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Everything posted by Grido

  1. I have no idea, but hopefully.
  2. Just to point out, there will be a chat log taken of the event, so even if players do miss it, they can still see what went on
  3. As I have previously stated, I would personally prefer the Sunday if it is to be at 1800, but what day (as well as time) are other people after?
  4. @Princ, I will happily split this topic at your request. I will anyway if it continues to go on (my bad), but wanted to make sure you had that option now still. @Others, First; if you read what I said, I never said it was technically against the rules, just not entirely in keeping with them. Second; information, yes, fine. Screenshots are something else entirely.
  5. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1355223930' post='127998'][list] [*]picture of path keeper lower level [*]picture of the path keeper [/list] [/quote] That wouldn't be entirely in keeping with the rules Tom...
  6. Please all of you stop arguing, for this year we are the organisers, so we will have to do, there will be a feedback thread after this year's awards are over where such points can be raised. There is absolutely no point in arguing about it now because nothing can really be done about it. So stop it. Please. As Light has pointed out, he will be able to make it, as I have pointed out, the time of the ceremony is more than welcome to be at a time when I cannot make it, I would just prefer to be there, I quite enjoy running the moment. I believe the same applies for dst. So, Chewett, what we're trying to do is precisely what you have said - finding a time that suits the community and then sorting out the rest from there. So far we have suggestions of; Sat - 2100 / Sun - 2000 (dst) Sat - 1800 / Sun (MRAlyon) Sun - 1800 (Nim) Sat - 1800/2000 (Dark Demon) Sun (Valldore) From the above it looks like the best times are 1800 on Sat, or 1800/2000 on Sun. Are there any other times people would prefer? If you like one of these times more than the other, please also comment.
  7. my bad on both the "error" was me copy pasting your name from where it's meant to be in red and forgetting to remove the colour this thread will remain open for similar comments until the voting starts, if you notice anyone who has nominated those of the same land, or associated with the same land, please either say here or message me so that it can get cleared up nicely
  8. That's a point, also need Dante's acc creation date please
  9. Tom, [quote name='purplebunny' timestamp='1355169226' post='127930']...Common names only please...[/quote]
  10. All nominations are now closed, a final list of categories and nominations that will be used for the voting will be released shortly
  11. What's this for? bison, emperor penguin, walrus, antelope, swan, kingfisher, nightingale, mockingbird, blue tit, gnat, mosquito, water boatman, ladybird
  12. The time it's at is also up for discussion, but do bear in mind any earlier than 1800 on Saturday and I will most likely miss it entirely. If you think you'll be out Sat night, there is of course also the option to move it to Sunday.
  13. Anyone care to comment on the suitability of the proposed descriptions? With regards to the date of the event, I am now set to work on that Saturday, I'd get home around 2030/2100 Server Time, poss earlier depending how quickly stuff gets done there. So, baring in mind certain people's timezones, we have 3 options that I can think of which I'd like you all to pick between. 1 - It starts at 1800 as suggested, and I miss a chunk of it, another organiser runs it for at least that part. 2 - We have it later on Saturday night, probably starting at 2100 Server. 3 - We instead move it to Sunday.
  14. [attachment=4345:zelda peach.jpg]
  15. Done all above this post. @Dark Demon, he was only still there cos I didn't have time to update the thread since it got pointed out to me by Lash after I expanded the rule. lashtal's nomination for Dante for Adventuring has been removed. Fortunately the Lorerootians Eagle Eye nominated had already been done so by other people, so the removal of those changed nothing. Last time I tried giving an award to Inno, they gave it right back to me. If they are in any categories where there is more than 5 nominees then they will be the first to be removed (unless I hear from Inno that things are different now). In case I wasn't clear enough before; There is a maximum of 5 people per category, unless you lend support for /against them the awards runners will pick who stays and goes. I would much prefer it to be a community decision than my own. All those with red lists have too many in them! Those without names listed after them will be done to reflect which to keep and lose, I just haven't done it yet.
  16. Fairly amusing when they answer part way through the list, or if you've been singing along to the hold music
  17. You could always set their names up so that each one spells something with the initials? Like; Oliver Daniel Dermut Not going to lie, when I first thought of the idea it was doing it with words that aren't suitable on the forum
  18. I already had the rule listed; - You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, [b]but also those people considered part of certain lands[/b]). I was under the impression that people knew what this meant, evidently not.
  19. (Peace's post moved from nom thread to here) [quote]- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]. [b]If you note nominations slipping through this, please let me know.[/b][/quote] I will explain/expand my definition, and therefore the one used, of associated to a land. Associated to a land includes being part of an alliance or a citizen, as well as those on temporary absence from them, but is not exclusive to just that mechanical association. It also extends to a player who feels they belong to a certain land, or who through largely exclusive association or actions is viewed as of a certain land. Those who since those actions visibly associate themselves with another land would then no longer be thought of as with the former. Alliance hoppers, or those that take alliances without intended association with the land the new alliance is a part of are exceptions and will be treated based on perception, rather than mechanical.
  20. Done all above this post. Peace, Dante Lionheart is considered to be associated with Necrovion, and so is illegible for you to nominate (due to same land affiliation) for Rookie.
  21. Sometimes pressing hash at every occasion sticks you right though. But yeah, making loud noises to everyone till you get to the manager/supervisor is always a good bet. Threatening to sue for something or other gets someone capable of doing stuff on the phone quick as well.
  22. So award date looks set to be Sat 22nd. Time may vary from the 1800ST Dark suggested though (please discuss) If someone could help with the following? Best Beautification For the person thought to be the most skilled at art in the realm. Generally speaking this refers to drawing/painting, rather than other forms of art. For the player with the best presented papers. This is a purely objective vote, as every player finds different things nice looking. It also encompasses the player's backstory as presented in their papers. [[color=red]someone please "tidy" this description[/color]] Most Popular [color=#ff0000][Description Needed][/color]
  23. For the rookies, preferably they post the dates, so that we know it's accurate, thanks though. And thanks for the quest name.
  24. All above added. Please note, Adventuring Award now has more than 5 nominees. So along with voting, please also suggest one of them to be removed (as well as for one you wish to stay in or added). I need a name for the quest Darkraptor is being nominated for. I need account creation dates for the rookies.
  25. Done all above this post
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