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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. Hola~. No hablo en espanol bien. No comprendo mas de que escribes. Pero me gustaria digo algo. Soy la hermana de Lulu. Tambien aprendiendo espanol ahora. Creo que deteno ahora porque se que no te gusta mi espanol mal. Como te gusta magicduel?
  2. Sounds a little like Freud's super-ego and id. Super-ego is the part of human pysche which acts rationally upon ingrained moral values, and id is the part that acts upon beastly desires; according to Freud, they are always opposing forces. It's a better answer than mine.
  3. ... All of you, including MB, are posting a lot for a simple introduction topic. Hello Yami. I am Glaistig. Make sure you say hi to me if you say hi to others in the same place, because otherwise I'll feel excluded. Welcome to magicduel. I've been playing for a while, but people who have been playing less than me are more advanced. Get to mp5 soon and make sure you attack me a lot. I like purple, but your purple hurts my eyes.
  4. Well, it would be interesting to see what would happen if STF did lose a leg, or if he couldn't come up with the answer. But I might as well take a stab. Just because of Morpheus's name, I thought it might be the dreamworld/mind and reality? Because they are sort of related or close but at the same time opposites, and when you sleep you usually dream about something related to reality, like your fears or aspirations. So if you have a fear and dream about it, your dreamself might be fighting your fear. But that's kind of unlikely, isn't it? After all, the answer is too related to his name and that would be too obvious. Must think more. Maybe. Still interested in seeing what would happen if STF died.
  5. Yeah, it would be nice if we could choose what could load in the sidebar... for instance, I don't really need to be reading the adventure of others all day when updates aren't that often. Maybe the last adventure update, and the last news, and then some other info, like the options in the poll. And it was I who wanted to minimize it. (:
  6. Above all, I think that if the system was implemented to help new players and really isn't, there is something wrong (maybe with the players, yes, but then the message should be given to them). I praise players who are able to maintain a balance even while others assault constantly with weak rituals and little compensation. It would take a long time for me to do that even if I could, because it is rare that people attack me for wins in comparison to when I am attacked for losses. I'm even using fairly weak creatures with fairly low vitality in my defense ritual, and I find that by the end of the day I have gained more wins than losses. Unless people stop using one-creature rituals with only a defensive creature, it would be hard for me to gain a balance using only a weak defense ritual . . . maybe I am missing something, but I have no idea how those other players manage (could I get a hint?). It would be really fun for me to spam a person back twice each time they use a one creature ritual on me . . .
  7. I agree with Aqune.. the idea of helping out the newbies and protecting them with this sort of system sounds ideal, but it really doesn't work, at least not the way it is now. It doesn't give the new players an advantage because even if they are the ones who other players try to lose against, they don't gain any stats since usually the players farm losses with one creature rituals. Even if you mean that the stronger players don't target weak players for wins, they do. Once they use weak rituals to gain losses to match up for it, of course. And as far as I can tell, there is a very minimal amount of people who don't use one creature rituals to get losses. The mp divisions also play a role in this... the weaker players do eventually become the strongest players in their level, and then they have more wins than losses (naturally, probably if they're smarter than me they would use the weak rituals). They go into the next level, the weakest of the players in the division, and their balance just worsens because they gain empty wins. The way it is now, the people who do have a balance of wins to losses don't have balanced fights. Instead, they gather wins to train creatures and just spam weak attacks . . . unless that's what you mean. My idea of balanced fights are losing with fully charged creatures, giving the winner stat rewards. It's not like everyone is so considerate, either. People can tell if the other person has a bad win:loss ratio based on the honor reward for attacking, and yet I, who needs more than 100 losses to achieve a balance of wins and losses, get spammed all the time by people who give me negative honor. Maybe this problem has to do with the players, the way they reacted to the system. But if the players aren't going to change their ways maybe they should be forced to. Well, maybe I am missing something or getting overworked. This is just the way I see things... your arguments didn't really convince me. But I do feel like there is something wrong, and maybe if you consider this a problem it could be given priority.
  8. I know at least a couple of other players feel this frustration as well, me included (there was a similar complaint in the bug board). I was eager to get into mp5 because I thought other players that were stronger than me would attack me more than the players in mp4 (when they did, they almost always lost), so my horrible win:loss ratio might become balanced. It really hasn't changed much at all, because most of the mp5 players are more concerned about getting losses than wins. People who had a unbalanced ratio in the first place started using weak rituals, defense and attack, to gather losses, but that made others get empty wins. In addition to these wins, people will attack for wins to level up creatures and gain stats, so it makes logic that there will always be more wins than losses. And then these people gather losses with the weak rituals and force empty wins onto other people, and it becomes a cycle. It's really tedious for me, making rituals that have no strategy besides picking a weak creature. I lost hope yesterday and began using weak rituals as well, but that just made me feel like I was contributing to the problem. For now I think I shall begin ignoring the ratio, although it will probably make me disadvantaged later because I'll begin losing tons of honor... that is, unless others rack up a ratio similar to mine. I'm not quite sure what the system is for, but I hope this problem can be resolved... Heh, I feel like I'm just copying what I posted before, so I'll stop.
  9. I picked Imagination, Darkness, Transposition, Time and Element. I don't find it very surprising that others did similarly because the principles were implied by the description to work with others well, except maybe Element. I just picked Element because I liked the idea; it kind of sounds like Transposition.
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