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About Aurinia

  • Birthday 06/29/1970

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  • Location
    In front of my computer
  • Interests
    MMORP's like Tibia, Flyff, Eudemons etc.<br />Loves: My son and bf<br />Hates: the bf eating all the cookies ;)<br />What makes me twitch: typos... but please don't comment on the ones I make ^_^
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  1. Ok, I might be slow or you are going too fast on the you tube how-to for GIMP ^^ I saw jpg-> gif And than it went too fast :S Could you say it here step by step how to add the alpha layer?
  2. I like the pencil art the most so far, I aplaud the artists who can make original work from scratch like that, I can't even put a straight line on paper
  3. Ofcourse it has to be fully in the spirit of the game
  4. Ren I thought I gave examples when I said girly stuff like faeries, flowers unicorns etc, of course the way they are drawn however should be in the unique MagicDuel style.I would love to see the twist the artists will give to them to suite the game.<-- that would make it the new gift wrapping. If I would explicitly explain how they should draw them it would be like telling a doctor how to operate I love being surprised and awed. ( I myself can't draw a straight line) Aurinia
  5. Thank you Ren ( family of Stimpy? ) That was the first thing I did ( the refreshing part) but because I wasn't sure if it was my firefox or linux or magic duel acting up I thought I better post it and ask the ppl with more braincells than I have. Simply glad it is not an error from MD but probably firefox , lol. Aurinia
  6. computer specifics: linux ( hardy heron 8.04) browser :firefox3 Error: TypeError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: sounds is null Ajax response: var chatobj = document.getElementById('livechat'); chatobj.innerHTML = "<div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NDA1NDA='><font color='#BC9434'>JeffHooray</font></a>: </strong>it wasnt in england</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4Mzc2ODE='><font color='#BC9434'>Lulu</font></a>: </strong>OOO</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4MTYxNjc='><font color='#BC9434'>Glaistig</font></a>: </strong>Yami.. where do you live?</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4MzU2Nzc='><font color='#BC9434'>Yami no Sakura</font></a>: </strong>Haven\'t we been over this already, Glai?</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4Mzc2ODE='><font color='#BC9434'>Lulu</font></a>: </strong>I know a woman named Ronna, that\'s it. :l</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4MTYxNjc='><font color='#BC9434'>Glaistig</font></a>: </strong>No?</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NDg4OTY='><font color='#BC9434'>Lloyd Arken</font></a>: </strong>Jean-Baptiste is the name of a holiday where i live</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NDA1NDA='><font color='#BC9434'>JeffHooray</font></a>: </strong>and Lulu is still my cousins name</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4Mzc2ODE='><font color='#BC9434'>Lulu</font></a>: </strong>Yami lives in the East Coast.</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NTE3MTE='><font color='#BC9434'>moongraced</font></a>: </strong>why would it change</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4Mzc2ODE='><font color='#BC9434'>Lulu</font></a>: </strong>Jeff, your aunt has good taste! Flawless taste!</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NDA1NDA='><font color='#BC9434'>JeffHooray</font></a>: </strong>lol</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4NDA1NDA='><font color='#BC9434'>JeffHooray</font></a>: </strong>I know she picked me for a nephew....hehe</div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=MTgwNjA4Mzc2ODE='><font color='#BC9434'>Lulu</font></a>: </strong>Jean-Baptiste\'s the name of the protaganist in Perfume, I believe.</div>"; chatobj.scrollTop = chatobj.scrollHeight; //alert('please refresh interface, hit f5'); I got this error *After* I refreshed the page when I was in marind bell Capitol. After another refreshment it did not occur, I am not sure if this is a MD error or if it is because Firefox 3 was just released and I downloaded( updated from old firefox) it yesterday.
  7. I never had to click the log out button several times. o0
  8. Eksiva "raafke"

    Sorry rook spell I am such a noob ;)

    -hugz and kisses-

  9. This change in the log in/out screen is not very amusing or pleasing. Now if you log out and want to change to another character ( I follow several storylines same time or I get bored) I get automatically logged back in on the char I was on first. If I want to play another character I first have to log out ( which is normal) but now I have to close the window, and clear the cookies ( clear cache) and only than I get to the log in screen as before where I can switch to another character. Sorry Manu but I really liked the old way better.
  10. -pounces on Raafke- SIS! -hugs tight
  11. exiva "anna swansong

  12. If a guy likes girlie stuff it can mean a few things and I applaud all of them: *he is a person in touch with his feminine side and confident enough to show it *he is emancipated ( just kidding every one ) *he is a guy like my sweet bf who I met in a role-playing game on a female character and who became my "mother"in that game. ( he is madly crazy fond of kitties == ) But without the jokes: Don't you agree more sweet and cute things or fantasy figures would be fun as avatars?
  13. -begs with puppyeyes- Please please can we have a few more avatars in the MD shop for the ladies? With this I mean stuff we women like, for example: faeries, flowers, unicorns etc. I know it might sound silly and of course very childish ( I am still a big kid after all) but atm the avatars in the shop don't appeal to me much.
  14. If it merely a wiki you want to make and wikpedia is too much of a hassle maybe wikia.com is a good alternative. "MediaWiki is a web-based wiki software application used by all projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, all wikis hosted by Wikia, and many other wikis, including some of the largest and most popular ones.[1] Originally developed to serve the needs of the free content Wikipedia encyclopedia, today it has also been deployed by companies for internal knowledge management. " Maybe something to look into.
  15. I wasn't aware I was giving info... I thought I was stating my view on the storyline... ;'(
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