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Posts posted by smartalekrj

  1. Sometimes when travelling only half the chat come up ex if there are 10 posts only 5 come up. Then after about 20 seconds the other half appears and it makes the noise like someone just spoke.

  2. Every time i clicked post reply the screen would mess up and instead of the pictures being there eg the header and smileys and stuff it would show a grey area and i couldn't click post reply... dont know if it happened to anyone else, but i thought that was worth mentioning.

  3. Name | Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | Outgoing Hits/Other Votes | Rank Change

    Top100pcgamesites = 3rd

    gamesitestop100 = 34th ; 1273 ; 167

    gamez100 = 10th ; 1272 ; 289

    topgamelisting = 1st ; 754 ; 206

    best-rpg = 14th ; 624 ; 98

    top50.onrpg = 40th ; 1248 ; 0

    top-game-sites = 12th ; 1277 ; 117

    rpg.sg = 6th ; 140 ; N/A

    mmorpg100 = 55th ; 582 ; 428

    apexwebgaming = 24th ; 2162 ; N/A

    gtop100 = 40th ; 924 ; 313

    topgamesites = 50th ; 425 ; 504

    eternalgamelist = 5th ; 574 ; 98

    games-top100 = 7th ; 1142 ; 76

    browsermmorg = 1st ; 30 ; 5

    crimsongames200 = 7th ;

  4. maybe once you hit that low you end up in a special area where only others like you are and you can attack them freely for x amount of honor until you reach 0 and then you are transported back to public areas with the option to fix your balance witha lil more freedom.

  5. chewett: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up ...

    smartalekrj: a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes ...

    killer2: and reflected off my sword...

    chewett: and blinded something in front of me..

    killer2: the thing howled...

    smartalekrj: as i glared i noticed it was enormous...

    killer2: and it had a huge huge huge...

    Nauraph: greataxe resting on its shoulder. It...

    chewett: swung its axe back and then...

    Akasha: the dark began to raise upon it's age..

    SmartAlekRJ: and a howling effort cringed me with fear...

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