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Everything posted by dst

  1. Finally I get to this topic. I propose to have a look on last year's awards and remove the ones that do not fit anymore. Like best RPC. As for best PWR, we can change it to best role player (yeah...I know that some of you will be thrilled about this category). This way everyone is included. And we can add more categories since lots of things changed. And the first one that pops into my mind is something like "Best quest" not Best quest creator since some of the players did not have the chance of doing more then 1 quest. I still think we should keep the noob of the year, most annoying and least convincing alts. On the other hand we can introduce something like:The most well-known alt. And why not an award like best helping player since there are few that help a lot and they are not LHOs. Hmm...let's see...what else? Oh...I just got an idea. We can keep the best RPC but only this year. We can give a "post-mortem" award to the best RPC . I am out of ideas for the moment.
  2. dst

    New Eid's

    Nobody complained. It is ok .
  3. The bugs are solved. Topic closed and moved.
  4. dst

    Link Expired

    Conclusion: bug due to the tests. Closed and moved.
  5. If it works then I will close this topic and move it to the right section. If you need to open it again just PM me.
  6. Ok. Closed.
  7. Come back soon Irene
  8. I think it's related to the new displaying of players . At least this what my basic of the basic knowledge says to me
  9. Let me check and I will see what I can do. If I don't manage to solve the issue I will go get help.
  10. Post the error. And come to main lands. East Lands are a bit deserted...
  11. DR, right now, the issue is not about you anymore. It's about how to prevent players to post unwanted things in the PL. And it is also about how Fenrir, as always, goes in the opposite direction then the majority.
  12. Damn! I totally forgot about them. Post them and I will approve them and delete the bad ones . @Assura:I believe it was the music given by several bottles of beer and other "beverages"
  13. PM Chew. He knows the issue and he can fix it,
  14. This is the right place . I will make a pinned topic where we all can report those kind of messages. They are useful for debugging.
  15. There is a limit on the number of rounds. If you hit that limit the player who lost the most ve will be considered the loser.
  16. From time to time you'll experience such messages. We consider them "normal" sort of...Means that Mur is working. Rarely means that he broke something. Don't worry about them. Usually they do not affect the game. But it is indeed a good thing to report them so they can be fixed.
  17. No, they are erased after a certain amount of time or by some special events. Next time it will happen please save the hole log. What you have shown me is just a tiny bit of the info I need to check if it's something wrong or it is normal behavior. Is this ok with you?
  18. I can help you by writing something but I don't know if I will be able to attend the meeting. I have no clue what my scheduled is for this week or the next one and I don't want to say I will be there and not come.
  19. I think I can help you on "Set two - In the shadows - the use of ''agents'' or <How can one man win the war>; deceit and treason."
  20. Do you still have the full log? Because the info you provided is insufficient.
  21. Do you understand earth-talk?
  22. Has any of you attacked an mp2 when you got the error? Or the last fight was with an mp2?
  23. I used "you" as a general term. I did not mean you specifically shish! I talk to so many players every day that I definitely cannot remember everything and everyone. If I get irritated I let players know or just ignore them. Few are the ones that made my blacklist and they know who they are. But this is not the point. The point is that in a way I felt cheated. I wanted to help and I really read all the poems even if I HATE poetry. Then you come and declare the winner another player then the one decided by public vote. I really don't understand WHY you opened the topic. And don't get me wrong (it seems you did that already so I will take precautions): I have nothing against Ailith and I have nothing towards Phantom. So, as I said: I wasted valuable time reading something (yes, for me reading poetry is a lose of time) then voting and in the end I find out that I voted just for fun. I have better ways of having fun, thank you. Clearer now? I do hope so.
  24. And another question: did you fight the aramors in GG recently? (before the issue occurred)
  25. Why did you make the poll in the first place if you decided who the winner is by yourself? Shish...and you yell at me about not being reasonable when I rant about quests where subjectivity is sooo big! Shish!
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