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Posts posted by smartalekrj

  1. i can assure you when I say YOU it means YOU, i dont know who ya'll is. Is there more than one of you? You shouldn't assume so much. I have read every single announcement twice which is why i am posting such things. you say i'm losing touch well thats hard to say either way, the fact that i'm posting about this would technically prove otherwise... My rl issues are keeping me from being on the computer, but that doesn't mean i am losing touch with anything. Calling me a fossil what does that make you? the Big Bang Theory? And you let enough people abuse MD so i'm not suprised about you walking away from it :-P

  2. oh yeah if you were to implement such voting methods would you use it for various situations or just this one? You know what my angle is on this question and if you dont then you need to think harder. Basically i am asking you to prove me wrong with a vote from the people. Do you think you can? if you knew you could you would utilize this voting just for that purpose :-)

    *to above post*
    when the poll is mur 51% and people 49% that isn't really effect for voting, why bother holding a vote?

    and considering i haven't sent you an email since i left status(now i see why sent messages are deleted when the person is read, so they can't be reviewed later) nothing is pointless, pointless is only a persons opinion. And 90% of my messages to you were bugs. So bugs are pintless to send to you? and since when do i email you? i send you a pm or randomly try to find you on yahoo.

  3. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='01 October 2009 - 05:45 AM' timestamp='1254390348' post='43393']
    I am planing to use this situation to implement a ingame voting system that will be similar with the forum but will cont the score based on your reputation and will also be something to hold as evidence for MD history over time.

    The player reputation will be eventualy calculated automaticaly but for now i will be the one rating each vote with a value based on who i know you are and the reasons you gave. So the more important/old/influent you are for the realm the more powerfull your vote is. The more good reasons you give, with good logic, proof, etc, the more powerfull the vote. Reputation and reason will count PROBABLY equally, but i am not sure right now.

    Please be prepared to write your reasons and opinion in a clear form within that voting system, even if you posted it allready here on forum.

    In case I don't manage to finish that voting system in time, i will use your opinions here on this topic for a decision.

    A voting system such as this REQUIRES YOU reading it. Do you really have such time to do so? Based on the "voting systems" you have had in the past they have proved byast(however you spell it not gonna bother looking it up) where one person and their alts portray mass voting will this really be any different? if so how? Most know i'm not a fan of your voting system for various reasons of you past conclusions based on the voting system in itself. It should be an easy implement, yet it's constantly flawed. I am not saying you are right or wrong so please dont put a post saying why your right, but instead show the real effort you wish to see out of the voting system details. The Question here is how do YOU want it to be seen?

  4. Burns do you really believe that??? That is so untrue it's funny lol. Set some standards and have some believers at your side and you can get changes just as well. Having a fancy name means nothing in this game and if you believe so then you haven't been paying attention too much lol. People get fancy names by doing extraordinary things, they only need to log in to keep that name however... no skill required after that :-P... Someone doesn't have set standards and because of that there is always an issue somewheres in md... no wonder there isn't progression ingame lmao

  5. lol just got a pm from someone asking for a drac. Of course rpc are disrespected by players. Any mod in almost any game is. I'm a mod on 2 games and ridicules always come in from players. Some people grudge on them and quickly aren't mods anymore, others shrug it off and move on. People with grudges do not make good mods as it shows their true weakness. especially on a computer. If words hurt you that much then go outside.

    Also yes Z stepping down can be a sign of Stepping up :-)

  6. [quote]I believe that rpcs should screw with the hc in an unbiased way. Hunt down those that accumultaing heads in hard to get to places, and send them to goe.[/quote]

    of course i do agree with this, but because of all the complaints i think this is why i cant anymore lol.

  7. sounds good... is there gonna be music with it as well and then like 1/2 hour segments with "interviews" with players or whatever? which would be repeated several times throughout that day because indeed there are players from all over the world.

  8. that sound like the theory of WP's. A new idea should be original. Even with RPC's monitoring, there would still have to be an overseer, someone who mainly just watches it... One of the main things i notice lately is it's alot harder to find specific people, and the logs make it hard as well as the alts of people are normally ridiculously high amounts so one person would recieve a reward and then their alt would for the next thing etc. so finding abuse that way would be a hard thing to do imo. and with the trading of things going on i wouldn't be suprised to see the alt trading with the main so the main still would reap the benefits at some point.

  9. so it's not gonna be a bunch of people with trees set as rits like before? Cause you ain't learning to fight with a bunch of tree's... or were they? if the dojo was teaching that then that would explain why mp5's felt they needed to be there so badly hehe

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