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Everything posted by Junior

  1. Junior


    Post is still open to the public for any future entries until I have selected the four fighters. To those who have already posted you have received a message. Depending on your lexis and how detailed and thought out your reply is when I will be selecting the four individuals.
  2. Happy Birthday Shadowseeker!!!!! I can't believe you're only 25 years old
  3. *nods* Happy Birthday
  4. Junior


    I am in need of 4 (total) battle hardened players who can read and report the actions taken in a battle log. It's an assignment which will not be easy it involves dissecting the battle log line by line with numerous different combinations. You may enter here with the following information: Active Days: Win/Loss quantities: Balance Status: Available time frame: This is an important assignment so I will even allow partners to enter as a team (Teams of 2). Just know that I might pick one of the two depending on answers but teams that meet the requirements will be preferable. Further instructions will be given out once all 4 individuals have been selected. These instructions include further details such as the what, where and when as well as the how. Of course as always success will be rewarded. While failure or abuse of the experiment will be severely punished, there will not be room for misunderstandings. (Mods not sure if this is the best place for this topic, move as necessary)
  5. My idea of very easy resources to obtain are as follows: Water, Plants, and Branches/Lumber. I am not much for gathering three days straight but I can say three days to me might be (if optimal conditions) 100 water, 50-60 plants, 50/100 of Lumber/Branches. (but then again compared to the Molima these numbers are low :P) Due to its name Aqua? (which I have questions) means water related, and I know what it looks like, I say it should produce moss. By consuming rainwater (versus regular water). I think there could be extensive users for moss. In the past, mosses were used as an easily obtainable and multi-purpose packaging material. Wads of mosses were used to line pits, probably for the storage of vegetables, and also as stuffing for bedding, along with bracken and straw. Also used sometimes as an antiseptic (could be used with some kind of healing role) Just thoughts
  6. Interested make it so it must be 6 different creatures periods any 6 not even same class
  7. Deist over here I selected other
  8. 72 Hours have passed I win with 7gc where would you like to meet?
  9. I'll help: Combiner Item: Product: 1 Imperial Arcane Card Deck Resources Needed: Ace of black diamonds, Ace of black hearts, Ace of red clubs, Ace of red spades, Jack of Black Diamonds, Jack of black hearts, Jack of red clubs, Jack of red spades, King of black diamonds, King of black hearts, King of red clubs, King of red spades, Queen of black diamonds, Queen of black hearts, Queen of red clubs, Queen of red spades Combiner Used: MDA Archives Combiner How to obtain each resource: MDShop through role-play items/trade each requires 1c credit, total number of credits: 16c (if all 16 cards are readily available and no shuffling occurs.) Is this wha you wanted Assira?
  10. these exact ones have not been used sir
  11. "I will say this now, and I will say it clear. My character, as Aethon, is an explorer and documenter. I will always uses tools, items, spells, whatever, to try and help further this, as this is the reason I actually play. If I am clearly told not to do something, I will not, if there is room to twist words and I feel I can "get away", then I shall. Why? Because why the hell should I not enjoy a game for the reason I want to play." i am mobile so I can't really quote properly or as much as I wish but basically Aethon here is admitting to being a devious and abusive opportunist.
  12. Burnsy happy happy birthday to ya!
  13. I vote for confiscation of cries and anything which does not pertain to his role as well as any other profit he might of had from selling these goods. I vote in such way because 1, Aethon (since he is working on behind the scenes stuff A25etc) has been working with Mur for some time so anyone who has worked with Mur knows what he means, because at the end of the day Mur speaks logically he has common sense. Unfortunately he believes everyone shares this commonality yet some don't. 2, I have had these similar instances with Mur and while yes I too could have made the argument of miscommunication to gain more I don't because I know what he means because I know that english is not his forte. (no offense Mur) Which means his phrasing might be a little off so you should have DOUBLE CHECKED as you said you would and double checking is doing that well before you do the action. Its similar to shoot first ask questions second. (defeats the purpose) 3, if we all want to deduce this to a simple mistake and give Aethon the benefit of the doubt which I AGREE WITH, lets just correct the issue, which was he grabbed things he shouldn't have so they are returned and final. 4, Not sure if you're current role has "trust points" but if it does I would suggest taking one or two of these points up to Mur of course.
  14. 7gc
  15. 5gc
  16. Seeing as how the Birthday has ended and its been well over 24 hours since Grido's last bid I declare this auction closed with the Winner being Grido at 4 TST. Find me in-game for exchange I'll mostly be hanging around GOE
  17. *looks around* looks like we aren't updating our posts just posting new ones. More ideas include Creature Embodiment Creature Silhouette
  18. Creature Crate? Creature Holder? Creature Safe? Creature Base? Creature Crux? Creature Retainer?
  19. Happy Birthday to the best high fiver ever
  20. Happy Birthday to the best Alliance leader there is
  21. I have 56 as the colorless Elu and #57 as the Colored Elu is this wrong?
  22. Correct from what I recall there might of even been a forum discussion about establishing 15:1 ratio. ( )
  23. Yeah kinda what I meant that because there are 12 variations I somehow thought there'd be more of each but there isn't. (was just making a small comment) Also I was under the Impression from my list that #56 was the colorless while #57 was colored so did you mean #56 has 51 and #57 left undisclosed? (since you took most of them back)(trying to verify MD slow)
  24. I agree whats I find interesting is the few variations of Snowmen or maybe not as many as I thought existed. really neat. You also skipped #54 and #56 which was interesting
  25. Hi, just wanted to say Thanks! this is great information for me personally helps add great detail to my list (the one I sent you) Question so are you saying there is a CID 0?
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