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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. Might i suggest that each land talks between themselfs and see whom they might consider to take the position. For necrovian i can think of 2 that would be best suted for the role. This could become a very good idea but i beleve some more though needs to be talked on some more regards status and what not.
  2. [quote name='Watcher' date='09 October 2009 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1255066957' post='44121'] Congratulations on keeping your crown of tinsel and tin foil. I can think of none more worthy. All hail Yrthilian, Hollow King on the Throne of Dust. [/quote] ah someone i see who is bitter Well say as you wish abd what you like For i know what is true
  3. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 October 2009 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1255060241' post='44114'] I don't read. I skim. If you want lazy people to raed your posts, post smaller :/ [/quote] Then dont comment unless you understand. DONT marke post neg if you have not read them properly. for you lack the information and there for make assumptions
  4. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 October 2009 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1255058818' post='44111'] Yrth, there's a difference between giving GG to Grido, MB and Burns, and giving Khal to Lib. Lib is not part of Necro, nor will he help Khal grow at all. Grido, MB and Burns ARE part of GG (whether you like it or not), and they don't need access to prove it. They WILL help the GG alliance grow, and if you wouldn't let your pride get in the way like this, you COULD all work together, providing they agree to it. They have the GG alliance. Good. One less thing to worry about. Of course, you apparently won't rest until you have all your power back, so I really doubt that you'll even think to work with those who you SAY betrayed you, but are, in fact, helping your land grow. Good job as king :/ Another thing, Wodin's not a real character any more, so why keep him? [/quote] Read my post again as you obviously didnt read it properly. if you did you would understand what was said.
  5. I am not going to repeate myself so [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5302-gg-alliance-returned/page__view__findpost__p__44109"]Responce on similar topic[/url] Yrth
  6. Well now that i am back and now that i have had time to think and to measure up things. Peace Give the allaince to the trators (from my point of View) and from the out come of the war. The choice to take the allaince was done and i beleve planed before the war. (again my opinion) This does not really matter. What has happened has happened. For peace to ask for Khal the Whites soul. Well that is another matter now. Since you decided to give the allaince to 2 trators why should i not return the favour and give Khals soul to Lib? (note i will not do this) This would be the same as what Peace has done yet again. Since i now know that the new leader are looking to kill Wodin. Well I can see this playing out in many ways. We all know that the new leaders of the allaince will never invite me back into the allaince as they know i could just retake it. So for now we are at a stale mate on that matter. But also the allaince will end up operating outside of Golemus unless we can come to an agreement of some sort. But as King and as Yrthilian i cannot allow trators into the land. So we will end up in a catch 22 situation. The allaince will also operater in fear/paranoia of the members they do let in. for anyone of them could also invite me into the allaince and then i could take over again. So this would meen the new leader of the allaince would have to be 100% sure that would not happen. Well you cant be 100% sure can you? Well for the moment at least I am speaking with Burns on this matter and yes i have been extended an invite to be head secintest of Golemus. But not as part of the allaince. This is a gracious offer. But in essence i already am in that position. So now what do we do? Since both Grido and MB have already stated they are not takening the vote as defeat this shows they have no intencion in coperation with myself as king of Golemus and are taking control of the allaince with the help from Peace. Something they could not have done by them selfs. Now we are at a point of knowing you will not trust me and i wont trust you So how is this going to help Golemus and its people? I beleve it will not and there for there is going to be a weeker land because of the few that say they now have issues when this was not stated before and dont use the fear of exile crap as it was obvious you didnt realise i could do it in the first place. SO Grido, MB, Burns were do we go from here?
  7. Ok I dont really know what to say here. I am flying out in the morning and i guess i wont know the result for about a week. But in IF i am still king when i return I will do things diffrent that i am sure of. I see that some of my actions have been deemed unliked and people were not happy. But also how does one know if people are not happy if they dont say anything. I have always made it known that people can say what the wish even advise on anyissue they have. I even called many a meeting and even open up 5 diffrent was to comtact me even when i am not in the realm of MD. But well apparently i made it in a way that said dont speak with me of any issues. I would also like to point out after "informing Powerfull others" og what i was planning on doing with khals soul there was NO objection in fact there was laughter at the idea and what came accross an agreed that this was a good corse of action. Also for MB who says that i didnt comunicat with him, I tried many time over the last sevrial month but never got a responce not once. If this is how you work and help in advisment i can only imagen how bad you would be at comunicating with the people of the land. Sorry but i am human and i do get frustrated over what people say and that the come moaning and crying when someone make a bold move and say this that and the other when they them selfs did nothing about it Now at this point i will shut up and let what happens happen if i am removed so be it. I will move on to make it upto the land of Golemus If i am still king then i will make sure to work harder to please thous i have upset. So now i suppose all i can do is wait and see. Have fun all with the festival of pain (i so wanted to be a zombie lepper )
  8. [quote name='Udgard' date='01 October 2009 - 12:24 PM' timestamp='1254396248' post='43398'] A misguided war against a whole Land caused by dislike towards 1 person, to which some protest has been made. [/quote] I knew at some point someone was going to bring this up. This war did not happen because of a dislike i had wih Raven As at the time i liked raven and had no persional issues. This war happened because of abouse of powers brought in to the argument and was not rectified at the time when asked to have it sorted. I backed up a memeber of Golemus through that action and at the time the persion in charge was given a chance to stop all that happened but took no action on it. this was a wile before the breakout of the war. The LR war was a mess and may have ben handled better this i had admitted to at the time but that is the past. I still feel the action taken then was the better of the 2 choices i had. The notice of attack LR was on the allaince and not the land at that time and it was the other allaince withing the land that stated they will defend the allaince so yes in return the statment you are quoating is corrent. I would have at the time attacked thoes defent that allaince. No further explnation will be given for this as that will just start more of this current form topic on others and me again.
  9. [quote name='Grido' date='30 September 2009 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1254337478' post='43255'] Yes, I have sent the petition to Mur to have Yrthilian deposed as king, the document will be made public (by him presumably), and there will be a vote on the matter, this will not happen before the 2nd October. I am loyal to the land, you have brought much pain upon it, which is why i do this, for the land. I would like to clarify that i did ask, and hoped, that this be done before you left, aparently it cant happen before the 2nd though, which is a shame, i wanted you present when the voting was happening so you would have a chance to defend your actions. [/quote] Fair anough i understand the position you are in. but i cannot take all the blaim for this pain you accuse me of. But i guess as king i have to. So be it i will take it as it come. I also understand this will be done while i am not here. So if i loose congratulations to you If i win then i will be happy for i know then I have done something right
  10. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='30 September 2009 - 07:55 PM' timestamp='1254336912' post='43253'] Er... What you suggest pretty much implies ignoring the powers of yrth, you know..he issued a royal decree (as disputed that royalty is right now, it's still royalty). And he even formally announced it. Do you think a king should be that light on his words? [/quote] Shadowseejer that is for you to decide. what ever way you feel you want.
  11. Well i guess it is time. So now it look like it has officaly been asked and that a vote is going to happen. I beleve that thoes of you that were trully unhappy with how i did thing have the change to remove me. I will not wimper or cry about who did what as i have no intencion on making anyone pick sides in this. If you feel that strongly about my actions then i guess you will make the choice you feel it right. I just hope there are enough of you who are loyal to the land and to GG to choose the right path. If i am removed by the vote then of corse this will happen. If i am not then i will know truly the people that were and always are loyal to the Land the the allaince. I fear most have already made there choices and have already been convinced by the other side. If this is the case then i am truly doomed and can see that I have done wrong by all. This i will take with me and learn from it. For it i didnt then i would not be who i am. So i beleve the plan was to have this vote done while i am not around and there for happen again when i am not around to defend myself. So that is now twice this has been arranged. But still if it was me then of corse i am a tryant and shpuld be punished. All i can say now is i had a great time helping thoes that i have helped and i enjoyed doing it. If i have not been kind or helpfull to you before i am sorry for that. I hope to still be able to help in other events or with papers or ideas. I will stop or it will look like i am asking for people to take sides. This is your choice and what ever it is i will take gracefully. Thank you for your time Yrthilian
  12. teufelhunden I beleve you are meenign to build a compainion for yourself not a creature per say but a living animation. This would be a building project but there would be much research and much in finding the right material. So in essence this is not a new creature as i dont know were one might put this topic in regards to this.
  13. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='27 September 2009 - 06:40 PM' timestamp='1254073245' post='42968'] Now if you claim that you warned Peace ahead of time, I suppose this is a different story. However please please please do not claim that her stealing your alliance while you weren't around is the same as you "giving her a chance to save her father's soul" while she was not around. [/quote] As i said many time I warnd her i would do damage to her fathers soul this was done many days bofore the war. I said it severial time i even said i would kill her if she harmend wodin. so yes i did give plently of warning of the act.
  14. [quote name='cryxus' date='27 September 2009 - 07:16 PM' timestamp='1254075379' post='42980'] As for Yrth, asking someone to attack a friend, and then punishing them for not doing it is more than a bit harsh, as king you should be thinking of the backlash this may create. Keeping the loyalty and faith of your subjects should be among the top priorities of a king. ~Cryxus [/quote] Sorry Cryux just to clear that poitn i hate having to go back on my word of not posting. Grido told me of this plan and said he would do it. I did not ask him to do it in the first place. The he backed out of it. RL is suppose to be seperate from in game
  15. LOL i get one prsion exiled and you all cry about me getting someone else exiled. With Grido it was an ingame thing. I have ALWAYS said come speak with me if you have issues if you did not then you must not have had issues. Yes Grido this was your plan and no i didnt not give you warning of what the out come would be you stood back brogt Peace to Golemus and happly trotted up to the capitiol with the enemy so what you say is a load of BS If people feel they dont want a king of Golemus fine. But i will never be off the land. Shadowseeker as i said the cryux. I have no intencion of stopping you beeing on Golemus it is an ingame issue that yrth has with Grido and showing his loyalties. Grido should have known something would happen for his reasion give when asked for a reasion he decided to walk away from the war that he was part of at the time. so making the plan and beeing involved and stopping and walking away states you turn your back on Golemus. to start taking part and walk away is not doing thing for the land. Also you never stated you had an issue untill you walked away remember it WAS your plan and i agreed to the idea. As it is i will not be off of the land there is always a way in. As is the case for all laldns. If you all decide to vote and DO it proper. I know it will be inacted as per the rulling. Removing people from the land well that is your choice. Golemus was a very quiet land before.
  16. [quote name='cryxus' date='27 September 2009 - 06:16 PM' timestamp='1254071778' post='42953'] To Yrth, I know what I'm saying is heavy, but you could ban me from GG, and ban me from my ship, I could care less because where there's a will there's a way, and should anyone try and stifle mine, they will get burned. That is advance warning. This is not what I want to see in a king that I am to be affiliated with... please, for the sake of the image of ~OUR~ land, show some decency to the other inhabitants of the island... A king is a king because he has the respect of the people. ~Captain Cryxus X'hal [/quote] Cryux I would not even try to stop you gain acess to your ship. Yes much has gotten out of hand and what is done in game is done in game. I do not use out of game thjngs to make anyone do anything. This is a game of roleplay. I have done as a king and as a player would do. I use the same tactic used agenst me yet i am the tryant for useing them. It if funny how such thing can be used by one side and not allowd to be used by the other. why is this? I have no bullied people into doing anything i have not openly told anyone or behind the back of other to make people do thing. I openly told Peace of what would happen. So i stuck by what i said i would do and did it. This was in part for persional reasion to yrthilian in game. In that action i agree is becomming of a king but hey kings are human too.
  17. Ah YIM wars, they always come out dont they. I beleve thoes that need them are weak and have no other reasion to use them other than to prove they are weak. This i could have done a long time ago to prove argument and to bring this to the front but i am one who does not beleve in useing out of game thing for ingame issues. Grido I asked you why you did not do as you said you would. your responce was one in the same. Freindship. 1. in RL so i had to ignore that 2 Friendship to pamps in game character wise. Since Pamps chose to be on the side of the enemy this ment you decided to take the side of the enemy and do nothing to interfear. Yes peace dictated terms of returning the allaince to me but with a price. Yes for other reasion i chose not to agree to the terms. As thoes terms would meen steping down from defending the land i love. Someof my choices may have been bad some i truly belive to be corect. As you prove my point in such. I will not nor will i ever step down as king i do not run a hide. Yes the allaince has been taken and abused by the enemy and i will reveng that The paroina you speak of. Well as you staed RL stuff interfeard with ingame stuff when in essence it should not have but it did because you didnt want the hassel of it. If an advise stated they will not help because they are friends of the enemy. what should i do sit there and allow the enemy to have such a powerfull tool/ally withing my own ranks. you have taken all of this way to persionaly and in such use RL and YIM to make your points. Well you can argue all you want and complain all you want. Golemus is a land i hold dear to me what i have doen is no more worse than anyother have done in the realm. BUT at least i roleplay it and react as such that my character would do. Do you prefer i take the action i did and make it public before you come back online. Below is the PM sent to Grido Declaration from the King of Golemus to Grido This scroll is to inform you that you have been band from entering the land of Golemus by Order of the king This desision was not made litely. But this was decided as your loyalties do not lie with Golemus and its allainces. During time of war you decided you friendship with some of the enemies showed you cannot be trusted to help defend the land or its allaince. There for I have decided you are no longer welcome in the land of Golemus and are now outcast from the land. This order has been carried out by Yrthilian King of Golemus The Golemus technomage. This again is an ingame message NOT YIM nor form attackes. I Believe if my people had issues as to my choices they would come to me and speak of it as they have always been welcome to do so and i have always listened. If they do not come to me with it beeing an issue then i would have to beleve there is no issue. I care for Golemus the land and the allaince. I have always listend when spoke to on matters and on how peole wish to have things. But i am not going to say all my choices were corect but i stand by them. This backer if they wish to speak let them speak but have the B***S to do it. For if you want me seat as you seem to want then be brave and stop playing behind orther ans useing them a puppets.
  18. From the King of Golemus to Grido This scroll is to inform you that you have been band from entering the land of Golemus by Order of the king This desision was not made litely. But this was decided as your loyalties do not lie with Golemus and its allainces. During time of war you decided you friendship with some of the enemies showed you cannot be trusted to help defend the land or its allaince. There for I have decided you are no longer welcome in the land of Golemus and are now outcast from the land. This order has been carried out by Yrthilian King of Golemus The Golemus technomage.
  19. [quote name='DarkPriestess' date='26 September 2009 - 09:19 PM' timestamp='1253996366' post='42801'] If I recall, the moment he made that demand I was not present. Nor when he decided to burn Khalazdad's soul. He was impatient and selfish. And for that he is forever my enemy. Such thing will not go unpunished. [/quote] Let me see. Nope you were not online when i made that demand. But you did know and i did say i had his soul andif the allaince was not handed back i would harm him. This was stated after i found you had TAKEN my Allaince oh when was it? thats right while I was not online. so whats the problem there is no diffrence. You take my allaince and strip wodin of creaturs and i am suppose to sit there and be happy about it? So in return after warning you if i do not get the allaince back befor the war that i would carry out my treath. So i did! As for Khals Cube/soul. I sent you the clarification on this. Wodin did in deed have the cube first but then during the time of wodin dissapering i obtained the cube to keep safe. now what is done is done and we have our paths to travel.
  20. OK for clarification on the CUBE the description is as follows. Long ago Kha;azdad put his good part into this cube and gave it to Wodin for safe keeping. That allowed him to become leader of Necrovion. Add to the above Yrthilian Burned 5 of the sides in the stone of Twisted Souls gaining control over his good soul half. The cube was given to wodin a long time ago. when wodin first dissapeard and the dargness came for him he decided to give the cube to someone esle to keep safe. This someone at the time was Yrthilian. He has held it ever since. As he promised he keept it and would not give it to anyone. As a last corse of action he made his choice and that led to the event of now. He made his choice and this bring him on a path of choices. Yrth expect much hatred and many to try and kill him. But this is how the event roll. What happens happens. Remember what was said All is fair in love and war Thies are the word of the enemy. And yes the necrovian army just let this happen they even attacked there own. Why? that was just... anyways ONLY 1 tried to stop it by offering herself as hostage she was brave and i am sorry for your pain.
  21. So we are beeing strait are we. First i have to say NO i did not get full help from above. I went to Mur with an idea i wanted to use before the batte started. I was told no. So i worked out another plan (BTW this also did not go 100% the way i beleved) I gaind access to the Necro land weapon something i have been working on for months well before all this happened. I had a way to do and well as you can see it workd. The damage done to my allaince and to wodin is as far as i am concerned unforgivable. It does not matter any deal made WODIN is a player account and still count as stealing. If it was the other way around this would not have happened with the account. Yes i did tell peace about my intencions of harming Khal and stoped because i was told no to how i was going to do it. The out come happened as it did for what ever reasion it did. I did NOT expect to gain Khal the White. The real Irony of all of this is the war was born of paroina. This i find funny because this is how it started in the beginning between Golemus on Necro. I will say The necrovian allaince and it people played well and they did great damage. But taking a badge from an allaince does not do to much damage. If fact it may have just made the allaince stronger. It may well be there is more to come we will see. With regared to what i have done was through roleplaying and i know this has annoyed many out there but trth be told people assumed many thing and were paranoid about much. (me inculded) This lead to a complete breakdown of comunication between people. Things got change as players used RL friendships to change the out come of the war. So in essence Peace you say i got help from the higher power well i got very little. I asked to do something that i had been working on for months and was granted the ablity just like many of us when we asked for help with our characters. But to have trators made because of RL friendships and to have things done as they were out of the game and not ingame that is were it went to far. I even kept the YIM war out of the realm and out of the forums as much as posiable. I did not want to bring the wodin issues untill after the war. But when pamps made her post it anoyed me and i had to say something. I do regret bringing that up before the war but what is done is done. Also rember all you kept stating on you status update on this forums A is fair in love and war. well i did say remember your words. Adding an edit. I have move the talk of CTC to the RPC section. People please do not spam or YIM war the people involved with regards to this matter. Please remeber this is a game and is not real life. please keep it that way
  22. NOTE to Necrovain, If the GG allaince is not handed back by 22:00 server time. I will Destroy Khalazdad's soul You have been warned
  23. [quote name='pamplemousse' date='24 September 2009 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1253802187' post='42520'] If this battle is delayed or halted or any harm comes to the Sentinels by use of bugs I swear I will not rest until the person who did so is punished. There will be a battle, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. If you stand in the way, I will not forget and I will not forgive. Those that call the shots will be in the line of fire. [/quote] well well by use of bugs or what not but no mention of the stealing of character creatures there i see. Even though the allaince was taken and wodin is under contol of peace. this does not excuse the stealing of his creatures and NO the spoils of war is not an excuse for this. Wodin may be controld by allaince leader of GG. He is still a player in his own right. So in essence the use of the system to take control and steal from him is not excusable in ANY way. There will be hell to pay for this and i will not rest untill this is resolved. if this was any other player you would all be crying and complaining about the theft. so why treat Wodin any diffrent? That is all i have to say on that matter.
  24. Well played Peace How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know But as you have been told no i will not take this lying down. I am for one not a coward and i will not run. The fact that there is now a centinal trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land. By this i would Hope the MR's will step. I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage. I will also hunt down the spy and i will Kill them out right Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens to do so i just choose to hold it close I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his sole. You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for trying to bring war to the lands in the first place.
  25. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='20 September 2009 - 05:42 PM' timestamp='1253464933' post='42167'] did i said i'm not neutral? i'm commenting your imprisonment of Marvolo... who is out of the Necrovion at the moment btw do what you want to do with your enemies in battle, dont torture innocent prisoners and i do not represent whole Loreroot, i'm nearly stating my opinion [/quote] Fair enough but Marvolo is of the necro land and there for falls under the rules of war. he has not been harmend by us in anyways and ailith is there making sure he is ok it is now upto jester on if he live or dies
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