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Everything posted by Grido

  1. If you have a pass paper for any of the lands and are looking to sell, please contact me with a price in mind LE: I'm also generally interested who has been given them, so if you know, let me know, thanks.
  2. The current offer is 3 Gold, no point offering less. 3 Gold, 1 Silver
  3. and i do want to buy them if you have them unmorphed *subtle bump
  4. I dont know about other people, but i quite often mark a message as unread so that i can get back to it later and then....forget completely about it, it then gets lost in all my other mail. So i make the suggestion of a "View Unread Messages" button in the inbox so that a person can clearly see which messages they havent dealt with yet?
  5. I found a very seasonal one [attachment=1428:Deep Snow.jpg]
  6. Merged another thread There isnt a need to make other threads to do with this announcement, keep it all in this one please
  7. np belated christmas bonus
  8. Topics Merged Buns, there already was one just not really in the right section
  9. Grido

    Wts Gold

    sorry, missed it off, i want to exchange for silver
  10. Grido

    Wts Gold

    Selling 3 Gold for silver pm (game/forum) or post here if interested
  11. What are your coordinates? Are you in mp5 story mode?
  12. umm, at what point did i say that players should stop playing if they're harrassed?
  13. This topic, as far as i can make out, you want either dst to be banned, or to force her to change, or for everyone to hate her for her actions. No, i dont believe driving players from MD is fair, but i also dont believe that getting someone to change is also not right. Allowing someone, one person, to force you out of a situation, or in this case game, lets that person win against you.
  14. Just as a note, you DONT need Mur to transfer credits, in fact i think that credit transferal just isnt done anymore There is a box, on the purchasing credits page, where you can fill in the ID of the player you want to buy credits for. Buy Credits > One time payment credits packs > Send a gift to an other player > Change Name/ID to appropriate players, and follow the steps
  15. If this topic is supposed to force her to change, as a person, then it will eventually lead to forcing everyone into a particular attitude and mentality. That is plain wrong.
  16. The Ceremony already took place noobalot, as you can see from the previously attached doc chat log
  17. [quote][Bumps are just plain spam! Something to which you are so adamantly against. They do not do anything besides reactivate dead topics. If anyone wants your creatures, they can use the search function to find it. Should I bump topics just so people can read them over again?][/quote] No, they're not, due to the activity of the Market section of the forum active trades are lost easily, i explained this clearly to you on yim if you remember, and i believe you conceeded the point, so i dont know why you bring this up again. [quote][Was only trying to help keep it clean. I had misread the post Mur later made.][If you look at the time stamps of my deletes, you would see that they occured during/before/ or immediately after.][/quote] Any threads Mur makes should not be messed with at all unless he requests it, no request was made at any point, and you shouldve known not to interfere with it. [quote][How can I bring things up against one of your Mods, when you turn a blind eye to absolutely EVERYTHING THEY DO.][/quote] This is plainly untrue, as far as my experience goes, Chewett takes any complaints against any of the moderators seriously, if someone complains about an action done then he does not turn a blind eye, quite the opposite. [quote][Because I realised it would not get anywhere. You had your mind set and you would not see the errors of you ways. Everytime I try convincing you of something, you always dismiss it. You made a mistake.][/quote] No idea what you're talking about with error of his ways or whatever. If you thought it would not get you anywhere, why bring up the point on this thread, what does that gain? It only serves to put what you did into the public light.
  18. it's been a week, bump, i'm still interested
  19. With my idea, people who want to allow their alliance leaders to be able to edit their papers can put their alliance leaders name on the allowed list
  20. ...and that can be considered alt abuse
  21. As tempting as it is to get stabbed repeatedly by a quill and see if i can attach it to the article, i think i'll just rather attach the chat log here [attachment=1422:awards ceremony 2009.doc]
  22. Yes, the idea [b]isnt[/b] to have set people for the entire realm to edit papers The idea, as Ren said, is for you to be able to [b]choose[/b] who can edit your papers
  23. I believe it was mentioned bidding would end after a week of no bidding on a particular item. But yes, i would hope that the top bidders are announced before the bidding ends
  24. As people probably noticed the article wasnt up the aforementioned "tomorrow night". It is however up now, now that i finally got all the speeches off of people
  25. right place for this lol and being immortal doesnt mean you cant die, just means you cant die of old age, invulnerability means you cant get hurt, but can die of old age AFAIK, there's not a word combining both... 3 traits...hmm Telekinesis is a good one, Invisibility, and Temporal/Spacial Manipulation I would be me
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