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Posts posted by smartalekrj

  1. k now i was just joking around when i said it "Player not Balanced - Creature Refuss to fight", but it is actually sounding like a good idea. and can be expanded upon. Lately I have noticed, especially in mp4, that the loss ratio is far greater than the win ratio. MP5 isn't much better either. Possibly making creatures unique in the way they fight may help. example would be lets say the aramour is a balanced creature. It will only fight when the player is balanced. and then lets say the heretic archer is an unbalanced creature. it will oonly fight if your wins are equal to or greater than your losses. and the lorerootian archer(examples) is unbalanced the reverse way and will only fight if your losses are equal to or greater than wins. Thi idea can b expanded on i think so lets see what everyone can come up with when they put their brains together!!!

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