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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. Aah Awesome!! Can't wait to see the new pple getting roles!!
  2. Alts will always be a problem... In this contest, Heads... etc... And there is nothing to do to it...
  3. Hmm, Alts are indeed a problem... MAybe the judges could nominate pple, and then let the IP be tracked (Ok, I dont know anything of computers so I dont know if it should work actually...) The other part... I agree with Chewy...
  4. Awesome Idea in my opinion... So... If you need help
  5. Yeah, me too! *awaits BrainCellKilling Riddles*
  6. *reads posts diagonally* *minds is totally screwed up* *hates to be 15 and not beeing able to have learned all those stuff* *searches schoolbooks of older borther* *freaks out* *quits and runs away in terror*
  7. Prince Marvolo


    dst can shu you out xD
  8. Yeah, actually its scary... It shouldnt be so, not?
  9. Froggle!!! ^^
  10. Ok ok, Necro has dynasty yes... ut not in the way of a "government"
  11. I agree with both Kafu an Chewy... I don't like MD beeing to much linked to RL... Cause that's jsut the fun in the game... Like... "Running away" from all the stupid things in RL... (And yes, government is one of them) I dont like the concept of MD beeing... To... How to say it... Let point it in this way... I want to be free in MD, not "ruled" or beeing "Pinned" to a government... Might sound weird, but that my opinion about it M
  12. Go Grido!!
  13. W00t, Happy Bday!
  14. Hmm, Have 2 ClawII archers ^^ And blooddrop II on Imperial xD and daimon with power now XD ClawedII Skillvamp sounds killing
  15. Omfg... Well... Awesome XD
  16. Err... Kragel Shadow was just wondering something, you don't need to get mad, just give your answer and done... No need to shout in caps...
  17. Yeah ^^ I feel powerfull when I see those lol >
  18. Hmm, once had a fight with twice double effect... so twice over 100k damage xD a shame i didn't save the log...
  19. Ages sounds to common for me... what about Eras? Sound more... Magical? xD
  20. Really a NICE heretic archer xD
  21. Aww... Be back soon!!
  22. [quote name='Lady Renata' post='31260' date='May 16 2009, 08:33 PM']But..but..but he is! :lol: Kidding!!! xD I really don't see what those girls see at him.I never thought he was that handsome.Am I strange? [/quote] You are not strange, you're just Not Annoying! xD
  23. No please... Don't start also!! *hates girls around him saying edward is sexy* XD
  24. Lol, it is... Hmm, even better now Marvolo's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of Ivorak and: - Grasan Huvourer receives 50990 damage creature DIES! - Water Daimon III receives 50942 damage creature DIES! - Animated Tree II receives 102008 damage (luck: double effect) creature DIES! - Walking Tree receives 50972 damage creature DIES! - Flame of Ique receives 50932 damage creature DIES! - Master Lorerootian Archer receives 50962 damage creature DIES!
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