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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. I get that the armour gives stats and which armour gives what, but why? and how does it end up at your creatures?
  2. :offtopic: Why does everything need to be fun? Ontopic: any volunteers to check the locations? (because I'm curious...)
  3. So they are all magic armours? Interesting... But in that case: Why do we have sharp stuff as weapons? Wouldn't a stone or a book be of just as much use? And why armour? I'm sure different clothing would be able to give a strong boost as well? and why do weapons boost attack and armour defence?
  4. I can get the part that stats get your creatures stronger, but if it's something spritual, how does the armour come in?
  5. Try refreshing and clearing cache...
  6. I could keep on using spells on you and it would be But the point is that this is not working (properly) and players can't log in, half the players are idle and it isn't as many as there are usually on...
  7. I just got a personal best of 5055 today... which I was rather pleased about... then again no influenced in the rit I used... still makes my PR look insignificant congrats
  8. Rest assured that your still idle and farmed happily and I think that even if it stays 20 minutes that will be fixed... that the counter starts when you log off and not when you try to log on again...
  9. Or just don't do it and wait for night to come unannounced
  10. I don't know, but I think that for one 20 minutes is to long, and that this makes HC go upside down in the lower MP lvl's, no more logging off to avoid the stronger player heading your way...
  11. Still, I think MP3's are not ready, unless their alts in which case they should just use their main. For a fight, this is the reason most aren't in alliance, and putting them into an ally temporarily would be a big mess and they wouldn't really represent the alliance...
  12. I was just wondering, stats help your creatures in some unkown way when you send them to fight, but how would you having armour on help your creatures? They wouldn't use your sword to defeat your enemies, or your shield to protect themselves... What do you think?
  13. So I guess they'll have to be noted down evrey day, see how they change, must be some kind of patern there...
  14. Exept that most alliances only have MP5's MP6's and a MP4 here and there... Think a MP3 contest would really be usefull?
  15. IAB, no going into monthold topics going even further offtopic, topic closed
  16. lightsage


    More tension and less peace would be nice *cough* WAR *cough*
  17. an annoying prick? I don't think I've ever seen you ingame...
  18. Your that punny little annoying player that always prays... And is still trying to get placed in MP5 heads, owww I don't remember the name
  19. You'll have to charge in at 0% all the time, or your creats will only sit and prey in the interest of balance xD
  20. lightsage

    Forum Game

    Burns: while suffering from terrible pain, but all of a sudden, he has THE idea to save his life: Glaistig: he shoves his finger down his throat, so as to induce a gagging reflex to purge the his system Lulu: but the cruel laughter of Jonn and Hannah makes him choke on his vomit as his eyes fill with desperate tears--he can'tbreathanymorethevomittastesrealbad and THE WORLD IS CRUEL--gone--and he is dead. Either oblivious or uncaring, Hannah and Jonn... Grido: continue their laughing. They soon remember that there's still the strange man in the room (you know the one with the brother, with the picture hanging up).... Metal Bunny: The man then suddenly wakes up from his surreal dream and Burns: realizes Hannah is standing over him, tickling him with a feather, ready to... Lightsage: Slit his throat with a concealed dagger at her hip which happens to... Rex, you missed 2 posts...
  21. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=550"]The Screen[/url] My record for stats in a day without saccing, to bad Inet crashed or I might have made 50...
  22. Cource chewy, and pin it while your at it Hey burns... I should really overtake your postcount...
  23. I sacced all the creats I don't really need today and this is the reward: Your progress for today This is your profile change for today, This profile resets once a day at 00:00 server time. Current server time is: 23:38 regeneration +12.995 luck +8.36 energeticimmun +5.996 tradesense +3.771 briskness +2.838 initiative +1.068 defence +73.135 attack +390.771 power +111.36 Basically I sacced all non MDshop creats and kept my birdies
  24. You make it sound like your MP4 yourself jonn... And congrats Willem, did you manage to beat the loreroot guards in the end?
  25. Yeah it does... Reading already does actually...
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