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Everything posted by smartalekrj

  1. I'm just curious about what people think on it... and where they are at with the new way of fighting.
  2. Every time i clicked post reply the screen would mess up and instead of the pictures being there eg the header and smileys and stuff it would show a grey area and i couldn't click post reply... dont know if it happened to anyone else, but i thought that was worth mentioning.
  3. hey... are you talking about family trees that dont fork?
  4. giving bonuses of adepts of adepts would be kind of cool... also seeing a branch form where it shows who your adepts are would be cool. cause it could branch out and look bigger and nicer
  5. hmmm this can have ups and downs to it... in the end you will still have the wrong ritual used is you are trying to protect one... the basic standards are good for keeping rituals. all you have to do is make alot more defence rituals... you will always want losses and wins.
  6. hmm maybe a button on the battle page or certain areas(broken gazeebo) that you can elect to turn idle mode off if you are reading or trying to do something
  7. lots of paper!!!
  8. loreroot is fun!!! lol i like the pace, but sometimes when reading the logs i get confused cause it goes from one story to the next. But other than that i think it's going at a good pace.
  9. Name | Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | Outgoing Hits/Other Votes | Rank Change Top100pcgamesites = 3rd gamesitestop100 = 34th ; 1273 ; 167 gamez100 = 10th ; 1272 ; 289 topgamelisting = 1st ; 754 ; 206 best-rpg = 14th ; 624 ; 98 top50.onrpg = 40th ; 1248 ; 0 top-game-sites = 12th ; 1277 ; 117 rpg.sg = 6th ; 140 ; N/A mmorpg100 = 55th ; 582 ; 428 apexwebgaming = 24th ; 2162 ; N/A gtop100 = 40th ; 924 ; 313 topgamesites = 50th ; 425 ; 504 eternalgamelist = 5th ; 574 ; 98 games-top100 = 7th ; 1142 ; 76 browsermmorg = 1st ; 30 ; 5 crimsongames200 = 7th ;
  10. maybe once you hit that low you end up in a special area where only others like you are and you can attack them freely for x amount of honor until you reach 0 and then you are transported back to public areas with the option to fix your balance witha lil more freedom.
  11. it is a strategy beatinbg them.... and it takes a while to get it right.
  12. chewett: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up ... smartalekrj: a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes ... killer2: and reflected off my sword... chewett: and blinded something in front of me.. killer2: the thing howled... smartalekrj: as i glared i noticed it was enormous... killer2: and it had a huge huge huge... Nauraph: greataxe resting on its shoulder. It... chewett: swung its axe back and then... Akasha: the dark began to raise upon it's age.. SmartAlekRJ: and a howling effort cringed me with fear...
  13. lol i made the mistake of thinking i was picking a male avatar. they need to be labelled somehow
  14. also maybe some type of vacation mode for regular players. like just have a box to check for it and then type in a reason. hehe the only reason i point this out is cause i am going on a vacation for over a month in a couple weeks.
  15. if refreshing doesn't work then clear your cache... sometimes thats what i have to do
  16. hmm i kinda agree with deleting players to an extent though... something like hasn't gotten out of tutorial mode and hasn't logged in in 3 months would be a start i think. Mainly because that's where most people i think would play or not play this game.
  17. hello and welcome... your english looks fine to me lol
  18. Protection: 8 Integrity: /500 Alignament?: -0.3 average equipment doesn't have integrety i think...
  19. i noticed this too... my creatures were sorted by ID and now they seem to be random as you get new ones.
  20. wow you missed my point completely lol i was using 72 days as an example. if someone is on 5 consistant activity days doesn't matter how many days they are on, but after 10 days initially
  21. welcome, and the viking are my second favorite football team :-P
  22. in the mda garden
  23. they say there's not much different between a madman and a true genius......
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