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Everything posted by dst

  1. Description: Pomegranate seeds honey cake Cake: 10 aromatic herbs 10 water 1 Pomegranate seeds 1 Honey Lollipop 1 Bag of maggoty flour 1 Muled Wine 3 Chocolate covered grasshopper Creating the cake: step 1 - pour the flour in the bowl step 2 - add 8 water and start mixing step 3 - add the aromatic herbs one by one step 4 - drink some wine while letting the mix breath step 5 - lick the lollypop step 6 - mix the water with the lollypop step 7 - wait for lollypop to melt step 8 - heat the water and honey until it becomes thick step 9 - add the thick honey to the cake mix step 10 - add the seeds to the cake mix step 11 - pour cake mix into the cake form step 12 - bake the cake step 13 - take the cake out and let it cool step 14 - decorate the cake with the grasshoppers step 15 - serve the cake
  2. My cake: And since the wish is not so visible I'll write it here: May you add a second zero to that number! And as usual, better view here: http://dstdst.wix.com/cake
  3. I'll highjack Z's thread and ask this: could it be possible that quests that finished to be locked? It is a lot easier tracking down the ones still active if I have a fast way of dismissing finished one (the lock image if you don't get it :D)?
  4. The prizes are NOT ALL provided by you. I have the RIGHT to participate in a quest sponsored by admins. And I have the RIGHT to a fair judgement. Not biased. ESPECIALLY since you will be super biased for the thing you posted above. So, I ask again for FAIR judging.
  5. I do not trust dd's judgement and he's the only judge. GG and 2 GCs (or 3) are sponsored by admins. Since he doesn't want to ask someone else to help judge I want the entries to be anonymous.
  6. Awesome! Good thing you say this AFTER I sent you what I THOUGHT to be the difference/similarities are. Maybe next time you'll be more explicit.
  7. So to get access to the second labyrinth we need to first finish the quest to access it? Or are the 2 things separate?
  8. Whispers are blocked at certain places or they do not exist although the items are placed. Is this on purpose?
  9. Torture Miq (and trout): The revenge of the watermelon You take Miq (and his trout) and tie them (together - they should suffer together ) to a chair in a hot summer day. Then you take the juiciest, sweetest, biggest watermelon you find and you show it to them.Then you take a sharp knife and plunge it into the melon and let Miq and Trout (from now on I shall call them M&T) listen to the ripped sound. Then you cut a small triangle and extract it with the knife. And you show it to the team: red as hell, sweet as the sin. And with the biggest grin, you throw away the nice piece. Next step is to cut the watermelon in half (again be sure M&T listen to the sound of it). You approach them and present your pray. You let them sniff it. Maybe even let a drop of the juice drop on Miq's face. And then with the purest passion ever you start eating the melon.Pig style. Until it's done. Don't forget to spit the seeds towards M&T. Once you finish burp and pat your now huge belly. Don't forget to keep eye contact with M&T and make "mmmm" sounds.
  10. My poem for the queen: Queeny queeny on the throne Why don't you leave us alone? You are classy, you are beauty But you lack the sense of duty! Oh our queen of true sky blue, What should we do now with you? We could serve you, we could please you But I'm afraid you'll cut us through! Queeny queeny of the sky Go ahead and eat some pie! It will make you fat and happy So you will be a lot less snappy! Queeny queeny of the sea We love you to a degree. If you want us to love you more, Go and marry a wild boar!
  11. Happy B-day Sunny boy!!! :)
  12. Since I cannot upload files to MD's forum, I can only leave you a link for now and hopefully tomorrow I can find a better way. So...this is what I have been working on: http://dstdst.wix.com/mdmagnet LE: This is the best I could do:
  13. What the heck...I'll give it a try: dst - 17096.
  14. Personally, I would not bid until I am sure I cannot get one by winning something. So maybe Sunday is not the best day...how about last day of MD B-day?
  15. When did he make the post?
  16. Happy B-day Miq! With lots of watermelons!
  17. dst

    LHO rule

    Chat ban.
  18. THIS! This could work better that the current system. A lot better. Current LHOs do know best what is going on in the realm. Grido is so inactive I really don't think he has an idea currently. But his veto vote has power over whatever the LHOs decide which is sooo bad. Not to mention the fact that he can name whoever he pleases just because he can and nobody can complain. Add a few rules about demoting a LHO (I don't know...inactivity, giving bad advice to player which led to that player being harmed (in any way) etc etc) and you should have a sustainable environment. Start with basic guidelines and improve them in time.
  19. Why just one person? How about several since one person can have periods of inactivity so the "recruiting" process should not stop cause of that (see current situation).
  20. dst

    LHO rule

    I am tired of words Chewy. We all know what needs to be done and how. I want to see action.
  21. *yawns like there's no tomorrow*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      Dont worry Dst!! I'll find more beans!!

    3. dst


      Before that feed Nimmy something cause she seems way too hungry!

    4. Nimrodel
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