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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. Still... I do More Damage!!
  2. Don't dst XD And still, with or without... It's a damn good one! xD Marvolo's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of baiano and: - legend Archer receives 42143 damage creature DIES! - matador de pau receives 42148 damage creature DIES! - Full-grown Winderwild receives 42138 damage creature DIES! - Grasan II receives 42166 damage creature DIES! - Knator War Master receives 42126 damage creature DIES! - hua receives 42152 damage creature DIES!
  3. I'm stoll growing a lot lol 4 days and 10 wins and it'll be over 40k I think
  4. FANTASY! Everything from Tolkien (LOTR etc) Christpoher Paolini (eragon etc) Edgar Allan Poe (TNX Raven!! xD)
  5. Marvolo's Chaos Archer does damage to all creature(s) of Graziel and: - Remains receives 39350 damage creature DIES! - Day Dreamer #1 receives 39335 damage creature DIES! - BloodPact Dark Archer III receives 39335 damage creature DIES! - Imperial Assassin #1 receives 39343 damage creature DIES! - Elite Lorerootian Archer receives 39347 damage creature DIES! - Elite Knator receives 39315 damage creature DIES! Mhuahaha Fear me!! >
  6. Lol.. Sorry... Well, I kinda agreed with dst on this... it's a it useless maybe... Not?
  7. 1 word:


    wanna trade brains of something? ^^

  8. Whoa! Cryx!!

    You have internet at the pirate ship? Cool ^^

  9. Since I was Bored and searched something to do, I stumbled upon this forum ^^ So I decided to make a Hello-Post So... err... Hi!!
  10. Tnx dst, to remind me making one xD Never did that..
  11. To be clear... Necrovion is NEUTRAL For the time beeing. If you want to fight? Well do so... But for now. I'd like to see things evolving first to see what we will do. We have no quarrel with GG Or LR... And I want to keep it that way. Regards, Marvolo. Prince of the Sands.
  12. I always hear the pm sound and attack sound when listing to loud music O.o I Became Paranoia in RL cause of all those plot-rumours... xD I start to think in english and write in english even in Dutch classes O.o I start to write 'xD' in schoolbooks I start to write theories about game matters in schoolbooks... I told someone I worshipped a Carrot (When Raven had carrot avy and was still mp6 xD) I'm afraid of eating bunny's cause I fear my teeth might break I want to sacrifice my teachers for Principle points... (Or just to get rid of them...) I can't see the letter 'I' anymore O.o I call trees 'Bob' I wonder if that bird in the sky can freeze me... I wonder if my eggs can write ... I wonder if grapefruit can write too... I fear that our eggs might become fiery creatures that need a lot to grow up I think ravens are Illusions I suspect to see a Dwarf when goin to a smith I think I'm 410 days old...
  13. Raven has My support! As long as he will not be a tiran and will respect the other alliances (And I'm pretty sure he'll not cause problems xD) You have my vote Raven! Go for it! Marvolo General and Leader of the Necrovion Sentinels.
  14. Solved in 10 minutes I planned to make a map, and when I quitted it cause I was to lazy for it, I was at the exit xDD
  15. Or a 'select button' and then a button 'delete' like pm's...
  16. If someone get 100 coins... My Cap'n would have his first treasury! xD Good work!
  17. Wicca Is often wisunderstood, even by those who call themselves 'wiccan' Some friends o me made a 'coven' ... Well, it was bullshit indeed... I do believe in Tarot, because it came to truth every time with me... But most of them is just show.. and that gives it a bad name M
  18. That would be great! also the rankings M
  19. [quote name='Pyrofalkon' post='18299' date='Oct 13 2008, 01:11 AM']Wica- Didn't know this one, had to research. Witches are scary, don't they, like, turn you into a frog or something? Nope, not doing this.[/quote] Well, you have a Totally wrong image at Wicca... We don't turm pple in frogs... or something... The most important things are that whatever you do, don't hurt other pple... Also Nature is importans, and that everything in this world has a bit god-ish in it... And no we don't fly brooms " M
  20. Prince Marvolo

    New HC

    Then I agree jumping would cost all AP... M
  21. Sounds fun... But let pple sing up for it maybe, if that is possible... Cause maybe some don't want to play head/stars anymore... So the ones that don't want to play anymore don't get invovled... M
  22. Prince Marvolo

    New HC

    I would not like to switch off alliances in HC... Ever during Heads, Alliances need to get to their leader, and be able to talk in alliance chat, etc... if you swith off alliances dureing heads, the time HC will be on would only be for HC which would ruin RolePlaying, and would 'punish' people that don't want ot participate, or already won... M
  23. Gods age too?? O.o Well, happy Bday xD
  24. Well... Never tought I'd gonna say it, but.. Happy Bday xD
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