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Posts posted by Rendril

  1. [quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
    and just becaue i'm questioning authority im rude?
    No, you are rude because of your insults to others.

    [quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
    or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank?
    Where was it said that Unholy funny would get banned for these comments?
    It is only your insults that brought about the warnings.

    You might not find the comments offensive but others do. You speak of tolerance, yet why should your freedom to say anything be tolerated when you can't tolerate others? That is why there are rules.
    And it is why the rules are presented upfront.

    As far as I am aware, movies, TV, games, do have censorship in RL.

    [quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
    we can't have any of the wee bit children going out in the world and hearing stuff like that
    christ almighty - what about the movies? and TV? and god forbid - this is a game for crying out loud!
    children are playing here!
    Perhaps then they can appreciate MD for not just being another festering cesspit.

    I do not feel that Unholy funny's public log entries were offensive, but I have seen many entries that are.

  2. It looks like your image could not be resampled.
    Are you sure this is a gif?

    [quote name='Mr VorniC' timestamp='1286041895' post='69512']
    i tryed to set png format and i get a size more than 20k, do u know another format that are accepted???
    Try making it smaller (it should then say png is not allowed)

    If you still can't upload, use the [url="http://magicduel.com/ui/userprofile/sample_avatar_source.png"]sample avatar[/url] and export it as a transparent gif, then overlay your avy.

  3. [quote name='Clock Master' timestamp='1285413120' post='69077']
    Is it intended to work both ways? I mean not just taking stat difference from the opponent but also giving away

    Bwahahahah :))

    Auras will still get tweaked after evaluation is complete.

  4. Regen bug with the auras should be fixed.

    [quote name='redneck' timestamp='1285389140' post='69063']
    i was hitting 150k with hertic archer. I believe this is cause of tokens and the new combat

    This is intended.

  5. A note: due to the locations restriction "[b](locations 1_0x0_1)[/b]", the player has to be at that scene in order to access the script.
    Checking that the player is actually there, is already provided by MDS ;)
    However, it does make sense to use it if you have multiple locations allowed (but whether or not it is good to use that feature is a different matter entirely)

  6. Blackwood, I think the profile counts the posts from threads that were deleted or are not visible anymore.
    For the member title the "public" post count is used (yours is 413).

    I'm not sure if this is part of the member title, but what does the row of grey/black circles under the title represent?

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