may help hopefully alleviate this problem a bit. Check out the link below [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5743-new-wish-shop-item-balance-profile/page__pid__47997__st__0&#entry47997"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5743-new-wish-shop-item-balance-profile/page__pid__47997__st__0&#entry47997[/url]
  10. Call me selfish if you must, but I desire to fix my very unbalanced profile as well as hopefully solve a certain problem that presents itself to many new MP5 players. Aimed at veteran players or old MP5 players who have very unbalanced profiles, I would like to suggest a new wish shop item that enables players to reset their win/loss ratio to perpetual balance or a similar state. This may also encourage players to take more action training and have something to do other than hiding or being discourage to train. This item may help alleviate the honor point problem new MP5 players are having. Mur was very generous to do a major win/loss ratio reset in the past when 100,000 accounts have been registered to MD. But another reset without a high cost such as a hard-earned wish point would be unreasonable. With all due respect, I do not wish to burden Mur with more works. I simpy want to suggest this idea and hope that when the time is right, something may be done to alleviate the negative stats I keep gaining everyday even though I have been training hard to raise them. No doubt some have met similar fate as I have. I included a poll as well. Please, do share your opinion whichever way you feel is deemed appropriate. [b]Possible pro-reasons:[/b] 1) Gives a way out for players who were already unbalance before the negative stats was implement. Not saying this is something to be fair about since they did choose to offset their balance in the first place while no one was forcing them too. Some simply wanted to gain extra experience from the extra honor without realizing such a future consequence as this. 2) Encourages players to train and have something to look forward to such as raising their stats instead of decreasing it or aimlessly farming weaker players. This may create a sort of chain reaction forcing players to hide from attack or incite tension between players. The thing is why train when I keep getting negative stats. 3) Gives another reason for spending wish point instead of keeping them. Create variety of options. 4) Alleviates the honor problem new MP5 players are having. 5) Encourages new non-alliance MP5 players to train with the veteran MP5 players who are balanced. 6) Any reason you can think of. et cetera. [b]Possible anti-reasons:[/b] 1) Players get themselves into this mess in the first place. Should suck it up and get themselves out of it without a shortcut. 2) Players can train even if they gain negative stats. There is a place called GGG for training to gain win and/or experience depending on how unbalanced you are. 3) This wish point item is irrelevant any time soon or prospectively near futured. 4) Any reason you can think of. et cetera. Just an idea I am throwing out there. Hopefully I have not offended anyone in anyway. If I have somehow unintentionally offended anyone in anyway, I hereby solemly apologize. I am sorry. And thank you for reading this through.
  11. [b]at which historical point should game start from? [/b]Probably sometime after caveman era when the technology hasn't been developed. Enables you to tutorial the player on how to play the game and then advance into another era. [b]make a list of possible stats player should have that arent related to anything except mind and body (good example: physical strenght, stamina; bad example: attack, defense) [/b]Body: strength, stamina, energy, agressiveness, passiveness Mind: karma, intelligence, skill, communication [b]make list of resources [/b]tree (different kinds) clay/stone water iron silver gold crude oil human [b]make list of possible jobs [/b]peasant, farmer, carpenter, builder, artisan, thief, guard, captain, dealer, merchant, lord, nurse, doctor, factory workers [b]make list of possible feats/abilities [/b]planting, harvesting, communicating, researching, building, guarding, stealing, killing, refining resources [b]make list of useful items that will be produced (just general names no variations please becoz players ingame will be able to make variations of items during production of them)[/b]wood, food, explosiver powder, flour, stones, iron, silver, gold, population, house [][][]Thats about it for me. Good luck your game.
  12. A short story I will tell Not of heaven nor of hell But of human life and logic way Hopefully many will want to play Starting on 325 of MD's day 23 server time of every Monday A short story then a riddle Or a puzzle whichever suits Two shiningg silvers to the winner Or another chance for another day A test this is I will say No fees no requirements made But only as of that day Each puzzle each riddle A reward, give I may At Gazeebo of Equilibrium on that day. [][][]Puzzle and riddle varies from trickiest to hardest. But solveable in 15 minutes.[][][] (coming from a guy who can solve the hardest sodoku in 2 minutes) [b]Weekly Puzzle Story [/b]starts every Monday 23:00:00 server time [b]Current Reward [/b]is two silvers [b]No Fee[/b] the first Monday. Haven't decided whether or not I want to go broke. Problem is sponsoring the silvers. Well whatever, let the fun gathering begin!
  13. Decided to scrap this contest and make a more interesting one. Thank you for the opinions Please close this thank you.
  14. Contest ended. Please close this. Thank you.
  15. Awesome
  16. [b]COMING SOON!!! THE PUZZLING QUEST[/b] [b]Requirement:[/b] Able to pay 2 silvers (50% of the total silvers will be added to the reward) [b]Reward:[/b] Starting at 10 silvers & 1/2 of total silvers payed by participants. [b]Method:[/b] Find me in game to receive a PM containing the puzzle. You must reply back the answer and how you solve the puzzle within the next 3 hours. [b]Notice:[/b] 1) 3 hours time limit is restrictly enforced to keep a standard as well as to prevent participants from getting help. 2) All puzzles are different not only in the value but also the method of solving it. Answer without how you solve the puzzle is not acceptable. If anyone has any opinion on this quest, I would very much love to hear it. I intend to amend some part of this quest such as the requirement or method base on the opinions I get. So please help make this quest better by providing your opinioin. Thank you P.S. Expect the quest to start some time next week. So keep me in contact if you want to participate.
  17. Awesome another festival
  18. Going to miss you...
  19. Nice
  20. Not sure if this is meant to be the new way. But LVL 5 archer target is now set to multiple instead of attack all. Just wondering if this is a bug.
  21. Maybe host a design contest for the T-shirt? Encourages new designs and gives an idea of how many players like what through voting. Really want an MD T-shirt to show my friend show I can encourage them to join hehehe
  22. Great Idea
  23. Dang I am up for ordering a few T-shirts! Hook me up some yall.
  24. My quest is starting next week. I think you will like it very much Cryxus as well as any other puzzle lover and brain teaser type of quest
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