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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='31 March 2010 - 10:10 PM' timestamp='1270066257' post='57264'] Are you kidding? Just because I didn't list the many forms of vitamins and nutrients in meat does not make it distasteful. It was an example. Get over yourself and your imagined insults. I'll just state how your post adds nothing to this thread and I would like it removed. Vegetarians can't survive without Proteins and the other vitamins provide. It's a fact. They have to take supplements and eat large ammounts other sources of protein to to make up for the loss of nutrients meat provides. I know more about physical fitness and fitness training than you could ever think of lightsage. So before you open your mouth again, and spew how distasteful you find somehing think. Then don't say anything. On another note. As for the change of diet Chewett, you may have a point. Then again, it's hard to figure out what Mur is doing at any given momemnt sometimes. But why would Mur change the type of people that pass through this first filter? When he has so many others? [/quote] Your saying protein is a vitamin... That was my quote of your "expertise".
  2. I'll just state I find your example highly distasteful... Ofcourse you do immediatly manage to show your expertise [quote]proteins and other vitamins that Meat provides. [/quote]
  3. Once enough creatures have offers on them to make it worthwile to clear out. Which is right about now... So I'll close up in 52 hours (Was planning on saying 48 but I won't be at home then ). And Fenrir, I haven't received an offer from you, read before spamming my topic please.
  4. Bump
  5. lightsage

    New ideas

    There's a spell in WP shop that you could use for this. I don't think having your location known all the time is a good thing at all... The spell puts a nice limit to it (you can buy a max of 16 casts so a little over 1 a day)
  6. Please PM if your selling any of the above, I'll reply with an offer.
  7. Bump And pip, I did read it just didn't consider your offer serious.
  8. bump
  9. Bump
  10. Because I am no longer using them, I'm selling the following: 2 UP age 386 ~1 silver each 1 UP age 386 + 1 TS 5 silver 2 TS age 378 ~2 silver each 1 TS age 378 ~3 silver each 5 Birds double max 4 imperials double max age ~1 gold total 2 imperials double max age ~4 silver each Joker age 79 [s]Grassan claw2 Grassan stardust antifreeze emeraldglare claw3 claw2 ~32 silver[/s] Elementals age 350+ Please PM offers, I'll edit this post and include time PM's were checked. Should you want to know the exact age of some creats, please ask by PM and I'll check for you. Also, please note highest bid get first choice (should there be any difference) for example with the imperials, age and ID varies quite a bit. Updated: 15:00 servertime
  11. 10k? That'd completely negate weaken defence as well (including weaken def in combinating with anything but tokens) Not to mention a severe lack incentive to buy shopcreats...
  12. Watermelon?
  13. That's exactly the point, angiens will survive hits and then use energyburn (they won't kill themselves and be able to hit with the changes) that deals enough damage to kill the drachs. So, yeah, one of the changes would be adjusting VE/dmg ratio there as it's currently overpowered as well, just not as much as drachs are.
  14. While you’re at rebalancing... You should balance angiens burn along with it, angiens def aura (largely overpowered), fix antifreeze auras (that's right, none of the AF aura's work currently and if creatureboost became added without fixing this first a lot of people would feel cheated about buying rusts/reins), fix TS/SW aura (doesn't work at all), fix UP aura, fix moral aura (or add note of it's limitations) and as burns said make creatureboost/attackboost/morale also apply to stats put into the fight and not just creaturestat and token boost. I'm not against making creatureboost added but ONLY doing that would just shift the combat system inballence from drachs to angiens (as they have been set up to "match" drachorns which is possible right now even...) The entire combat system DOES need rebalancing but random changes will not help with this, if mur is willing to do the programming to fix certain issues and "balance things out" (shopcreats and tokens should still give advantage of course) we can (or you can) set up a group to carefully consider changes and their effects, not just shifts of the problem (an unwanted shift in this case, as from BP/rust/rein to angiens will make donations go down substantially I imagine)
  15. Bump
  16. Bump, offering 95 straight away. First to meet me ingame get's the deal. (PM on forums or contact me otherwise to make an appointment)
  17. Bump Not even anyone selling at 90?
  18. I'm buying a GG drach It's a sort of auction. I'll be taking the lowest offer if the offer stands for 24 hours without being beaten, I'll buy the that offer. Please only bid under the current offer. (forum PM/post accepted for bids, for questions PM only please) Current offer: None I don't care about tokens/age Light EDIT: forgot to add... 1 gold counts as 15 silver
  19. There is no point in granting citizenship to an ally member (you can't, even). And yes, it's possible to become a citizen of a land that's not one of the 4 kingdoms... Judging from the citizenship panel as well: "Citizenship requests for other than the 4 main lands are reviewed rarerly and in different ways, usualy related to guilds or special situations. "
  20. I just noticed this nice number: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=1517 "]All the way down[/url]
  21. Should people who had angiens before they were freely available at angien's shrine have been compensated as well? Those dropped from the price of a drach to almost nothing overnight. IMHO That's the way it works, while something is rare (it's not meant to be rare) you either sell it during the time you can ask a lot for it, or risk getting next to nothing for it. Light
  22. You could just get new raw materials in every month or so, that way the market will flood. Stop pouring in raw materials when items are being made until there's a shortage again (simply use the items used for creation and redistribute them). If there's people hoarding them again (in such quantities it becomes almost impossible to create an item again) go back to the monthly distribution. There might be collectors with insane amounts out there but it's basically useless as they'd still be short WP and item creation tokens and have a heap of materials they can't do anything with. Light
  23. Piece of a map Gives the user access to a location/path he wouldn't normally (predefined for each map piece, as far as I know there's 5). For example access to a land (similar to the passes), a path such as from the fortune's well to oak fort or perhaps a hidden scene such as berserkers charge, champions dome interior etc. Truth be told, I am not sure why the map pieces are in the game and rather they already have a purpose. All I know is that Lightsage set out to collect them when they where first introduced. EDIT of course there should be a cooldown, depending on the location it gives access to ranging from a week to 4 weeks or so.
  24. [quote][2009-04-19 17:25:17 - Alpha 8] Sacrificing creatures over level 3 will reduce your character experience by half of the xp of that creature. Lowering your XP is useful for passing Max XP level caps.[/quote]
  25. Uhhh... I can still access it, so I guess not entirely although I have heard from others who have the same. Light
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