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About Ren

  • Birthday December 31

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    TX, USA
  • Interests
    games, D&D, creations
  • Playername
    Renavoid, currently Rensak

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  1. >.> Thanks guys...
  2. I'm a consistent monthly contributor to MD, and from my perspective, the big tombola-type event would be fantastic (Option 1, variant 1). To me, I don't really spend the credits terribly often because I don't feel like I need very many things from the shop anymore. But, I still let my credits build up as support and on that basis of "I might have a use for these one day..." So, I think something really big that come about from continually doing this, but not too frequently (200 instead of 100), would be like an extra incentive to keep on. AND, say we get up to that point and get something really awesome - further incentive to do it again. Issues... Well, I certainly understand that option 1 isn't the most friendly to non-paying players.. but, I do not think that a Free Credit lower limit ticket is the way to solve that, because that just means double prizes for people who buy credits AND use free credits, and that's not really balanced either. So yes, it leaves the possibility for free players to get involved, but I think realistically they would not become involved because 200 is a LOT of free credits. I do NOT like a rift between paying vs. non-paying players, though if this is the path to be taken it will likely be a wonderful reward for those who contribute the most. And of course, the option of giving people tickets to the second level for things other than money would be an option. One more thing to consider is that players who may be unbalancing things due to their extreme use of the item shop (myself included most likely), will be the most likely ones to get the bigger prizes...just making that gap bigger. Food for thought.
  3. 80~ xP
  4. Eh, my offer stands. ; Just as cash instead of credits.
  5. -snickers- I'll give ya 60 creds for another windy, dst
  6. I would love to offer some services to you, Curi. I'm not sure who you have that knows what, but I certainly have a handful of people I feel deserve to be remembered in some fashion and perhaps a thing or two I can tell you about them as well. fyi though, I don't check forums much. You're better off catching me at the Road.
  7. MD Captchas have an ego problem with me D: I told me "MD"

  8. Well.. in that one Youtube video, there were two..

    Do more Mister! Be more active! D

  9. Ahem... I did THREE songs. :P And if the guitar part is ever finished, four.. >.>;

  10. Ahem... I listened to your two renditions of songs that are in MD form.. and I must say:


  11. So...what about some sort of "Generator" outside the lands? That is, a small group of people that constantly seek out more wp codes that they can use to sponsor people outside the regular lands in their quests. I suspect it would be hard to set up, and harder to maintain, not to mention it would probably get "abused" by Land Alliance people wanting to use it if it worked well enough... But, unless another method is found..? Just a random suggestion. Or perhaps set up a regular barter agreement of sorts where kings give a certain number of Tasks that can be "Traded" in for wp codes, similar to the Pickle Points system. These tasks could be like regular quests I suppose, or they could be things that benefit the Realm more. Something like, "find a new place to promote MD from" or "teach a new player for a week straight out of story mode", etc. Again, potentially abused, but a suggestion none the less. EDIT: You could also sort of combine the two ideas, of course.
  12. !! If you seek a victim.. and you said so in comment form on my profile... does that mean... ! *Gasp!* I AM YOUR VICTIM?

  13. -seeks a victim-

  14. It's the armor I'm pointing out... Straight out of the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Dungeon Master's Guide. The armor is the same in all three images, and the pose is very similar, yes.
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