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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Asterdai in I Wish I'd Rhyme, But I Can Not   
    Random words at 6 am, unable to sleep, thinking about md, my life, and such...

    --- ~~ ---

    The Mur

    I wish I'd rhyme, but I can not
    My thoughts are mine, my words are not
    I wish I've seen, but I was blind
    How could have been, what was behind

    In shattered glass, In pints of pain
    I drink my past, I drink in vain
    Where is the kingdom that I lost
    Where are the years that I exhaust

    My words are few, but they obey
    I tame my thoughts, and make you stay
    For if you knew what was behind
    You lots would see what is my kind

    I hide in lines, in code I see
    What others only guessed could be
    I turned my tears, my tears you see
    To build the walls, that set me free

    As walls grow moss, so did my soul
    To cover past, to cover all
    I built my walls, but walls do fall
    So kept my guards, most dear of all

    My shield is wide but is not wood
    On plains of dreams I wish I could
    To shield my pride, I wish I would
    Instead to hide, to scream I should

    My sword is sharp but is not steel
    My heart does burn, but I don't feel
    I wish i'd finish, but I can't
    One day I'll lose me, but you won't

    I'd shed my tears, if any left
    To heal the walls I can't forget
    I mount my horse and hit the spur
    For nobody knows what is a Mur.


    --- ~~ ---

    p.s. made some minor changes.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Darigan in I Wish I'd Rhyme, But I Can Not   
    Random words at 6 am, unable to sleep, thinking about md, my life, and such...

    --- ~~ ---

    The Mur

    I wish I'd rhyme, but I can not
    My thoughts are mine, my words are not
    I wish I've seen, but I was blind
    How could have been, what was behind

    In shattered glass, In pints of pain
    I drink my past, I drink in vain
    Where is the kingdom that I lost
    Where are the years that I exhaust

    My words are few, but they obey
    I tame my thoughts, and make you stay
    For if you knew what was behind
    You lots would see what is my kind

    I hide in lines, in code I see
    What others only guessed could be
    I turned my tears, my tears you see
    To build the walls, that set me free

    As walls grow moss, so did my soul
    To cover past, to cover all
    I built my walls, but walls do fall
    So kept my guards, most dear of all

    My shield is wide but is not wood
    On plains of dreams I wish I could
    To shield my pride, I wish I would
    Instead to hide, to scream I should

    My sword is sharp but is not steel
    My heart does burn, but I don't feel
    I wish i'd finish, but I can't
    One day I'll lose me, but you won't

    I'd shed my tears, if any left
    To heal the walls I can't forget
    I mount my horse and hit the spur
    For nobody knows what is a Mur.


    --- ~~ ---

    p.s. made some minor changes.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Shop Reset   
    fixed for the last two (the others where ok from before). id 80, 81.
    unfortunately i cant fix backwards for those that already reset, you will have to get them a second time to unlock the others, but won't happen again.

    Thanks for the report.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Flame the grinders" corner formarly Interview with a grinder   
    Question1: are you aware that the gratest damage that you do is not what you do yourself but you influence others to do by your example?

    Question2: You said that the fighting part is more developed than the RP part. How do you see the RP part in a more developed way? i see the two depend on each other not separated, its just a matter of how you use them, but i would realy like to hear your opinion about how RP could be improved since you don;t consider yourself a rplayer.


    You answered several times you did some things "because you could do them". RP is about self discipline, about things you can do but you think before doing.

    I see RP as something beyond the tehnical limitations and what you do is to point out that tehnical part can mess things. Of course it can, MD like anything else is far from perfect tehnicaly. And metaforicaly speaking you act like a kid that breaks a delicate glass vase "just because he can".
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Akasha in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    Functionality restrictions of items

    [size="5"]PLEASE READ, IT IS IMPORTANT. Pretending you had no idea of this won't be a valid excuse when i will erase your items and remove your editing ability.

    This announcement refers mainly to the astral plane, private chats, private messages, quests revealing game locations you are not actually in, scripts that alter the interface to allow functionality that is available in other forms through the shop or partialy available, and so on, but applies also on other similar situations, if any.

    [b]Rule 1[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Scripts should not be used to duplicate game features, enhance already existing features or allow functionality similar to features in MD Shop.[/color]
    Reason:[i] Game features have a purpose to be in a certain way. The Md shop is the one thing that keeps md alive and free. If you use md script to enable functionality that is otherwise to be payed for, you make it pointless for someone to get it from the shop anymore. Some of the game features are indeed insufficient but it is not up to you to complete md functionality with partial functional code or code that will torture the server, because md script is far from being optimized for actually developing new features. Friends in shop list is already a issue in my point of view. Being able to message anyone any place is NOT what i want. Geographic factor, like "you go far away to hide from someone" should be possible. Characters should be able to get "lost" or people to forget about them just because they no longer see traces of them. People that stay in a place build around them sort of their own "home", that "home" would have no meaning , if you can poke and talk to someone from any place without entering his "Home". See this as how telephones ruined the personal communication in RL..if you get what i mean.[/i]

    [b]Rule 2[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Script should not be used to allow alternate ways of communication. If you want that you use your messenger , go in remote locations, or whatever[/color]
    Reason: [i]Communication is a very important aspect of MD. If you turn that into an alternate reality you will cause a lot of mess. Things talked in private can not and should not be used for argues, proof, or role play situations IN md. Placing such private chats or alternate pm methods in md is like creating a virtual world inside a virtual world. Most predictable rumor i can foresee i will hear is that i want private chat baned because i cant control or monitor it... I CAN, if i want to, its still on md server, but i have better things to do, and i dont plan to play hide and seek with this. I don't check your pms, or such, and i rarely look at the chats in locations i am not in at that moment. I mostly do it for fun on rare occasions. Its either md chat or your own private chat just not an alternate chat/pm in md. things you say in chat, like cursing, porn stuff, advertising, etc can get you baned, things you say on pms can be used as trial proof, IF reported by the one receiving them (no mod can see your pms!!). Anything in MD is within the "ecosystem" of MD, see it as a mechanism. A tertiary feature to allow chats can not fit in that mechanism.[/i]

    [b]Rule 3[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Content placed on clickables or generated by MD Script should not reveal images of locations that are not normaly accessible[/color]
    Reason: [i]Not being able to see certain places is part of what makes you curious and keeps your interest alive in md. If you can simply see those places in a custom script, you won't care so much to actually get there on the map. It is spoiling, or better said it is cutting off the interess and makes you less involved with finding ways to get into certain places just to SEE them. The location images that can be used in scripts, are the locations in each land available to people in that land but not the inner locations, or locked locations in that land. Use your common sense when trying to understand what i mean. Some lands like Golemus and Necro are harder to access then Marinds Bell or Loreroot. The tool, item, quest you build should not allow people to see any of the lands you are not sure they can see anyway, and defenetly should not reveal limited locations. [/i]

    [b]Rule 4[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- items that show alternate reality sceneries using location images from md (cutlers astral plane), or continuation of map locations (nothing like that yet), should have age requirement of 70+ active days before a player can enter them.[/color]
    Reason: [i]Even if they are not spoiling location images. walking around a virtual land inside a virtual land can be very confusing to a new player that still doesnt understand that the item he clicked is a custom script. People can easily believe it is some sort of a portal and confuse the locations in that virtual tour with the actual locations in MD. I beleive a little over two month is enough for people to already know that things like astral plane or future similar quests, are not the same thing with the actual locations in MD. Regardless how many disclaimers you would put on them, it is about the visual message you are sending since you are using md scenes in there.[/i]

    [b]Rule 5[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Zero tolerance policy for abusive scripts that are used to harm other players. [/color]
    Reason: [i]Someone that manages to get scripting ability but uses it to confuse, cheat, or damage other people accounts is not worthy of using it at all. Ability will be removed and account penalized according to its deed. By damaging i do not mean attacks, or war items, but i mean hacking attempts, items that present false interfaces to trick you to do something and items that forcefully use your own interface to do things you would normaly should be able to chose if you want to do or not. The interface can prevent this up to a point, but there are still ways to do it. An item that will talk in chat in your place, post on the mood panel, or transfer creatures, items, or anything of this kind, will get his editor baned, together with his alts, and the one using it will be investigated to determine if he used it knowing of its kind or not. Exceptions are people that research usage potential of such items and dont create them with the purpose of actualy cheating , like Rendril for example. Other people that want to test, should test on their alts first then report a potential abusive usage to me, for confirmation, before using it on other players. [/i]

    Astral plane should be changed in such way that it will not contain locations not normaly visible by ANYONE. It should also require the age limit before entering it, because it uses images across lands. No more chats inside items/clickables. No more post office. (chewett kindly already removed it). I can help you remove the unwated storage variables, just provide me their name. I can support with anything you require to make it easyer for you to make these updates ASAP.

    [size="5"]Quest, clickable items and scripted inventory items should be adapted to fit these new rules by the end of the week or they will get removed (without properly cleaning up all the references to them) and scripting access will be also removed from their editors. [/size]

    Special actions:
    Because this should not be something to punish the people that worked so hard on these features and that opened new ways in how md script could be used, I will give a "symbolic" reward of 10Gold (or 70 credits by choice) and 1Wp to Cutler and Chewett, the two most affected by this rule, and I kindly ask them to read and understand the reasons why their scripts fall under these rules can no longer be accepted. Also consider these reasons, but also these rules, when building future items. Chewett already removed the post office. If Cutler decides to remove astral plane entirely instead of making the changes, is his choice.

    All i care, this time, is how things should not be, but how they should be is up to you to shape them.

    Any questions or complains can be added on this topic.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    Functionality restrictions of items

    [size="5"]PLEASE READ, IT IS IMPORTANT. Pretending you had no idea of this won't be a valid excuse when i will erase your items and remove your editing ability.

    This announcement refers mainly to the astral plane, private chats, private messages, quests revealing game locations you are not actually in, scripts that alter the interface to allow functionality that is available in other forms through the shop or partialy available, and so on, but applies also on other similar situations, if any.

    [b]Rule 1[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Scripts should not be used to duplicate game features, enhance already existing features or allow functionality similar to features in MD Shop.[/color]
    Reason:[i] Game features have a purpose to be in a certain way. The Md shop is the one thing that keeps md alive and free. If you use md script to enable functionality that is otherwise to be payed for, you make it pointless for someone to get it from the shop anymore. Some of the game features are indeed insufficient but it is not up to you to complete md functionality with partial functional code or code that will torture the server, because md script is far from being optimized for actually developing new features. Friends in shop list is already a issue in my point of view. Being able to message anyone any place is NOT what i want. Geographic factor, like "you go far away to hide from someone" should be possible. Characters should be able to get "lost" or people to forget about them just because they no longer see traces of them. People that stay in a place build around them sort of their own "home", that "home" would have no meaning , if you can poke and talk to someone from any place without entering his "Home". See this as how telephones ruined the personal communication in RL..if you get what i mean.[/i]

    [b]Rule 2[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Script should not be used to allow alternate ways of communication. If you want that you use your messenger , go in remote locations, or whatever[/color]
    Reason: [i]Communication is a very important aspect of MD. If you turn that into an alternate reality you will cause a lot of mess. Things talked in private can not and should not be used for argues, proof, or role play situations IN md. Placing such private chats or alternate pm methods in md is like creating a virtual world inside a virtual world. Most predictable rumor i can foresee i will hear is that i want private chat baned because i cant control or monitor it... I CAN, if i want to, its still on md server, but i have better things to do, and i dont plan to play hide and seek with this. I don't check your pms, or such, and i rarely look at the chats in locations i am not in at that moment. I mostly do it for fun on rare occasions. Its either md chat or your own private chat just not an alternate chat/pm in md. things you say in chat, like cursing, porn stuff, advertising, etc can get you baned, things you say on pms can be used as trial proof, IF reported by the one receiving them (no mod can see your pms!!). Anything in MD is within the "ecosystem" of MD, see it as a mechanism. A tertiary feature to allow chats can not fit in that mechanism.[/i]

    [b]Rule 3[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Content placed on clickables or generated by MD Script should not reveal images of locations that are not normaly accessible[/color]
    Reason: [i]Not being able to see certain places is part of what makes you curious and keeps your interest alive in md. If you can simply see those places in a custom script, you won't care so much to actually get there on the map. It is spoiling, or better said it is cutting off the interess and makes you less involved with finding ways to get into certain places just to SEE them. The location images that can be used in scripts, are the locations in each land available to people in that land but not the inner locations, or locked locations in that land. Use your common sense when trying to understand what i mean. Some lands like Golemus and Necro are harder to access then Marinds Bell or Loreroot. The tool, item, quest you build should not allow people to see any of the lands you are not sure they can see anyway, and defenetly should not reveal limited locations. [/i]

    [b]Rule 4[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- items that show alternate reality sceneries using location images from md (cutlers astral plane), or continuation of map locations (nothing like that yet), should have age requirement of 70+ active days before a player can enter them.[/color]
    Reason: [i]Even if they are not spoiling location images. walking around a virtual land inside a virtual land can be very confusing to a new player that still doesnt understand that the item he clicked is a custom script. People can easily believe it is some sort of a portal and confuse the locations in that virtual tour with the actual locations in MD. I beleive a little over two month is enough for people to already know that things like astral plane or future similar quests, are not the same thing with the actual locations in MD. Regardless how many disclaimers you would put on them, it is about the visual message you are sending since you are using md scenes in there.[/i]

    [b]Rule 5[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Zero tolerance policy for abusive scripts that are used to harm other players. [/color]
    Reason: [i]Someone that manages to get scripting ability but uses it to confuse, cheat, or damage other people accounts is not worthy of using it at all. Ability will be removed and account penalized according to its deed. By damaging i do not mean attacks, or war items, but i mean hacking attempts, items that present false interfaces to trick you to do something and items that forcefully use your own interface to do things you would normaly should be able to chose if you want to do or not. The interface can prevent this up to a point, but there are still ways to do it. An item that will talk in chat in your place, post on the mood panel, or transfer creatures, items, or anything of this kind, will get his editor baned, together with his alts, and the one using it will be investigated to determine if he used it knowing of its kind or not. Exceptions are people that research usage potential of such items and dont create them with the purpose of actualy cheating , like Rendril for example. Other people that want to test, should test on their alts first then report a potential abusive usage to me, for confirmation, before using it on other players. [/i]

    Astral plane should be changed in such way that it will not contain locations not normaly visible by ANYONE. It should also require the age limit before entering it, because it uses images across lands. No more chats inside items/clickables. No more post office. (chewett kindly already removed it). I can help you remove the unwated storage variables, just provide me their name. I can support with anything you require to make it easyer for you to make these updates ASAP.

    [size="5"]Quest, clickable items and scripted inventory items should be adapted to fit these new rules by the end of the week or they will get removed (without properly cleaning up all the references to them) and scripting access will be also removed from their editors. [/size]

    Special actions:
    Because this should not be something to punish the people that worked so hard on these features and that opened new ways in how md script could be used, I will give a "symbolic" reward of 10Gold (or 70 credits by choice) and 1Wp to Cutler and Chewett, the two most affected by this rule, and I kindly ask them to read and understand the reasons why their scripts fall under these rules can no longer be accepted. Also consider these reasons, but also these rules, when building future items. Chewett already removed the post office. If Cutler decides to remove astral plane entirely instead of making the changes, is his choice.

    All i care, this time, is how things should not be, but how they should be is up to you to shape them.

    Any questions or complains can be added on this topic.
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Blackwoodforest in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    Functionality restrictions of items

    [size="5"]PLEASE READ, IT IS IMPORTANT. Pretending you had no idea of this won't be a valid excuse when i will erase your items and remove your editing ability.

    This announcement refers mainly to the astral plane, private chats, private messages, quests revealing game locations you are not actually in, scripts that alter the interface to allow functionality that is available in other forms through the shop or partialy available, and so on, but applies also on other similar situations, if any.

    [b]Rule 1[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Scripts should not be used to duplicate game features, enhance already existing features or allow functionality similar to features in MD Shop.[/color]
    Reason:[i] Game features have a purpose to be in a certain way. The Md shop is the one thing that keeps md alive and free. If you use md script to enable functionality that is otherwise to be payed for, you make it pointless for someone to get it from the shop anymore. Some of the game features are indeed insufficient but it is not up to you to complete md functionality with partial functional code or code that will torture the server, because md script is far from being optimized for actually developing new features. Friends in shop list is already a issue in my point of view. Being able to message anyone any place is NOT what i want. Geographic factor, like "you go far away to hide from someone" should be possible. Characters should be able to get "lost" or people to forget about them just because they no longer see traces of them. People that stay in a place build around them sort of their own "home", that "home" would have no meaning , if you can poke and talk to someone from any place without entering his "Home". See this as how telephones ruined the personal communication in RL..if you get what i mean.[/i]

    [b]Rule 2[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Script should not be used to allow alternate ways of communication. If you want that you use your messenger , go in remote locations, or whatever[/color]
    Reason: [i]Communication is a very important aspect of MD. If you turn that into an alternate reality you will cause a lot of mess. Things talked in private can not and should not be used for argues, proof, or role play situations IN md. Placing such private chats or alternate pm methods in md is like creating a virtual world inside a virtual world. Most predictable rumor i can foresee i will hear is that i want private chat baned because i cant control or monitor it... I CAN, if i want to, its still on md server, but i have better things to do, and i dont plan to play hide and seek with this. I don't check your pms, or such, and i rarely look at the chats in locations i am not in at that moment. I mostly do it for fun on rare occasions. Its either md chat or your own private chat just not an alternate chat/pm in md. things you say in chat, like cursing, porn stuff, advertising, etc can get you baned, things you say on pms can be used as trial proof, IF reported by the one receiving them (no mod can see your pms!!). Anything in MD is within the "ecosystem" of MD, see it as a mechanism. A tertiary feature to allow chats can not fit in that mechanism.[/i]

    [b]Rule 3[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Content placed on clickables or generated by MD Script should not reveal images of locations that are not normaly accessible[/color]
    Reason: [i]Not being able to see certain places is part of what makes you curious and keeps your interest alive in md. If you can simply see those places in a custom script, you won't care so much to actually get there on the map. It is spoiling, or better said it is cutting off the interess and makes you less involved with finding ways to get into certain places just to SEE them. The location images that can be used in scripts, are the locations in each land available to people in that land but not the inner locations, or locked locations in that land. Use your common sense when trying to understand what i mean. Some lands like Golemus and Necro are harder to access then Marinds Bell or Loreroot. The tool, item, quest you build should not allow people to see any of the lands you are not sure they can see anyway, and defenetly should not reveal limited locations. [/i]

    [b]Rule 4[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- items that show alternate reality sceneries using location images from md (cutlers astral plane), or continuation of map locations (nothing like that yet), should have age requirement of 70+ active days before a player can enter them.[/color]
    Reason: [i]Even if they are not spoiling location images. walking around a virtual land inside a virtual land can be very confusing to a new player that still doesnt understand that the item he clicked is a custom script. People can easily believe it is some sort of a portal and confuse the locations in that virtual tour with the actual locations in MD. I beleive a little over two month is enough for people to already know that things like astral plane or future similar quests, are not the same thing with the actual locations in MD. Regardless how many disclaimers you would put on them, it is about the visual message you are sending since you are using md scenes in there.[/i]

    [b]Rule 5[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Zero tolerance policy for abusive scripts that are used to harm other players. [/color]
    Reason: [i]Someone that manages to get scripting ability but uses it to confuse, cheat, or damage other people accounts is not worthy of using it at all. Ability will be removed and account penalized according to its deed. By damaging i do not mean attacks, or war items, but i mean hacking attempts, items that present false interfaces to trick you to do something and items that forcefully use your own interface to do things you would normaly should be able to chose if you want to do or not. The interface can prevent this up to a point, but there are still ways to do it. An item that will talk in chat in your place, post on the mood panel, or transfer creatures, items, or anything of this kind, will get his editor baned, together with his alts, and the one using it will be investigated to determine if he used it knowing of its kind or not. Exceptions are people that research usage potential of such items and dont create them with the purpose of actualy cheating , like Rendril for example. Other people that want to test, should test on their alts first then report a potential abusive usage to me, for confirmation, before using it on other players. [/i]

    Astral plane should be changed in such way that it will not contain locations not normaly visible by ANYONE. It should also require the age limit before entering it, because it uses images across lands. No more chats inside items/clickables. No more post office. (chewett kindly already removed it). I can help you remove the unwated storage variables, just provide me their name. I can support with anything you require to make it easyer for you to make these updates ASAP.

    [size="5"]Quest, clickable items and scripted inventory items should be adapted to fit these new rules by the end of the week or they will get removed (without properly cleaning up all the references to them) and scripting access will be also removed from their editors. [/size]

    Special actions:
    Because this should not be something to punish the people that worked so hard on these features and that opened new ways in how md script could be used, I will give a "symbolic" reward of 10Gold (or 70 credits by choice) and 1Wp to Cutler and Chewett, the two most affected by this rule, and I kindly ask them to read and understand the reasons why their scripts fall under these rules can no longer be accepted. Also consider these reasons, but also these rules, when building future items. Chewett already removed the post office. If Cutler decides to remove astral plane entirely instead of making the changes, is his choice.

    All i care, this time, is how things should not be, but how they should be is up to you to shape them.

    Any questions or complains can be added on this topic.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from lightsage in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    Functionality restrictions of items

    [size="5"]PLEASE READ, IT IS IMPORTANT. Pretending you had no idea of this won't be a valid excuse when i will erase your items and remove your editing ability.

    This announcement refers mainly to the astral plane, private chats, private messages, quests revealing game locations you are not actually in, scripts that alter the interface to allow functionality that is available in other forms through the shop or partialy available, and so on, but applies also on other similar situations, if any.

    [b]Rule 1[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Scripts should not be used to duplicate game features, enhance already existing features or allow functionality similar to features in MD Shop.[/color]
    Reason:[i] Game features have a purpose to be in a certain way. The Md shop is the one thing that keeps md alive and free. If you use md script to enable functionality that is otherwise to be payed for, you make it pointless for someone to get it from the shop anymore. Some of the game features are indeed insufficient but it is not up to you to complete md functionality with partial functional code or code that will torture the server, because md script is far from being optimized for actually developing new features. Friends in shop list is already a issue in my point of view. Being able to message anyone any place is NOT what i want. Geographic factor, like "you go far away to hide from someone" should be possible. Characters should be able to get "lost" or people to forget about them just because they no longer see traces of them. People that stay in a place build around them sort of their own "home", that "home" would have no meaning , if you can poke and talk to someone from any place without entering his "Home". See this as how telephones ruined the personal communication in RL..if you get what i mean.[/i]

    [b]Rule 2[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Script should not be used to allow alternate ways of communication. If you want that you use your messenger , go in remote locations, or whatever[/color]
    Reason: [i]Communication is a very important aspect of MD. If you turn that into an alternate reality you will cause a lot of mess. Things talked in private can not and should not be used for argues, proof, or role play situations IN md. Placing such private chats or alternate pm methods in md is like creating a virtual world inside a virtual world. Most predictable rumor i can foresee i will hear is that i want private chat baned because i cant control or monitor it... I CAN, if i want to, its still on md server, but i have better things to do, and i dont plan to play hide and seek with this. I don't check your pms, or such, and i rarely look at the chats in locations i am not in at that moment. I mostly do it for fun on rare occasions. Its either md chat or your own private chat just not an alternate chat/pm in md. things you say in chat, like cursing, porn stuff, advertising, etc can get you baned, things you say on pms can be used as trial proof, IF reported by the one receiving them (no mod can see your pms!!). Anything in MD is within the "ecosystem" of MD, see it as a mechanism. A tertiary feature to allow chats can not fit in that mechanism.[/i]

    [b]Rule 3[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Content placed on clickables or generated by MD Script should not reveal images of locations that are not normaly accessible[/color]
    Reason: [i]Not being able to see certain places is part of what makes you curious and keeps your interest alive in md. If you can simply see those places in a custom script, you won't care so much to actually get there on the map. It is spoiling, or better said it is cutting off the interess and makes you less involved with finding ways to get into certain places just to SEE them. The location images that can be used in scripts, are the locations in each land available to people in that land but not the inner locations, or locked locations in that land. Use your common sense when trying to understand what i mean. Some lands like Golemus and Necro are harder to access then Marinds Bell or Loreroot. The tool, item, quest you build should not allow people to see any of the lands you are not sure they can see anyway, and defenetly should not reveal limited locations. [/i]

    [b]Rule 4[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- items that show alternate reality sceneries using location images from md (cutlers astral plane), or continuation of map locations (nothing like that yet), should have age requirement of 70+ active days before a player can enter them.[/color]
    Reason: [i]Even if they are not spoiling location images. walking around a virtual land inside a virtual land can be very confusing to a new player that still doesnt understand that the item he clicked is a custom script. People can easily believe it is some sort of a portal and confuse the locations in that virtual tour with the actual locations in MD. I beleive a little over two month is enough for people to already know that things like astral plane or future similar quests, are not the same thing with the actual locations in MD. Regardless how many disclaimers you would put on them, it is about the visual message you are sending since you are using md scenes in there.[/i]

    [b]Rule 5[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Zero tolerance policy for abusive scripts that are used to harm other players. [/color]
    Reason: [i]Someone that manages to get scripting ability but uses it to confuse, cheat, or damage other people accounts is not worthy of using it at all. Ability will be removed and account penalized according to its deed. By damaging i do not mean attacks, or war items, but i mean hacking attempts, items that present false interfaces to trick you to do something and items that forcefully use your own interface to do things you would normaly should be able to chose if you want to do or not. The interface can prevent this up to a point, but there are still ways to do it. An item that will talk in chat in your place, post on the mood panel, or transfer creatures, items, or anything of this kind, will get his editor baned, together with his alts, and the one using it will be investigated to determine if he used it knowing of its kind or not. Exceptions are people that research usage potential of such items and dont create them with the purpose of actualy cheating , like Rendril for example. Other people that want to test, should test on their alts first then report a potential abusive usage to me, for confirmation, before using it on other players. [/i]

    Astral plane should be changed in such way that it will not contain locations not normaly visible by ANYONE. It should also require the age limit before entering it, because it uses images across lands. No more chats inside items/clickables. No more post office. (chewett kindly already removed it). I can help you remove the unwated storage variables, just provide me their name. I can support with anything you require to make it easyer for you to make these updates ASAP.

    [size="5"]Quest, clickable items and scripted inventory items should be adapted to fit these new rules by the end of the week or they will get removed (without properly cleaning up all the references to them) and scripting access will be also removed from their editors. [/size]

    Special actions:
    Because this should not be something to punish the people that worked so hard on these features and that opened new ways in how md script could be used, I will give a "symbolic" reward of 10Gold (or 70 credits by choice) and 1Wp to Cutler and Chewett, the two most affected by this rule, and I kindly ask them to read and understand the reasons why their scripts fall under these rules can no longer be accepted. Also consider these reasons, but also these rules, when building future items. Chewett already removed the post office. If Cutler decides to remove astral plane entirely instead of making the changes, is his choice.

    All i care, this time, is how things should not be, but how they should be is up to you to shape them.

    Any questions or complains can be added on this topic.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Rules Regarding Md Script And Item Customizations   
    Functionality restrictions of items

    [size="5"]PLEASE READ, IT IS IMPORTANT. Pretending you had no idea of this won't be a valid excuse when i will erase your items and remove your editing ability.

    This announcement refers mainly to the astral plane, private chats, private messages, quests revealing game locations you are not actually in, scripts that alter the interface to allow functionality that is available in other forms through the shop or partialy available, and so on, but applies also on other similar situations, if any.

    [b]Rule 1[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Scripts should not be used to duplicate game features, enhance already existing features or allow functionality similar to features in MD Shop.[/color]
    Reason:[i] Game features have a purpose to be in a certain way. The Md shop is the one thing that keeps md alive and free. If you use md script to enable functionality that is otherwise to be payed for, you make it pointless for someone to get it from the shop anymore. Some of the game features are indeed insufficient but it is not up to you to complete md functionality with partial functional code or code that will torture the server, because md script is far from being optimized for actually developing new features. Friends in shop list is already a issue in my point of view. Being able to message anyone any place is NOT what i want. Geographic factor, like "you go far away to hide from someone" should be possible. Characters should be able to get "lost" or people to forget about them just because they no longer see traces of them. People that stay in a place build around them sort of their own "home", that "home" would have no meaning , if you can poke and talk to someone from any place without entering his "Home". See this as how telephones ruined the personal communication in RL..if you get what i mean.[/i]

    [b]Rule 2[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- MD Script should not be used to allow alternate ways of communication. If you want that you use your messenger , go in remote locations, or whatever[/color]
    Reason: [i]Communication is a very important aspect of MD. If you turn that into an alternate reality you will cause a lot of mess. Things talked in private can not and should not be used for argues, proof, or role play situations IN md. Placing such private chats or alternate pm methods in md is like creating a virtual world inside a virtual world. Most predictable rumor i can foresee i will hear is that i want private chat baned because i cant control or monitor it... I CAN, if i want to, its still on md server, but i have better things to do, and i dont plan to play hide and seek with this. I don't check your pms, or such, and i rarely look at the chats in locations i am not in at that moment. I mostly do it for fun on rare occasions. Its either md chat or your own private chat just not an alternate chat/pm in md. things you say in chat, like cursing, porn stuff, advertising, etc can get you baned, things you say on pms can be used as trial proof, IF reported by the one receiving them (no mod can see your pms!!). Anything in MD is within the "ecosystem" of MD, see it as a mechanism. A tertiary feature to allow chats can not fit in that mechanism.[/i]

    [b]Rule 3[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Content placed on clickables or generated by MD Script should not reveal images of locations that are not normaly accessible[/color]
    Reason: [i]Not being able to see certain places is part of what makes you curious and keeps your interest alive in md. If you can simply see those places in a custom script, you won't care so much to actually get there on the map. It is spoiling, or better said it is cutting off the interess and makes you less involved with finding ways to get into certain places just to SEE them. The location images that can be used in scripts, are the locations in each land available to people in that land but not the inner locations, or locked locations in that land. Use your common sense when trying to understand what i mean. Some lands like Golemus and Necro are harder to access then Marinds Bell or Loreroot. The tool, item, quest you build should not allow people to see any of the lands you are not sure they can see anyway, and defenetly should not reveal limited locations. [/i]

    [b]Rule 4[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- items that show alternate reality sceneries using location images from md (cutlers astral plane), or continuation of map locations (nothing like that yet), should have age requirement of 70+ active days before a player can enter them.[/color]
    Reason: [i]Even if they are not spoiling location images. walking around a virtual land inside a virtual land can be very confusing to a new player that still doesnt understand that the item he clicked is a custom script. People can easily believe it is some sort of a portal and confuse the locations in that virtual tour with the actual locations in MD. I beleive a little over two month is enough for people to already know that things like astral plane or future similar quests, are not the same thing with the actual locations in MD. Regardless how many disclaimers you would put on them, it is about the visual message you are sending since you are using md scenes in there.[/i]

    [b]Rule 5[/b]
    [color="#FF0000"]- Zero tolerance policy for abusive scripts that are used to harm other players. [/color]
    Reason: [i]Someone that manages to get scripting ability but uses it to confuse, cheat, or damage other people accounts is not worthy of using it at all. Ability will be removed and account penalized according to its deed. By damaging i do not mean attacks, or war items, but i mean hacking attempts, items that present false interfaces to trick you to do something and items that forcefully use your own interface to do things you would normaly should be able to chose if you want to do or not. The interface can prevent this up to a point, but there are still ways to do it. An item that will talk in chat in your place, post on the mood panel, or transfer creatures, items, or anything of this kind, will get his editor baned, together with his alts, and the one using it will be investigated to determine if he used it knowing of its kind or not. Exceptions are people that research usage potential of such items and dont create them with the purpose of actualy cheating , like Rendril for example. Other people that want to test, should test on their alts first then report a potential abusive usage to me, for confirmation, before using it on other players. [/i]

    Astral plane should be changed in such way that it will not contain locations not normaly visible by ANYONE. It should also require the age limit before entering it, because it uses images across lands. No more chats inside items/clickables. No more post office. (chewett kindly already removed it). I can help you remove the unwated storage variables, just provide me their name. I can support with anything you require to make it easyer for you to make these updates ASAP.

    [size="5"]Quest, clickable items and scripted inventory items should be adapted to fit these new rules by the end of the week or they will get removed (without properly cleaning up all the references to them) and scripting access will be also removed from their editors. [/size]

    Special actions:
    Because this should not be something to punish the people that worked so hard on these features and that opened new ways in how md script could be used, I will give a "symbolic" reward of 10Gold (or 70 credits by choice) and 1Wp to Cutler and Chewett, the two most affected by this rule, and I kindly ask them to read and understand the reasons why their scripts fall under these rules can no longer be accepted. Also consider these reasons, but also these rules, when building future items. Chewett already removed the post office. If Cutler decides to remove astral plane entirely instead of making the changes, is his choice.

    All i care, this time, is how things should not be, but how they should be is up to you to shape them.

    Any questions or complains can be added on this topic.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in Discussion About Avatars.   
    Since i insisted on the terrible things that will happen to you if you try to send copied art pretending it is yours, i will not check if the art is copied when i approve it because it is a waste of time. From time to time i place a temporary hold on your upload feature so you will stop before you send me a hi resolution scan. Of course anything can be forged, but sending something as original and "high resolution" it is punishable forgery and won't allow you later to say you had no clue it is not allowed to take art from others.

    Of course i see when art is copied, you can't forge style and you mostly are not THAT good to alternate styles while being original. I worked with artists for years and i can tell. It is mostly a matter of proof, or innocent untill proven guilty so to say. I give you severa chances on the way to retreat and back off. I ask for scans, i warn you, i deny them repeatedly, but if you insist you want them approved because they are "original" ..fine, its your account afterall.

    What bothers me badly is when people become angry that they are great artists and that i have something against them.

    I've punished people after two years of a crime, there is no way someone will escape it, and since its me doing the punishing , hiding behind multiple accounts is not a real option.

    I suggest you - all - , not just sir kamil, to take advantage of my few busy days and solve these things fast before i check them. The less time i will lose confiscating avatars, removing credits and deciding jail/ip ban , the better. Same way you found ways to get them approved same way you will find to revert this and minimize the pain so to say.

    Sir kamil, if you still consider that is original art and those images are the one forged or curiously similar to yours, no problem, i can check it over and over, but the more i will check the worse it will get if i find out you stole them.

    Same goes for others too and they know their names.

    [b]To clarify.
    tracing of an existing art or doing it in too similar shape and position means to copy. Taking the picture from an other place directly without drawing it yourself means stealing and it is the worst thing you can do.

    Making a drawing after someone elses art, copying idea , not in same position , not traced, means insipring and will get the avy confiscated if you repeat it to much or if the art is to similar or to known (like cartoon characters).

    I can't believe I have to explain this.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from apophys in Discussion About Avatars.   
    Since i insisted on the terrible things that will happen to you if you try to send copied art pretending it is yours, i will not check if the art is copied when i approve it because it is a waste of time. From time to time i place a temporary hold on your upload feature so you will stop before you send me a hi resolution scan. Of course anything can be forged, but sending something as original and "high resolution" it is punishable forgery and won't allow you later to say you had no clue it is not allowed to take art from others.

    Of course i see when art is copied, you can't forge style and you mostly are not THAT good to alternate styles while being original. I worked with artists for years and i can tell. It is mostly a matter of proof, or innocent untill proven guilty so to say. I give you severa chances on the way to retreat and back off. I ask for scans, i warn you, i deny them repeatedly, but if you insist you want them approved because they are "original" ..fine, its your account afterall.

    What bothers me badly is when people become angry that they are great artists and that i have something against them.

    I've punished people after two years of a crime, there is no way someone will escape it, and since its me doing the punishing , hiding behind multiple accounts is not a real option.

    I suggest you - all - , not just sir kamil, to take advantage of my few busy days and solve these things fast before i check them. The less time i will lose confiscating avatars, removing credits and deciding jail/ip ban , the better. Same way you found ways to get them approved same way you will find to revert this and minimize the pain so to say.

    Sir kamil, if you still consider that is original art and those images are the one forged or curiously similar to yours, no problem, i can check it over and over, but the more i will check the worse it will get if i find out you stole them.

    Same goes for others too and they know their names.

    [b]To clarify.
    tracing of an existing art or doing it in too similar shape and position means to copy. Taking the picture from an other place directly without drawing it yourself means stealing and it is the worst thing you can do.

    Making a drawing after someone elses art, copying idea , not in same position , not traced, means insipring and will get the avy confiscated if you repeat it to much or if the art is to similar or to known (like cartoon characters).

    I can't believe I have to explain this.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in Discussion About Avatars.   
    Since i insisted on the terrible things that will happen to you if you try to send copied art pretending it is yours, i will not check if the art is copied when i approve it because it is a waste of time. From time to time i place a temporary hold on your upload feature so you will stop before you send me a hi resolution scan. Of course anything can be forged, but sending something as original and "high resolution" it is punishable forgery and won't allow you later to say you had no clue it is not allowed to take art from others.

    Of course i see when art is copied, you can't forge style and you mostly are not THAT good to alternate styles while being original. I worked with artists for years and i can tell. It is mostly a matter of proof, or innocent untill proven guilty so to say. I give you severa chances on the way to retreat and back off. I ask for scans, i warn you, i deny them repeatedly, but if you insist you want them approved because they are "original" ..fine, its your account afterall.

    What bothers me badly is when people become angry that they are great artists and that i have something against them.

    I've punished people after two years of a crime, there is no way someone will escape it, and since its me doing the punishing , hiding behind multiple accounts is not a real option.

    I suggest you - all - , not just sir kamil, to take advantage of my few busy days and solve these things fast before i check them. The less time i will lose confiscating avatars, removing credits and deciding jail/ip ban , the better. Same way you found ways to get them approved same way you will find to revert this and minimize the pain so to say.

    Sir kamil, if you still consider that is original art and those images are the one forged or curiously similar to yours, no problem, i can check it over and over, but the more i will check the worse it will get if i find out you stole them.

    Same goes for others too and they know their names.

    [b]To clarify.
    tracing of an existing art or doing it in too similar shape and position means to copy. Taking the picture from an other place directly without drawing it yourself means stealing and it is the worst thing you can do.

    Making a drawing after someone elses art, copying idea , not in same position , not traced, means insipring and will get the avy confiscated if you repeat it to much or if the art is to similar or to known (like cartoon characters).

    I can't believe I have to explain this.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Discussion About Avatars.   
    Since i insisted on the terrible things that will happen to you if you try to send copied art pretending it is yours, i will not check if the art is copied when i approve it because it is a waste of time. From time to time i place a temporary hold on your upload feature so you will stop before you send me a hi resolution scan. Of course anything can be forged, but sending something as original and "high resolution" it is punishable forgery and won't allow you later to say you had no clue it is not allowed to take art from others.

    Of course i see when art is copied, you can't forge style and you mostly are not THAT good to alternate styles while being original. I worked with artists for years and i can tell. It is mostly a matter of proof, or innocent untill proven guilty so to say. I give you severa chances on the way to retreat and back off. I ask for scans, i warn you, i deny them repeatedly, but if you insist you want them approved because they are "original" ..fine, its your account afterall.

    What bothers me badly is when people become angry that they are great artists and that i have something against them.

    I've punished people after two years of a crime, there is no way someone will escape it, and since its me doing the punishing , hiding behind multiple accounts is not a real option.

    I suggest you - all - , not just sir kamil, to take advantage of my few busy days and solve these things fast before i check them. The less time i will lose confiscating avatars, removing credits and deciding jail/ip ban , the better. Same way you found ways to get them approved same way you will find to revert this and minimize the pain so to say.

    Sir kamil, if you still consider that is original art and those images are the one forged or curiously similar to yours, no problem, i can check it over and over, but the more i will check the worse it will get if i find out you stole them.

    Same goes for others too and they know their names.

    [b]To clarify.
    tracing of an existing art or doing it in too similar shape and position means to copy. Taking the picture from an other place directly without drawing it yourself means stealing and it is the worst thing you can do.

    Making a drawing after someone elses art, copying idea , not in same position , not traced, means insipring and will get the avy confiscated if you repeat it to much or if the art is to similar or to known (like cartoon characters).

    I can't believe I have to explain this.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Book Order - Ro Or International   
    you want hard cover, if so tell me fast?
    I am still not decided if the price difference is worth, and i also don't know how they will come out (quality). ...BUT... i did some research and i found an artist that binds them in genuine leather engraved, a beauty. One day i will make one but will have something more to it ( like 20 pages of secret notes. enough teasers )

    (now, if you thought this topic was going offtopic, prepare for even more offtopic, ...damn i cant stop myself doing this )

    I gave a good thought to this. I am not a writer , i put to much soul into writing all this, i almost feel its like prostitution to write my researches and sell them for money. I wish it was a debate not a fixed writing. On the other hand, its valuable information and most of you wont reach it if i dont publish it. I don't think i will go on and mass publish this in libraries here (in romania at least)...im not decided yet, it is a hard decision. it will depend on your feedback and impressions after reading it.

    But there is an other fun thing i can do, and it will probably be the next step in my "career". I was a sculptor before learning design, then i was a programmer in tottaly different language than i currently use, then i swithced languages and get deepr into programming. Then, i was a manager, team leader on differet projects, and also a businessman, my life changes so fast, in 28 years i can say each year brings something new to me. Same way as md is so totaly different from year to year and i cant imagine how it even worked a year ago, same way i change. I believe i fell in love with writing. I will start writing Mur's story, md related, but not from the past..it will be his future story. No, i dont think i can integrate it so well and make it so short to fit adventure log, i want it deep and as well planned as md itself is. It needs a intricate logic structure, and it needs to be able to tell what i want to tell, _without writing it directly_. Its is a fantasy story one where you will read "Mur's" soul in a deep and tasty adventure book. It will be based on my personal experience in some matters, but i will make it fantasy, very fantasy, a fiction story with a true core. That core some of you already feel, but none of you spoke it open. Maybe..maybe...i will answer what's a mur..maybe not...

    If i slowly go away from developing md, its because i will slowly go even deeper in it , making myself part of once more , like "King Manu" once was. Now I have Rendril to work on things, he is doing amazing job, as long as you dont contact him to waste his time with things.

    Years ago i felt md will one day will end. I also feel when the day i will die is, but that doesnt mean i will know how, or i will know how md will end. It is a wild thought that this "death" of md is actualy this detaching of myself from it, but if it is so, its rebirth will be me becoming part of its story, getting even more deeper into it. FINALY PLAYING IT.

    I want to apologize... I want to ppologize in front of you all, because i might turn MD more around "Mur's" story than i deserve. I might use the new AL interface to present you the new book one page at a time, change it based on your feedback. I realisze its not fair towards those of you that have interesting things to tell, write, but i will do myself this favor so to say. MD has some secrets that screem to be found out. And I myself have things that screen to be told...

    *wipes a tear* I love you all, I truly do...
    now i should stop writing, someone unplug my computer before this becomes to boring to read

    This calls for a MD beer for sure.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Front Page   
    Let me put it this way. Amount of new players is NOT decided by the front page. It is a constant, believe it or not. Think of it this way, ads are calculate with a pay per click way, that means if front page is less attractive it will still generate same amount of clicks but will require a lot more views to do that.

    Changing the amount of info on the main page changes the kind of players that join. Those to bored to bother with readin it will not join anymore, while those that look for more will be pleased by it. I am just moving the "give-up" point to before the registration instead of the first day after registration.

    New registrations increased slightly from about 65 to 75/day, but player kind changed a lot more.

    This goes for the banners too. It is actualy much more convenient to have ugly banners with lower click rate than beautiful banners with lots of clicks. This is because you pay for those clicks but not for the views, so a very ugly banner will receive clicks only from people very curious or very interested, while a very nice banner will receive clicks also by people that dont realy want to play anything but are just impressed by the banners. The reason MD has nice banners right now its because of the attitude i want it to have on the market, sort of a brand image, it costs me more (indirectly) but people see it with better eyes than when i used the ugly banners.

    So stop with this Mur-wants-people-out conspiracy theories, i know what i am doing.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in New Front Page   
    Interesting post about food and front page all combined. While a more tasty and roasted front page increases the registration rate, it also brings lots of low-medium quality players that expect an other kind of game and don't bother to understand a different one. Weird thing is that registration rate actually increased and i can't realy explain that. Most of the players that stick around more than one day and i asked about what kept them here told me about things on the main page less advertised, such as the small disclaimer text or the principles.

    MD search engine optimization is bad, because i don't want to spam it with keywords aimed at an other kind of game. The kind of people that stay in md are interested in something else than a casual game.

    Think what kept you here or what made you register in the first place.

    Now i find it interesting how vets see everything so collapsed and destroyed, not functional and me trying to drive people away in masked ways, while those not cought by this "MD is boring" paranoia still enjoy it.

    I am kind of bored of this all-knowing-everything-is-down attitude.

    Think of this, the best players registered while main page was a total disaster and are still around...so let me worry about such things.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Comments on Legends Topic   
    I can say one thing, probably not the expected one. I am sorry the Adventure Log turned into a ticket to "legendary". Not all legends are there and not all there should be legends. And when AL will continue, and it will continue, I will not change this. I don't plan to use in AL just top celebrities just out of fear all in there will become legends because i put their name in there.

    If you can get that and keep md history "sane", good, if not...its your own choice but its not good.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Asterdai in Multi-Avy Use Cost   
    Avies are payed with 3 credits when a user sends them to shop, but they cost 1 to use it. That credit will be recovered only after repeated changes and most avies never get changed. Compare it to the use of a temporary powerup, is that still much for a "face lift"? All prices in the shop are the same and will remain so. Some things recover for other things. I believe in the case of avatars they recover for themselves. In time the ugly avatars get changed the most times so they gather the most profit, profit to compensate for the avatars that are beautiful but get never changed. I also don't like to see players changing avatars all the time, imagine the mess if avatars get shifted between players constantly (if they were free). Avatar=personality=role. Paying 1 credit shows some effort on your side.
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Death Ray   
    banned for rude message in AL reply. Probably was wanted to be funny but exceeded my humor limits.

    take him out whenever you want, or forget him there, i don't care.
    If I see him sooner than 3 days he goes back.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    in fact...id doesn't set in MD...hmm, i wonder why... )) but i get the point.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    You put it better than i could
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from lashtal in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 2   
    What I am about to say, is worth reading, even if it will be long, it clears a mystery at the very base of MagicDuel, a mystery guarded for years.

    The answer to the question "Who killed Marind?", is something almost none of you knew. Some very smart figured it out but kept the secret and i thank them for that. When I had this story done for MD, by Adi, the one writing it, not even he knew who killed Marind. When initial project was done, you can't stop a writer with such a rich imagination such as his to continue writing and made up stories. This resulted in a wave of rumors and myths, all very damaging to how MD is built. Its not his fault at all, its the fault of those of you that could not let the questions STAY, for those that can handle them, and felt they should start ranting and bitching about how totally messed is MD and about how acient lore is broken and missing. Of course people ask, that was the point. You (and you know who you are) failed in understanding MD. First part of understanding MD is to respect its secrets and not share your stupidity and ignorance to others, amplifying their superficial belief that things are somehow wrong around here.
    A new player, or even an old one, that did not bothered to much about the story, finds it easy to believe when he hears all your ranting and complaining and thinks its the way it is. That prevent some of the most beautiful minds around here to even atempt to understand MD, since they believe its nothing to understand after all.
    Thank you for ruining the mechanism i tried to build..because in a way some questions without answer were part of that mechanism. MD worked fine untill you people shared your frustrations and incapacity to understand MD with the rest. Thank you for nothing.

    - . - .--
    What is the cube?
    You all start in this fantasy world, MD, locked in a room with a spooky girls and some candles burning. Slowly you figure out the room is fully closed and that the girl is not a normal person. Eventually you exit that room, Marind takes you out of there and you enter MD world. You will notice Marind is now a ghost, and becomes more unreal as you move on in the story. Marind was very tangible in the room, in fact, in some story branches she can kill you too.
    You find out if you know how to look, that you came out of a cube, and if you digg deeper into MD ,you find out everyone came from its own cube. Now i ask you, what is the cube?

    The cube is the created bx around your soul and mind. It is not a natural construction, or it would have been a sphere. The cube is a symbol for borders, artificial borders. We all have our own cube we live in, be it the room we are in, the town , the closed group of friends, but most of all the borders of our own mind and understanding.
    If that is our own cube, then who is marind? no one else could be in your own cube, except yourself! Marind is just a part of your self. In dream psichology for example, the little girl represents you the dreamer (I found that out later, its true). When you exit your cube, you have to kill some things in you, or they wont go well with the world outside. Childhood dies when you go out in the world, some misteries remain and other peoples worlds interfere.

    You killed Marind. Each one of you. She doesnt even exist beyound your own cube borders. You seek to find her but slowly you loose her. The story never ends, it was never supposed to end. It has chapter 3, and a planed chapter 4, but it was never supposed to END. Marind dies and how can a ghost die other by forgetting her memory, getting her lost in the rants and the activity that follows after you exit your own cube...

    The Carnival? you enter a world where others enter the same way, use your brain...

    As you enter MD world, everything in MD becomes a mirror of yourself. Your fantasy world merges with the one of other people. You are not looking at an outside world but to a world within you. These symbols are not random thoughts that just sound nice. They are a clockwork of extreme perfection. The candles, the land weapons, the land balance, even the individual locations, they all make sense seen from this perspective.

    Now you see why having any made-up ancient lore stories about who Marind was, is so fundamentally WRONG and damaging.Any bit of additional information on the past will ruin the clue that this world is not a fantasy world planed to be a fantasy world , but one that emerged from your fantasy and does not have and "Ancient Lore". Give it an ancient lore or made up stories about its past and you will alter its present meaning and unbalance all its symbols and its entire mechanism. Respect the question and the answer will respect you. Hurry with an answer and you will get just that, a fancy answer.

    By what i said explaining this i killed a part of myself and a part of MD together with it. I dont expect those of you that made me do this to understand, but i expect the others to respect MD secrets more.

    If you think i spoiled you the entire thing MD is about, you can't be more wrong. MD is more deeper than you can imagine, then the people working on it can suspect. If you care and know where to look, everything in MD is a intricate puzzle of logic and feeling. Even within this text i let you see more than one path towards other things to discover. MD is a private challange for each of one of you, but some of you just failed it.

    This was the "show of force" in my own way.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Darigan in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 1   
    i didn't named anyone. I can just hope they will stop intoxicating new players that ask normal questions and let them understand on their own md is not normal. The old players already got the point from the other post, even if they agree to it or not.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Darigan in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 1   
    Dont get me wrong. those didnt asked for the answer.
    but i need to answer that so that you will all understand whats with the ancient lore and what the big big issue is. I tried to avoid it, but some people still think i am ignoring their efforts and that i did bad baning the lore.... you will soon find out...i am preparing my thoughts so i say what should be said, but keep something for those of you that know how to look. Who killed Marind has everything to do with ancient lore and why i baned it.
  25. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from The Great Wanderer in A Show Of Force 1 - Part 1   
    Some forget, some do not know, that MD is a very delicate machinery build on logic gears. It is an intricate mechanism where nothing is random. Such a machinery needs secrets buried at different levels of complexity to work, same as a perfume needs incenses with different times of effect so that together they build a delicate and beautiful sensation. Like notes in a symphony that cant sound random for the music to be pleasant.

    Some of you, most ignorant and disrespectful, "veteran" players, think they know better. Building messenger groups and continuing the shit they started long ago and that i really hoped it ended. Well it seems these people continue to fuel such discontent and distorted beliefs to those they still can. No need to give names, but they know I am talking about them.

    One of the things that keeps being fueled by such groups is related, again, about how ancient lore is missing and about how bad i did, destroying md, when i baned ancient lore and fairy tales type of things. They complain and bitch about why i have something against about digging up the past stories and inenting things along those lines.

    I already said that the "ancient lore" doesnt realy exist, and that what ady wrote after the initial plan is not something i approved... you ignored that.

    Because i am full pass the limit with your bitching, i will sacrifice one if MD biggest secrets, one if its main gears, just for you. You will realise how wrong you were, but it will be too late.
    In return, i promise you will be sorry you find out the answer, because the questions i will cause after it will puzzle you even more. MD is much more deep than you (*points at specific group*) ignorant and persisting people care to know.

    I will tell you who killed Marind and all you wanted to know about "ancient lore". Over 4 years i managed to keep this secret and USE it, now i throw it at your feet to show you something. If you understand what that something is, good for you, if not, keep bitching and complaining.

    I appologise to those of you that do not deserve such a beautifull gear, secret, to be revealed this way, but like i said, MD is still much deeper and this secret will reveal new logic mechanisms.

    To be continued....
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