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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. Closed topic, people who post in the other topic and have been added to the list, their post will be moved here. But this is getting confusing...
  2. *lightsage* 63991 PS is it ok if we mods edit your first post when your not there to add more people chewett?
  3. They're there so you can store that 2k extra, your heat drains slowly so it might go down if you don't do enough or you might use it for spells if you have them, also they're useful for storing large amounts of heat your expecting...
  4. maybe put the key in the +'s and than turn it with the right name facing the right constellation?
  5. Your progress for today This is your profile change for today, This profile resets once a day at 00:00 server time. Current server time is: 00:00 regeneration +6.485 luck +4.44 energeticimmun +26.348 tradesense +6.576 briskness +22.737 initiative +7.844 defence +14.787 attack +46.152 power +3.285 without sacrificing =P Small edit going offline now (just gained a bit more)
  6. initial... topic? is there another topic than your avatar here? And I'm lazy to... edit my posts all the time trough
  7. I vote in favour, reason being: I like dsting bored people *evil grin*
  8. Couldn't you have placed those 2 in one message (there's an edit button for a reason!) and why bother to read the research about oliver? He doesn't speak anyway... to busy with other stuff I guess
  9. lol I attacked anubarak less than 15 seconds later =P losing exp heavily =D
  10. [quote name='MRnegative6' post='19582' date='Nov 7 2008, 07:55 PM']lol..the fact that you say its all lies tells me you havnt read my papers well:) The title points out that its...ok its about my avatar but about its LIFE before, and my research on it. What others think is not as important as what I think:) Cause Rikesh is NOT having a digestive problem, even if he does poo from time to time. Atm, hes healthy and good.[/quote] Lies all lies his name isn't Rikesh :shok: ... It's [spoiler]Oliver[/spoiler]
  11. offtopic? I don't seem to remember any topic but your avatar... and as for that story, FICTION, IT'S ALL LIES!
  12. You should get yourself another one than
  13. In that case: your real lazy putting i in there? (it should be I if you don't know =P)
  14. [quote name='Frosty' post='19573' date='Nov 7 2008, 06:10 PM']Seriously don't worry about the spelling mistakes they are everywhere! I cant spell most of the time so i hardly notice them anyway![/quote] no spelling mistakes there frosy :clapping: , you took your time for that didn't you? :good: and loads of the players of this game aren't native English speakers, so as long as people get what your trying to say it'll be okay =)
  15. hmmm... I could say that this is going offtopic, but that avatar of yours having digestion problems takes my mind of that (what was I saying again? avater digesting problems =P)
  16. And how the mur effect is triggered =P anyway welcome and feel free to ask questions anytime =)
  17. but attacking in the past... that would cause a time paradox right?
  18. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=206"]The image (ohhh worship it =P)[/url] Real ing screen... seems a bit odd to me trough (guess it only does it at a certain timing just past 0) [color="#0000FF"]EDIT by Chewett: yes it does that when the time left is <0.49 seconds. but then it rounds it to rediculously high numbers[/color]
  19. lightsage


    I wouldn't mind helping to... Making the quest harder and in different parts (riddle as description or st like that) would make players cooperate instead of all trying to solve it first...
  20. lightsage


    They're nice but the two posted so far have been posted whilst I was asleep... maybe an idea to post one at another time (say 20.00 server time?)
  21. another topic eh? Let's say religion is relative for it's a relative truth...
  22. [quote name='Chewett' post='19390' date='Nov 2 2008, 08:07 PM']is this happening to rpc's still?[/quote] It never happened with Rpc's but to Npc's (willow shop guards, shades) and it's been fixed... but apperantly tarquinus still has a problem attacking anyone...
  23. lol... time to chase after chewy, simply and rex... only active rpc's with a lvl 1 doc
  24. Yeah tutorial is bugged XD tried it with a new account, you can't attack the shade at old man's road Uhhh NPC bug fixed... but apperantly tarquinus's not topic reopened (my wrong)
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