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Everything posted by Glaistig

  1. Hello. (: I am Glaistig, and I like to lurk around the newbie area to regenerate after mean bullies of mp5 such as Metal Bunny attack me and win because I know of no real tactics to fight others~
  2. All Hail The Lord Of Bunnies! Wow, Yami, better watch out or Xever might claim the new title-holder of longest 'hello, I am new to magicduel but love it already' conversation at the rate this is going~ Many of the newbies seem a lot more talkative than usual players.. excepting MB and a few others.
  3. I don't remember a clickable brick there.. Hum, maybe it was in testing a while ago? In any case, it's not a puzzle that everyone is supposed to solve like the beserker way one. A lot of stuff in Magicduel still has to be implemented; it's in alpha stage.
  4. Well, for some reason smaller dogs seem a bit more annoying to me, probably because their bark is more high and frequent. Big dogs can be annoying too if they slobber and pounce (esp. if they smell) but they are nice to pet if quiet. We had a teacher in junior high who was training guide dogs which she brought to school everyday. They were quite nice because they were trained to be so, and I sometimes spent break staring at it.
  5. Winds game? Are you talking about one of the gazeebo puzzles in the MDA lands? None of the puzzles there are currently implemented in the game, although you can still solve the Broken Pattern Gazeebo puzzle: that was a puzzle some were able to solve during a contest for prizes like a Drachorn or extra vp/vit. The aim was to make all the pieces golden. However, part of the purpose of the puzzle was to evaluate how hard it was and the different ways people are likely to use to solve it; a similar puzzle will be implemented in the game later, so it's not a bad idea to try it out yourself. Once again, use a pencil or paper (or word document) and begin recording patterns.
  6. Bunnies really like to eat leafy greens.. We used to have a lot of bunnies who gave birth to bunnies, at one point culminating to a number of 34, which would eat in our expansive Chinese vegetable garden. Mom and Paupau would complain a lot~ We didn't have the heart to cage them, though. Sometimes they dug to the other side despite our surveillance and then dogs ate them. Of all animals that are domesticated, my least favorite are dogs. Lulu and I used to walk to school across the street and a whole pack of mostly small and some big (a pit bull, once) would start barking and risk the passing cars in order to chase us. They were very intimidating, especially with the bigger dogs, and we would begin running... and Lulu fell down once, poor thing. Horrible memories. Not to mention their bark is annoying, and they are sometimes very playful in an unpleasant manner. Saliva is gross, and pouncing is not polite either. Cats, which mostly seem indifferent unless you are giving them a nice stroke or massage, are far more preferable to me.
  7. The Knator Commander will attack anyone he chooses. I believe if you can beat him you can use the hidden exit? Also, you get a reward (still don't know what, exactly) if you are able to beat Wodin Ullr at the Road of Battles, or at least use a ritual which has a strategy which is most effective against it. The ritual changes every day along with the difficulty level, and the prizes change accordingly. Or that's what Wodin says. (;
  8. Oh yes, I missed that. I will add his name to the list (:< The link to the topic is http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1442. There is information such as the fact you can get into Willow's Shop and underground but not into Loreroot.
  9. Zephyroth also has this problem. He did contact Live Help but has yet to receive a reply.. maybe they're idle or something, but if a mod sees this soon it would be nice if it was taken care of since it's not happening right now. (:< EDIT: Alright, Jonn fixed it; thanks.
  10. Well, he incurred the wrath of the shades.. he should have been more subtle. (: That.. is that something that happened recently? I was looking at it just the other day (yeah, I'm randomly look at people's profiles) and I didn't notice anything odd.
  11. I don't suppose you're in chapter 3 in the story? lol... I don't know why, but I feel an almost obsessive duty to hunt out all the people with the ch3 npc bug.
  12. Lulu is taking basic physics, no worries. She does plan, however, on taking advanced physics... She has said to me that her brother said it was pretty much the toughest subject in IB.
  13. I do feel guilt. Mom bought some gummy worms today. I like gummies with sour powder~
  14. BigC~ I don't think we can influence his story any more than we have, right? After all, we did save him from death already. (:
  15. Hum.. I dreamed about MD; it was about the adventure log. (: I was in the middle of a grassy place with big chopped tree chunks, and a voice said that it picked me because it liked me. >__> That was the day Manu said one day I might know for myself what being part of the adventure is when I asked him about what it's like... Carrot to the horse, false death and cats. I feel sorry for those gummy bears.. they always look accusing to me. Not to mention the special ones with belly buttons...
  16. It looks like there are grooves in the pyramid.. Make a rope and hook grappling thingy and throw it up until it catches in a secure places; climb! ((: ... I suppose I am wrong.
  17. There is a small image of Mt. Kelle'tha or however it is spelled in the Golemnus part of the map.. > That's all I know, though.
  18. Yes, yes, the person who has been trying to have a max level of each creature instead of figuring out battle strategies wants to participate~. I don't know what side I want to be on. I guess if indecision irks I'll pick team A. Otherwise, if you need the number of people on each side to be equal and someone to go on team B feel free to pick me. mp5 Glaistig
  19. Welcome (: Don't be afraid to ask questions, or you could pm me. There is an FAQ on the forum, if you haven't seen it yet.
  20. Testing for me was fairly easy. It would have been nicer, though, if someone didn't keep on dragging me to study with her for little reason at all, and also if I didn't have a lot of writing assignments to turn in that week. It seems as if MB is a bit harrowed though, so it must be quite hard for him. Alchohol smells okay. Good actually, like anything fermented to a degree. But I wouldn't envy anybody drinking it. @Lulu, there is still cream soda. You know, like vanilla coke. Or there are others that label the flavor as cream, if you insist. I'll make it for you someday. (: And in the green-colored glass, if you would like. So don't tell me to get back to that essay T_T.
  21. Humm.. you know, I just hear about all of those nice little 10-year-old boy geniuses attending colleges here in America and I get the impression that I've failed miserably in my life. And you know, where are those ten-year-old girls? I'm so not elite.. I have to study and I spend so much time on homework to achieve all of my grades. It depresses me when I hear all my lovely classmates chirping about how they procrastinate and spend less than an hour on homework I spend two or more hours on and easily get an A. Muhh. I've always been greatly conscious of age and appearances. Ever since I turned 11, I feel old and unspecial, although I shouldn't because age isn't much of an indicator of anything. I always try to look as if I don't care about my appearance by wearing things like sweats and sweaters, which in itself defeats the purpose. (: Ahh well. Vanity is but one of my flaws. Alright, I should get back to that essay which I have to start and turn in by tomorrow..
  22. MB is mean~ Based on what do you judge?

  23. Umm, so let's see... Akasha has 6 pieces of paper that she (probably) has to use to get to the last pyramid... Burning doesn't work... Other than the writing on pieces theory and the use of principles related to fire theory, emm, see. . . : I have no idea what it could be. It couldn't possibly like those puzzles in those RPG's where you move stuff in certain places or place stuff in certain places, right? lol, just remembering...
  24. They're not normal highschool exams. Students in the states take both standard state and federal tests to evaluate their progress. Only students enrolled in IB or AP courses (increased workload and faster learning pace for advanced subjects) take the IB and AP exams... and if they score high enough, they get credit for those courses in college. Both, because they are supposed to be for advanced students, are labelled as challenging; at least for the average student in the US of A, it is (but that doesn't say much if you consider the level of education here). EDIT: Lulu got to it before me >_<;
  25. Even if I end up getting a hugely unbalanced ratio of losses to fights, I much prefer this system than the previous one. Loss farming is very tedious and mundane, where getting victories is a challenge that requires strategy; this time, the thing in demand, victories, cannot be easily gathered with cheap tactics the way losses were. I'm sure if there needs to be tinkering with the difficulty level of achieving victories then that can be managed, but the concept itself seems fine for me.
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