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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in Reality or Not Reality?   
    as a side note, everything in this world hides a silent fight for what is more real. From false vs right, to full and empty, everything spinns arround not only what "is" or "is not" but actually arround what is more real. Reality is defined by the observer, in md the more people agree to a reality the more real it becomes. You see the fight for reality when observing a virtual world but without exagerating, this fight happens in the outer world as much as it happens in-game.
    (Now pls resume your interesting talk and dont get interrupted by me, i'm not participating in this, i was just making a general remark)
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mith in Reality or Not Reality?   
    as a side note, everything in this world hides a silent fight for what is more real. From false vs right, to full and empty, everything spinns arround not only what "is" or "is not" but actually arround what is more real. Reality is defined by the observer, in md the more people agree to a reality the more real it becomes. You see the fight for reality when observing a virtual world but without exagerating, this fight happens in the outer world as much as it happens in-game.
    (Now pls resume your interesting talk and dont get interrupted by me, i'm not participating in this, i was just making a general remark)
  3. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in The Void Described   
    good part:
    hilarious, nice joke, makes one reflect..literally

    bad part:
    what would some people do just to seem "original" for the right reward..tz tz..
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kafuuka in The Void Described   
    good part:
    hilarious, nice joke, makes one reflect..literally

    bad part:
    what would some people do just to seem "original" for the right reward..tz tz..
  5. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharazhad in Libya is at war.   
    Well..lets put it this way. My country (more exactly our supreme military council) decided we should stick our nose too in this war. I have no idea what makes us capable of deciding an other nations fate especially that other nato countries did not want to get involved (so its possible). I am totally against such actions, when a country attacks an other country without actually having a personal reason to do so. I find it lame and i am ashamed i have to say this about my country, but its the way i see it.

    It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now.

    if you consider my post racist or out of place you can delete it, but THIS is my opinion about the matter.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Libya is at war.   
    eventually oil will run out muahhahahahaha
  7. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xrieg in Libya is at war.   
    Well..lets put it this way. My country (more exactly our supreme military council) decided we should stick our nose too in this war. I have no idea what makes us capable of deciding an other nations fate especially that other nato countries did not want to get involved (so its possible). I am totally against such actions, when a country attacks an other country without actually having a personal reason to do so. I find it lame and i am ashamed i have to say this about my country, but its the way i see it.

    It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now.

    if you consider my post racist or out of place you can delete it, but THIS is my opinion about the matter.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Libya is at war.   
    Well..lets put it this way. My country (more exactly our supreme military council) decided we should stick our nose too in this war. I have no idea what makes us capable of deciding an other nations fate especially that other nato countries did not want to get involved (so its possible). I am totally against such actions, when a country attacks an other country without actually having a personal reason to do so. I find it lame and i am ashamed i have to say this about my country, but its the way i see it.

    It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now.

    if you consider my post racist or out of place you can delete it, but THIS is my opinion about the matter.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ravenstrider in Libya is at war.   
    Well..lets put it this way. My country (more exactly our supreme military council) decided we should stick our nose too in this war. I have no idea what makes us capable of deciding an other nations fate especially that other nato countries did not want to get involved (so its possible). I am totally against such actions, when a country attacks an other country without actually having a personal reason to do so. I find it lame and i am ashamed i have to say this about my country, but its the way i see it.

    It is typically American to bomb an other country for a pretended reason and then pretend to help them, sadly i see everybody else is following the "American example" now.

    if you consider my post racist or out of place you can delete it, but THIS is my opinion about the matter.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Stopping buying things with credits   
    First of all, stopping such a thing means technically shifting it towards a black market not actually stopping it..lets be realistic. Plus from my point of view its far better to be credits than cash between players.

    I totally disagree that people with money should be able to buy off their achievements and thats why certain things will never become trade-able.
    Also think of this in this way, the people that are selling this stuff get the credits to spend, they kind of deserve it. Those buying a rare drach of completing their morph collection or whatever, wont be able to do that too much and i don.t believe they are a real threat.

    I am open to suggestions anyway, but keep in mind i will not put a rule against something that cant be proved and that is not actualy cheating. You will have to be creative about this. One idea I can think of are alternate ways to increase achievement value, one example would be "initial owner" and "creature devotament" sort of features... tehnicaly there are ways to demoralize buyers from buying their way up, but i have doubts if their way is aimed to be up and if this is a smart thing to do at all.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackthorn in Stopping buying things with credits   
    First of all, stopping such a thing means technically shifting it towards a black market not actually stopping it..lets be realistic. Plus from my point of view its far better to be credits than cash between players.

    I totally disagree that people with money should be able to buy off their achievements and thats why certain things will never become trade-able.
    Also think of this in this way, the people that are selling this stuff get the credits to spend, they kind of deserve it. Those buying a rare drach of completing their morph collection or whatever, wont be able to do that too much and i don.t believe they are a real threat.

    I am open to suggestions anyway, but keep in mind i will not put a rule against something that cant be proved and that is not actualy cheating. You will have to be creative about this. One idea I can think of are alternate ways to increase achievement value, one example would be "initial owner" and "creature devotament" sort of features... tehnicaly there are ways to demoralize buyers from buying their way up, but i have doubts if their way is aimed to be up and if this is a smart thing to do at all.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in Stopping buying things with credits   
    First of all, stopping such a thing means technically shifting it towards a black market not actually stopping it..lets be realistic. Plus from my point of view its far better to be credits than cash between players.

    I totally disagree that people with money should be able to buy off their achievements and thats why certain things will never become trade-able.
    Also think of this in this way, the people that are selling this stuff get the credits to spend, they kind of deserve it. Those buying a rare drach of completing their morph collection or whatever, wont be able to do that too much and i don.t believe they are a real threat.

    I am open to suggestions anyway, but keep in mind i will not put a rule against something that cant be proved and that is not actualy cheating. You will have to be creative about this. One idea I can think of are alternate ways to increase achievement value, one example would be "initial owner" and "creature devotament" sort of features... tehnicaly there are ways to demoralize buyers from buying their way up, but i have doubts if their way is aimed to be up and if this is a smart thing to do at all.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from adiomino in Stopping buying things with credits   
    First of all, stopping such a thing means technically shifting it towards a black market not actually stopping it..lets be realistic. Plus from my point of view its far better to be credits than cash between players.

    I totally disagree that people with money should be able to buy off their achievements and thats why certain things will never become trade-able.
    Also think of this in this way, the people that are selling this stuff get the credits to spend, they kind of deserve it. Those buying a rare drach of completing their morph collection or whatever, wont be able to do that too much and i don.t believe they are a real threat.

    I am open to suggestions anyway, but keep in mind i will not put a rule against something that cant be proved and that is not actualy cheating. You will have to be creative about this. One idea I can think of are alternate ways to increase achievement value, one example would be "initial owner" and "creature devotament" sort of features... tehnicaly there are ways to demoralize buyers from buying their way up, but i have doubts if their way is aimed to be up and if this is a smart thing to do at all.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Stopping buying things with credits   
    First of all, stopping such a thing means technically shifting it towards a black market not actually stopping it..lets be realistic. Plus from my point of view its far better to be credits than cash between players.

    I totally disagree that people with money should be able to buy off their achievements and thats why certain things will never become trade-able.
    Also think of this in this way, the people that are selling this stuff get the credits to spend, they kind of deserve it. Those buying a rare drach of completing their morph collection or whatever, wont be able to do that too much and i don.t believe they are a real threat.

    I am open to suggestions anyway, but keep in mind i will not put a rule against something that cant be proved and that is not actualy cheating. You will have to be creative about this. One idea I can think of are alternate ways to increase achievement value, one example would be "initial owner" and "creature devotament" sort of features... tehnicaly there are ways to demoralize buyers from buying their way up, but i have doubts if their way is aimed to be up and if this is a smart thing to do at all.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Atrumist in The four dimensional shape equivalent of sound   
    when you watch a sculpture a second time, is it identical? Of course it is , you just discover more details and see things you might have ignored. With complex messages is even more so, but the basic structure is there always.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Tombola   
    i wonder... if next time i keep to the advertised 3 winners method and period. Would everyone be happier? Because now i gave prizes to absolutely everybody participating in the tombola and somehow it seems to me you are still...'unsatisfied'.

    Maybe its because after 20hours of work i get a little angry , or maybe i am right, idk, but for now i think this 100% winning rate wont happen again.

    Anyway, I couls't read all of this (sorry about that) but i will answer to the few passages i did read.

    - tombola per payment method is fair because some people have no way of participating to the tombola even if they can support md through an other payment method. Shifting around from paypal to paybycash to whatever will be next, not only gives a chance to everyone but also changes the odds of the tombola. Some payment methods are rearely used, so those have a huge win chance. If i mix all together it will be always the same big amount of people that could get a ticket, again, and again.

    Ok, lets not call it fair.. i am kind of bored to justify why i think something is fair or not in md, take it as it is, you will defenetly enjoy it more if you do. Probably then you will understand what my point was.

    I was thinking to make fixed clear and written rules for the next tombola, but wait...who is forgetting how things work here? me or you or both of us? You will have to trust me, because my honest intention is to keep things ...interesting (lets not say fair). I am basically uncoruptible and just to be sure i added the "highest payer" category to avoid any possible temptation that someone says one day, "here is 1000$ give me a wining spot". I gave random prizes to those that didnt win anything, granulated the remaining ones and put in other extractions and other and other and then in the end i called them "consolation prizes". Its actually totaly unfair, but if i hear one of you complaining why an other one won while he won also i will ripp his head off. Envy on a festive event simply doesn't fit in my notion of morality.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from aaront222 in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    this topic is indeed awsome, makes me laugh every time

    add this:
    I have a cat (one of 4) that is quite dumb, i guess thinking of md too much made me think
    one day to ..upgrade.. it and i was confused i couldn't find the requirements. *blink*

    reading forums at 6am while on mobile connection at 2kb/sec is for noob md addicts to brag about, i need more heavy stuff to feel something is not right
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from aaront222 in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    when you try to open your gmail and all you type several times is magicduel.com and you have no clue why your email is not loading.

    happened to me a lot
  19. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I was reading this topic and some of the energic reactions over this change...and i have to say there is a big difference between the vets that learned to trust me and the noobs that run in panic on each thing that shakes them a bit.

    you will find out more about this on the announcements, the situation of the existing mp3 high level creatures is still a change to be made later today, like the mp6, etc..
    there are still some issues you din.t yet realize, hopefully i will fix those before you go berserk on those too...

    afterall i aim to destroy the game , or your fun, or what was that?

    obviously not in my best mood today, but you get my point
  20. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp6 change won.t come too soon. making mp6 more accessible doesnt mean at all to lower adept requrements, that will only lower its quality. The ideas i have however, are so drastic that they cant be made partial and finished later, they need to be done all in one fast and big update.

    clues: 6 = 7 7 = 5 = 7 , illusion vs protector
    highly dependent on xp concept change, that one needs to be done first

    not open for debate yet..

    just hope my memory will not give fatal error till then, or i will forget the awsome things i have in mind for the "rare" mp levels now
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp6 change won.t come too soon. making mp6 more accessible doesnt mean at all to lower adept requrements, that will only lower its quality. The ideas i have however, are so drastic that they cant be made partial and finished later, they need to be done all in one fast and big update.

    clues: 6 = 7 7 = 5 = 7 , illusion vs protector
    highly dependent on xp concept change, that one needs to be done first

    not open for debate yet..

    just hope my memory will not give fatal error till then, or i will forget the awsome things i have in mind for the "rare" mp levels now
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    people....no...there won't be any overpowered mp3, stop it.
    if you want me to spoil this , fine , here it is.

    creatures that require a certain level of upgrade will be usable only on that level, otherwise they will automatically receive freeze during combat. Exception makes mp6 requirement that will still allow mp5 to use creatures that needed mp6 to upgrade. The mp6 stage will be a temporary stage throught the way it will be adjusted, but thats later.

    The mp3 creatures change is due to be done [u]today[/u].
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Extra Feature Idea - block player   
    blocking an other player by ways of money is totally out of the question. What, if you cant afford it you get 'abused'? first of all, conflict is a seed for actions. I know some of you would dream of a MD with only them inside it, but on a large scale is not healthy. Any big enough issue should cause people to divide and group at the same time, forming sides. This leas to much more. If the conflict is personal and not large enough to cause this, you should realize on your own that your actions are meaningless or you should learn on your own how to deal with such people that annoy you. MD is a learning ground not a battle ground. Solving social problems, even those involving privacy and abuse, are still things you can learn and should learn, without paying for a button to do it for you.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I was reading this topic and some of the energic reactions over this change...and i have to say there is a big difference between the vets that learned to trust me and the noobs that run in panic on each thing that shakes them a bit.

    you will find out more about this on the announcements, the situation of the existing mp3 high level creatures is still a change to be made later today, like the mp6, etc..
    there are still some issues you din.t yet realize, hopefully i will fix those before you go berserk on those too...

    afterall i aim to destroy the game , or your fun, or what was that?

    obviously not in my best mood today, but you get my point
  25. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dragonrider7 in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
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