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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. [quote name='Burns' post='27591' date='Mar 22 2009, 02:41 PM']maybe it did back then, but atm it surely stacks up endlessly... ask dst or LS, they are battling over the highest one-hit damage [currently about 40k from dst^^][/quote] With dst's attack all I can do is try and improve my PR which is currently 29899... and mart is very usefull, especially during HC ;-)
  2. You don't have to argue with yourself, you only have to give arguments in favour... And what would prevent people from getting loads of wins? They're not going to be attacked for their honour (and statreward)... And it'd make it to easy to gain honour for balanced people in alliance the max negative honour anyone would give would be -33 (if they want to gain stats) and they'd just massattack everyone gaining stats. Oh and you have the new MP5's who're having a hard time getting wins (as no one will be willing to give those with this measure) and get way to many losses making them unable to get stats and them still not being able to get wins, making matters worse as they get attacked all the time. (easy wins there)
  3. RJ, why? What use does that have? Please support your idea with arguments...
  4. I don't really see a need for that as you won't gain those new "star" like things if you want to avoid it, there's not that many people who've won and are on, and attacking someone with over 50 or 100 heads and getting a loss is something you'd need to try, carrying one star isn't that bad would you happen to lose anyway, you carry heads now as well occasionally, it's not that hard to lose them.
  5. lightsage

    New HC

    You'd still have the logo and the chat, not the jumping through because it happens to much that leaders enter unaccesable area's which gives the participant a free count or 2 in stage 1 till he/she get's trown to the gazebo. And even if no story unlocked area's are gone to, having your leader in lore would drain the ap of your pursuers, imagen someone leaving loreroot for MDA and then jumping back to the totem. Whoever was following will need to make a full round back to maple's again, and enter loreroot costing loads of ap, while the runner will still have most ap, the action having only cost a couple of ap. You could have jump to leader costing all your ap through, if that's a better alternative...
  6. I don't think I volunteered for that list... It's a combination of both atm
  7. lightsage

    New HC

    Ofcource mur decides, this is a suggestion after all and this is not just about last heads, last couple of heads have been logging in on counts logging off again, ally members having huge advantages (it's more the MP lvl heads transactions but still) and HC has been taken WAY to serious, mainly because of the creditreward.
  8. lightsage

    New HC

    Well, I'm not involved in the AL, but you could have a rivalling contest between the greatest warriors all over MD from different alliances and non-allied people because this is a way of showing which is the strongest combative alliance without actually having to go to way, a lot less dying involved. So for the prestige of your alliance, or your own. But I don't know how implementing that sort of thing into the game works...
  9. [quote name='smartalekrj' post='26491' date='Mar 6 2009, 09:07 PM']kinda like you assume exploiting bugs and not reporting them?[/quote] RJ, I will not go into a discussion with you here, PM me if you want to discuss it or we'll go way to far off topic, just 3 points: 1. I did not use bugs this HC 2. I reported the bug in question about 2 months ago I think when it was already know 3. I wonder why you abuse bugs (PM me on that one) on topic: as far as I know it can only have been pact or transfers, probably the later...
  10. You would RJ? I assume that should be wouldn't...
  11. A ritual with only creatures with negative vit will just lose the first time your opponent tries to land a hit, also those creatures aren't treated any differently from dead ones (as far as I know they might have stats on them...)
  12. Cleared cache?
  13. Burns you have... like loads of times. And welcome to the forums Amoran I hope you enjoy your stat and may mur bless you
  14. But us "dojolawbreakers" would have less targets in comparison, and no fun for MP3/4
  15. Welcome, and congrats on your current position in heads
  16. I'm in favour, even better if the reward is a drach again
  17. Burns, you really think this isn't just an older player trying to hide his true identity?
  18. What if we're not talking about credit transfer but actually buying them for another player? For one it would prevent free credits on alts. As a second people wouldn't really dare ask other people to pay them for them... (or atleast I wouldn't) since you know it's paid with real money just for you. The only problem that's left is the rich player bribing everyone, but they could actually just give people money instead of credits (I know accepting money is one worse than credits but still) so in the end there is no way of preventing this. Just my 2 cents, tried to stay objective in outlining it...
  19. Hey, welcome to the forums enjoy your stay and make sure to sleep eat and drink
  20. It will be hard... we need a oneness housing of 60% and have all the members none idle to catch even a single person... And I'm not even taking in consideration all 3 would have to win... ah well... PS 250th post
  21. [quote name='Burns' post='25868' date='Feb 22 2009, 11:39 PM']ahem... i just wanted to check if the idea is so very uninteresting that it's not even worth mentioning it or if just wasn't read because Lightsage posted at almost the same time as i did [/quote] Would the oneness exceed 100%? Because in that case I'm all for (note that alliances with fewer members will have a bigger boost from this, through they also have less members to fight with...)
  22. [quote name='dst' post='25898' date='Feb 23 2009, 11:56 AM']C'mon Ls...I think I know what's the first step when something is not working in MD...[/quote] I know you do, but since no one had asked him yet (on forum) I figured that it was worth a try (would be kind off embarrassing to hear later clearing cache worked)
  23. Finally a real bar, willows can be just willows again
  24. Have you tried clearing cache?
  25. That still does not tell me why wearing armour helps those creatures, as the armour is physical, and using the creatures is "spiritual", your armour does not protect the creatures... It protects you, not in spirit but in body. Or why armour boosts their defence and weapons their attack. And I think you got it dark, now just the question why...
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