(Peace's post moved from nom thread to here)
[quote]- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]. [b]If you note nominations slipping through this, please let me know.[/b][/quote]
I will explain/expand my definition, and therefore the one used, of associated to a land.
Associated to a land includes being part of an alliance or a citizen, as well as those on temporary absence from them, but is not exclusive to just that mechanical association. It also extends to a player who feels they belong to a certain land, or who through largely exclusive association or actions is viewed as of a certain land. Those who since those actions visibly associate themselves with another land would then no longer be thought of as with the former.
Alliance hoppers, or those that take alliances without intended association with the land the new alliance is a part of are exceptions and will be treated based on perception, rather than mechanical.