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Posts posted by Bootes

  1. I will begin this with a Friendly warning, This topic is Created by Me, for Me. It is a Release of Sorts that Allows the Voices in my Head a place to speak out so they may Leave me alone from Time to time. Only a Few of you have a Clue of what I mean by this, and they will likely stop reading at this Point, this is simply because they know of what is about to Begin.

    I am Not crazy, at least Not completely, but this is how my Mind works, I'm not really acting or trying to make this flow anywhere I just let my Mind wander and do as it pleases. Take what I've said with a grain of salt and read on With Caution...

    Black, as Always you Give a very Dry and Boring Introduction. You really need to let me Tell people about whats going on here.

    Well then Do it...

    Nah, by Tell people, I really mean Let me Talk. I get bored while I listen to you Babble. I do have one Question though, Why do you Insist on Warning People? I don't Bite... not since I found out how Disgusting People taste...

    The Warning is so they Know that Things are going to get a little Weird...

    Bah! People Thrive on Weird, they Eat it up. Normality Sucks, Imagine your life without me... What would you do with yourself?

    Sigh That's one of my Fondest Dreams, a Life without you, or the Others Babbling away. Always Keeping me up at Night...

    What! Me! Keep you Up at Night? Your the One who's always thinking of this and that, and I always have to Step in to get you to Shut Up so We can get some Rest.

    So in Case you haven't Figured this out by Now, this is Red, my Alter Ego, the Loudest and Most Obno..

    Oh No, Don't you Dare start Narrating while I'm talking to you. You know Ignoring me just Makes me Get Louder. Besides The Poor Souls Reading your Drivel are Only getting more and More bored.

    That's because Every time I try to Say something you Interrupt me!

    And With Good Reason! You and I both know that I'm the Whole Reason We're doing this, No one likes to Hear you Talk. I'm the Main Attraction here... Well Earl Pulls in a Bit of a Crowd, but that's Besides the Point.

    What can I say, the Women Just Love me...

    What Women?

    Well there's... Ummm...That one... No, wait... Black You told me there would be Women here, Wait is this Another one of those Voices Rants you Always Do?

    Hey, I tried to Avoid it but Red was So Damn Persistent...

    Oh, God... Well Count me Out. I've had enough of your Little Adventures. You two are too Crazy for me. I prefer Actual Conversation, not this Mindless Prattle. Leaves

    Who are you Calling Mindless Cattle?

    He Said Prattle, and He's gone, so it Doesn't matter. Earl Does raise a Good point though, what Are we going to do This Adventure?

    You know what Red, you Dragged me into this This time, so you Manage the Adventure. I'm going to Sleep... With you Finally Distracted there will be Peace and Quite.

    Strokes his Chin An Adventure Eh? Oh this will be So Fun, Much Better than the Time we Rescued your Feminine Side... whats her Name again... Oh right Allison. Sooo Much Better this Time...

    Well Don't say I didn't Warn you...

  2. Use the Sun. It's a Constant source of Heat and Flame high in the Sky Accessible to All. With Mirrors or Lenses you can Easily focus the Light into a Point which Will create Flame if Given the right Fuel. The Wizard used the Sun to Summon Wodin Originally, so why no Use it to restart the Flame in phrog's Soul?

  3. I can't Imagine a PWD Adventure Log being made in Game, so that would have to be something that People do on their own in the Forums. Like Chewett Said with the Current AL anyone can Be mentioned it it, you don't need to Even be a PWD just be Involved in the right things. Sol was mentioned in AL during the Angien (early SOE) business because of his efforts in Game. Though I must admit I don't quite Understand how the AL works in terms of what gets written about (One day you'll see Boo written in the Character Tag, and know that I finally got an Entry).

    And I don't see why PWDs can't gain roles like they do now. One thing that would make that more Possible would be an RPC/PWD Manager (Pretty sure there will be one Eventually), Since then you Wouldn't have to constantly bug Shoeps and Mur about Titles and things. I just don't think Mur is ready to give anyone that Title/Ability yet.

  4. - While Buying Something you Realize that you don't have enough Cash. So you Tell the Cashier to please wait Till you Regen more...

    - You Have to Explain to your Literature Teacher that you Only read one Page of a Book per Day so you can Gain the Meditation Bonus.

    - While Getting a new Dog, you ask the Owner how many Wins it will need to Upgrade.

    - You go to your Local Travel Agency to see How many WishPoints a Cruise Costs...

    - You start Digging a Hole in the Park by Your House... When the Authorities ask you why, you Answer, "I wanted to get the the Secret Shop."

  5. I agree, Manu, Mur, or Muratus del Mur (or Manuel as I believe his Real name is...) Is a very Intelligent person. The interplay of many Aspects of the Game, and Pure Depth of some of those Concepts proves that.

    I also have to Say that he has Done an Excellent Job in Personality Judging, I find that all the RPCs (All of whom at this Point were either Picked by Mur, or Allowed by Mur, to have their Position) are Fantastic Role Playing Characters. Not everyone Role Plays as much as the Others (I think Khal is the King when it comes to Playing a Character, though I Hope I do a Good job as well...) but Everyone Offers Unique Quests and Interesting Contributions to the Game.

    I posted this not so much to Promote the "God" persona Many have attributed to Mur (though Of course Within the Magic Duel realm he is Undoubtedly the Driving Creative force), but because I came across it in my Astrology Research and thought it Fitting.

  6. Here's some More...

    - You start Narrating your Actions while Doing them.

    - You become Convinced you just Need the right Herbs to talk to Trees...

    - When you Meet someone New, the first thing you ask is, "Can I see your Personal Papers?"

    - While walking around you Occasionally stop, Claiming that you need to wait to Regen more AP.

    - As you Read the Daily Paper you think "Man Today's Adventure Log is so Dry..."

    - You start Claiming that you Spoke to "God" recently and he Said, "Please be Patient, Updates are Coming Soon" B)

  7. I'd Rather not get too Technical about this, Remember this is More of a Theory than Hard fact...

    However Don't Assume that the Changes I noticed were Large, or Happened Very Fast, I Spent a few Weeks gathering Information during my Research on this Subject.

    Since it Sounds like you are Familiar with Astronomy I'll try to Explain my Thoughts a bit more Clearly.

    I Believe that the MagicDuel Sun does Indeed Have a Companion, be it a Black Hole, or a Large Planet, I'm not Sure. I am Surmising that this Object is Massive Enough to Make the Systems Center of Gravity well Beyond any Point within the Sun itself. Thus the Sun Orbits a Point in Space (as do We) and is Not the Center of the Solar System (though it is Close enough in Relative Terms).

    As to the Stick Experiment, if the Sun Truly Didn't Move the Shadow would Never Move. However I did Notice a Small Oscillation in the Shadow over a Period of Many Days.

    If you are More Interested in the Orbital Mechanics of Our Star system Please Keep an Eye on My Papers In Game. I am Currently Discovering many things thanks to Having found a "Piece of Night" in a Very Distant Location. I am Posting my Discoveries in my Papers as I make them.

  8. Here's some that I have to Deal with...

    -You start Using the same Random Capitalization in Everything you Type B)

    - You start Announcing to Strangers that you Have a Quest with Rewards...

    - Everything you Learn in School makes you think "How can I turn this Into a Quest?"

    - You Keep thinking How much your Power Stat is Going up While Working out

    - You Stop Keeping Track of Time in Hours and Start Keeping Track in Terms of 3k VE...

  9. "Pleaes know that inner magic does not refere to magic abilities in the game such as the "outer magic" part. Read the info on the magic page to better understand its purpose."

    They are not magic.

    I know what the Documents are... In order to Give the Document out RPCs must Cast a Special Spell, that is what I meant when I said I "cast it on Myself"

  10. Well I know there are quite a Few creatures that Are Ready (I think they are at least...) but have yet to Be implemented. I assume these will be Available eventually in Necro and Golemus...

    A little while ago something (I'm not telling what) Spurred me to come up with an Idea for a New Creature. What I came up With was a Creature that works with Golemus. I even developed a Little Narrative about How I Discovered this Creature... (Note this is Just my Own creation, I can Only hope the Idea is good enough to Be considered one day...)

    The Narrative:

    Clockwork Golem

    After many weeks of Studying the Sun in the Balcony of the Sun, I decided it was time for me to Find some Shadier areas to explore. Having recently gained access to Loreroot I decided that it was the best place to find some Shade.

    While cooling off Amongst the Trees I happened upon an Interesting building by the name of Lore Manor. Inside it looked like a Small library with many Ancient Tomes…

    Though its size was Nothing compared to the Archives, I decided to see what Books lay on the Shelves. The topics I found ranged far and wide, from planning a Garden to Legends of Creatures found in Loreroot… I even found a Book of Nature Poetry.

    One book caught my Interest. I found it far in the back, with no Label, Shoved behind other books. Inside was a text I couldn’t quite read, though it had some Sketches of odd Creatures drawn on later pages… I decided to keep the Tome to myself, and Research it in Secret.

    Translation took longer than I expected. It took many Days, and I had to bring small snippets of Text to Renavoid the Archivist so that he could Give me some Books I needed. Keeping it a Secret was difficult, but the fact that it was Another book in a Library kept it from prying eyes.

    After all the hard work Translating the Book in Secret I finally began to understand the Language it was written in. It appeared to be the Notes of an Ancient Sage who was Investigating how life Exists in all things… His Notes explored how he had been investigating how Life can be found even in Inanimate things, though it is Weaker than the Life in a Human, animal, or even Plant. However it seems he had begun to find ways to strengthen that Life Force through Magic…

    Though many Pages of the Text were Worn, and some parts on Readable I was able to gather that this Sage had created the first Golem, and was finding ways to Animate all matter of Materials… His Golems, once created, had the ability to Strengthen other Creatures by Strengthening the Life Force of those Creatures. His Golems were also able to Learn and Grow, both in Intelligence and Power…

    As I realized the Potential of this Book my hands shook, with this Book it might be possible to recreate this Sages Golems! His Spells and Formulas, though Faded and Worn, were for the most part still Readable. I was now obsessed with the Book, and spent every waking hour Copying Notes attempting to Learn the Sage’s method.

    Eventually I came to a Point where Reading wasn’t enough, the Time had come to begin Experimentation. Fortunately I have a secret place where I construct my Telescopes and other Astronomical devices, and I moved my work on the Golems there. In fact I had a fair amount of experience constructing small devices, and had even Experimented a little with Clockwork devices. These are small Machines that can be Wound up and they seem to Spring to Life…

    The similarities between these Clockwork devices and the Golems was too close for me to Ignore. In fact I theorized that by combining the Machinery of Clockwork and the Magic’s of Golems I could create a totally new Creature.

    I write this all down as I prepare to Cast the first Spell, I don’t know if this will Actually create this Clockwork Golem, or if it will all backfire. I simply wanted to record my Research thus far, I have no Idea of this will result in Something New, or will fail horribly. All I can do is Begin….

  11. I'm having an Issue Viewing my Own Document... I have Cast it on Myself a couple of Times but the Spell Pages link still hasn't appeared to me :)

    Edit: I figured out what was Wrong... I'm still not used to having the "."s around my Name :)

    So may I message them with something like this..

    "please advice me, good sir/ma'am on how to earn and thereby be honored with a magic scroll from you...


    Will this be ok, then??

    I think this Depends on the RPC in Question. Please be Aware that we Were informed of this Development at pretty much the same Time as everyone Else, and many RPCs are still Developing the Quests are Requirements to get the Doc.

    Since I have a Low level Document I have a Small Puzzle up, that is my Requirement for the Document I hold. Please come Find me in the Game B)

  12. Actually Fojar, if you Read through the First Post I made (yes I know there's A lot there to Read) you will see that one of my Notes Said the Sun does move Slightly. This was my Basis for the Idea of a Stellar Companion, one Which I believe is Responsible for the Periods of Darkness. Hence I have Nicknamed this Object the "Moon" and the Moon is typically Considered the Symbolic Opposite of the Sun.

  13. I Found this in a Book about Gods, in the Section of Gods of Justice.


    The Lawgiver, Son of Surya and Samjna. "The fourteen progenitors and lawgivers of the human race in fourteen successive creations are known as Manus" (From an Indian Religion)

    Sounds Eerily Similar to our Own "God" of Laws B)

  14. Darn Mur to to this Before I could Respond. I'm pretty sure I understood exactly what he meant from the Announcement.

    I agree with Ren, there should never be another Bootes. But I've seen a few people who also want to take on a Star or Astronomy type Role. Personally I would be fine with someone Taking over that ROLE, but not the Character Bootes.

    Having Said that I love the Idea of Permanent RPCs (or Permanent ROLES) that can be Filled by anyone who is Deemed worthy should that ROLE become vacated. A Character not Player made, but one that is Inherently part of the Game.

    I would Love to see what Mur can come up with in this respect I'm sure there are plenty of Ways to Explain how a Role can be Filled by other Players, such as the Summoned Warrior Idea.

    No you can't Become Bootes just be Stealing my method of Custom Capitilization, so :rolleyes:

  15. Jonn has more Power than I do.... I don't think he Should be Considered nor should Anyone who is already on the RPC list In-Game.

    Also I can Understand why Glor wants more of a Role, but I think that can happen Regardless of this contest... Especially seeing as how he already has the RPC "."s

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