A nice battle log:
id: 163529
Creature: 5
Level: 3
Vitality: 14582/1500
Your Army
Load BlackShadow creatures
Load dst creatures
Influences for BlackShadow: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze, morale, attackbonus ######
COMBO: Adding 143 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
Applying 100% of BlackShadow's energetic influence
Applying 100% of dst's energetic influence
dst's Grasan Huvourer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of BlackShadow and:
[color="#FF0000"]- hits haoticaly and does 7217 damage to Elemental V[/color]
creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 3061 damage to Grasan Huvourer and remains with 367 vitality
- hits haoticaly and does 3337 damage to Chaos Archer and remains with 2091 vitality
- hits haoticaly and does 2360 damage to Majestic Winderwild creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 2344 damage to Master Lorerootian Archer and remains with 1884 vitality
- hits haoticaly and does 3853 damage to Imperial Aramor creature DIES!
BlackShadow's Master Lorerootian Archer does damage to weak creature(s) of dst and:
- Grasan Huvourer receives 1 damage and remains with 14584 vitality
BlackShadow's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of dst and:
- Grasan Huvourer receives 1 damage and remains with 14583 vitality
BlackShadow's Grasan Huvourer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dst and:
- hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Grasan Huvourer and remains with 14582 vitality
###### START ROUND 1 ######
dst's Grasan Huvourer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of BlackShadow and:
- hits haoticaly and does 3488 damage to Grasan Huvourer
creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 3837 damage to Chaos Archer creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 2839 damage to Master Lorerootian Archer creature DIES!
###### START ROUND 2 ######
dst's Grasan Huvourer cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
... dst WINS!
Creature Experience reward for BlackShadow - Losing player
Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward
Creature Experience reward for dst - Winning player
Grasan Huvourer gaines 21668 Xp and a won battle
Winner does not get a won fight point.
Looser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!
Thu Nov 20 2008 13:08:51 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)