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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. The one and mighty... GOATBOY!!!!!!! W0000t!!!

  2. Well... My first acc. was called Sage... (that's why my forum acc. is called Sage... xD) 2nd Acc. = Marvolo... And it comes from the books of Harry Potter (Tom Marvolo Riddle --> Voldemort...) I don't like the books, but I did like the name xD So that's why... xD
  3. Look... My internet fails much... like every 15-30 minutes... So it's going to be 15 minutes playing, 20 minutes nothing, 15 minutes plaing, 20 nothing, etc
  4. Could login again! *hopes Internet doesn't fail now*
  5. I really hope Mur will remove it... I understand why he did this... But I hope He understands the problem here too...
  6. Can you add one?
  7. Me! I wanted to attach a poll here, but it didn't show up...
  8. Really... I don't know anything about computers... Just how to start them up, play MD, shut it down...
  9. It doesn't say how long... And how can I contact anyone without getting into MD? And ailith contacted Jonn for me now...
  10. I can't change it... at least, I don't know how.. This is really, and I mean REALLY stupid!!!
  11. It's not the popup... I'm friggin banned because I tried to login to much to see how long it owuld take to login again... It doesn't make any sense!
  12. The 20 minutes to login again... It really doesn't make any sense! My internet Frequently fails wich makes me re-open my browser again, wich makes me logged off... Then I want to login again, and see I need to wait 20 minutes... I keep trying... to count down (I was bored and got nothing to do further...) And suddenly I got this --> *max retry reached, you are temporary baned It was like WTF? It really doesn't make any sense to me! Marvolo
  13. Marvolo Prince of the Sands, Son of Khalazdad, the King of Necrovion. I will give my Swords! Danger? Darkness? Cold or Treachery? I do not fear it... Also, Loreroot has always been one of my favorite places to be, to escape fighting and war, to find Inner Peace. I am ready. Marvolo.
  14. Fictional stories!! :lol: pls add me Not MD-related stories (little ones)
  15. He could use a lyposuction... But it's awesome!!
  16. Maybe it is a kind of 'clock' to predict moon related thing such as eclipses... When the shadow of pillar A points to pillar B then happens ...
  17. Art/Art history Architecture Psychology Music
  18. Sounds... Awesome! Marvolo tries to get there xD
  19. Marvolo 17192
  20. When i Do things like that... I see horror imagen coming up in my mind... and toughts i normally never think... It's like i'm a totally diffirent person... Mostly it also gives tons of inspiration... Oh... and don't dirturb me at such moments... I can be pissed at you for a whole week O.o
  21. [quote name='stormrunner' post='18398' date='Oct 14 2008, 03:42 PM']philosophy=peace=good religion=wars=bad[/quote] You see it as black-white... philosophy is not always good... it can confuse people... And some people need a religion to hold on... they need hope...
  22. To have much Imagination, you need to be good in visualisation: the art to see things in your mind... You can train visualisation Example: put an apple before you, examine it, smell it, touch it,... then close your eyes... see the apple before your mind... look at it, see every little piece of it, try to smell it again... turn it around, all in your mind...
  23. it's not wica but wicca --> to times a C xD
  24. it looks like that person from Lord of the Rings, Grima i think his name was...
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