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Posts posted by Rendril

  1. The views of one alliance member do not necessarily coincide with the views of another. The action of disbanding an alliance would be a display of the rebel's will and power, but is not a requirement, it depends on the rebel cause. While two players might both be rebels, they might be fighting two different causes.
    Remember that an alliance follows the rules of the land the king, that is why one leaves it to become a rebel.

  2. No one, those targeting effects are an interesting idea. However, it is still making a creature's actual stats obsolete. The only place they matter right now is for a beginner MP3/4's. A creature might as well just have a stat that their ability is based on, like attack or power, and the amount gets disregarded because all it needs to know is how much you are giving it.

  3. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1288880731' post='71434']
    I think I'm lost here . I do hope that you don't plan to use creature's stat to MULTIPLY with percentages of player's stats.
    Yes, I suggested they get multiplied. The point was to preserve the usefulness of the creature, for example: while a creature might have 10 times the attack of another, it's targeting or aura might not make up for it.

  4. I believe the drop down box is a feature provided by your browser.
    There is no reason for it to "reset" the password once you enter it using the drop down. Are you certain that the form is not submitted on the first press of return, and that subsequent presses actually send a blank field form?

  5. [quote name='goldfinger earthicus' timestamp='1287397162' post='70570']
    Its easy to train when you actually have creatures left to train with,but..after meatgrinders clobber me every time, i have nothing left to train with.My 20 creatures dont last long, and any rits i build up, get quickly demolished at will,including my ve which is sucked up by veterans attacking rits.when i try and get honor back, which is hard as i am -230, i run up against not trees, but maxed drachs,angiens,and store creatures.
    ,many of them tokened to the hilt.

    Its easy to say train when yoou have such creatures of your own... try it without any of them..
    Regen after battle is pretty powerful, even if your creatures are killed in the battle, it should not be an issue because their VE will be back up.

    Get creative, there are ways to mitigate damage from attacks.

  6. I'm not sure how you are waiting for user input in mdscript, it if either when the script is run or it isn't, there is no in-between waiting for input.

    Like Burns said, is if-statements to detect which input was given.

    As for infinite loops, the script is only given a finite execution time. Imagine if 200 users had infinite loops running on the server :))

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