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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. For the record the following paragraph is purely hypothetical, I am in no way planning to physically harm anyone. If I were to grab a knife, go out on the street and stab the first random passerby, I'd get arrested and put on trial. If I did that in another country, the same would happen over there. The country I'm in probably won't not put me on trial simply because I'm dutch and the dutch government might not agree. Simply because you've decided not to administer punishment because of what Jester might do doesn't mean there is no possibility to do so. If your afraid of what Necro might do in return, it's your choice to succumb to them and as result inviting these sort of actions because apparently there is no consequences for killing a lorerootian. I believe these sort of items are an positive addition to the game, it adds possibilities of tensions to the game. I consider this quest a sparkle of activity in what is generally a dull, reserved form of politics. It's [i]magic[/i]duel so unless someone wants to, it is highly unlikely they will stay death. Of course there's hardly anyone whom is going to like getting killed. You should be able to rely on your land, your king or the community to protect you from this. Through repercussions that scare potential killers off or through other means. Of course, it'd be nice if they revive you too.
  2. Someone had to do it...[attachment=1773:Tomato.jpeg]
  3. That is a nice one... People over balance instead of just some on and a lot under.
  4. I'm looking to buy tokened BP/Chaos, a higher price for more tokens. If your willing to sell any, please PM me age and tokens. ~Light
  5. Direct sale price: 1 silver. Valid for the next half an hour, or I'll sac it.
  6. Offers preferably in topic or else by forum PM. ~Light
  7. [quote] BUT there is a player that is amusing themself by coming into the ggg and casting spells that remove a players rit list for a period of time and then using damaging rits to destroy those rits. [/quote] Does it really? Because I don't think it does... I'm certain it only changes the offensive ritual. And I'm merely going where my targets go: If they are at GGG, so be it. Should I cast the spell at GoE (which I won't at current battle rate there) I wouldn't hear anyone about it and if it would not be allowed to use these spells, what's the point in spending WP's on them?
  8. @Mike [quote]Do keep in mind that I want mercenaries - people whose loyalty can be bought.[/quote] As far as I can see, it's not sure all mercenaries will be sent to "save" mya. Actually, seeing as there's several parties and a need for mercenaries I'd very much doubt it. Therefore, you might want to rethink signing up as a mercenary.
  9. Quite the opposite, I love the idea and I am enjoying myself so far. If you've set it up the way I think you have, it is also interesting to see how some characters respond to the knowledge they hold. An MD worthy experiment, it's a shame that as far as I can see not more people are participating actively. I'd have waited till the quest was over in expressing my appreciation but from your pessimistic point of view I thought you could use it
  10. Of course not. Your the only one who knows (and is willing to share) how you "betrayed" necrovion which is the reason Ivorak killed your wife. If you'd win just because your not sharing the information and then submitting it the entire quest would be wrecked. EDIT: I also have something to add to the how: Salt was used to prevent the regenerative abilities from working
  11. Before continuing reading, please consider this carefully: I am confident almost all of you have already read some "new" knowledge in burns' post, there is more here... [i][u]Do you want the solution handed to you?[/u][/i] [spoiler] [quote] Also, since Angiens were designed to do damage comparable to those lethal tokenmonsters, they need to be... regulated, too. I'd say, cap the burn (NOT the self-inflicted damages, things get calculated normally, and the damage to _the other person_ gets capped afterwards) with the ammount of VE they have at the moment. For the untokened top-players, that's a cut to 1/15th of their current burn-power, tokened angiens would lose 99,99% of their current burn. Not that they'd get weak by that, they are endlessly overpowered as it is.[/quote] I still see a problem there, first let me expand on your "sequence". Before creature boost aura's[sup]1[/sup] (or any other aura for that matter), there is also a creature's base stat. Now, this would still be applied before creaturboost aura's. For the very simple reason that they would not have any effect at all otherwise. Now back to the angiens, they happen to have quite a lot of defence they also have a creatureboost that applies to this. This results in a defence so high, that without a 6 drachorn (5 boosters 1 GG) or another angien rit it's almost impossible to damage and even with the drach rit damage will barely be dealt. There is of course still ways to use damage the angiens or lifesteal on these angiens. However, without the boosts they'd still be left with an insane amount of VE. (To get back to the numbers, I've seen rituals with 500k ve on EACH creature). The power on angiens is also quite high, and even without tokens boosted maxed angiens deal a lot of damage 1/15th of this with high ve (combocount is enough for this for most players) is easily enough to wipe out pretty much any other ritual and by far more than lifesteal (as this is caped at 20%). In addition to this, they won't "overburn" themselves any longer resulting in freezing being much less effective. So what do we have? Angiens that survive the first hit easily because the damage output in general is nerfed. And do not kill themselves completely (or overkill even) after their devastating hits (which, at 1/15th of current are still devastating and a claw I or III doesn't result in more self inflicted damage as your easily caped on the 99,99%) which usually result in a completely destroyed ritual the case of (very) high VE on defense [sup]2[/sup] or a lot of lucky freezes exempted.[sup]3[/sup] Now, as I see it, there's 3 plausible solutions (In addition to burns' suggested changes): a. Cap the damage[sup]4[/sup] at a reasonable amount, 8k is a number that springs to mind[sup]5[/sup] b. Remove the ability to target multiple creatures (in addition to above mentioned changes) This would make a 6 angien ritual a lot less useful whilst still having them as high damagers (yay for ritual diversity) c. Cap the damage dealt at the value that 99.99% of ve loss would normally "allow" (might have to finetune the 1/25th)[sup]5[/sup] Also: Instead off 99.99% I'd suggest the angiens just being left with 1 VE. You will notice this is mostly a "rough" idea. It'll take us into the right direction but not completely ballance the combat system (and under power several shop features). Please Mur, think carefully about changes you make as the last ones have either offset the ballance (rusts, tokens, angiens) or not worked (priest, SW/TS) and the combat system was a thing of beauty before. I know there is a lot of thoughtful consideration (and math) required in order to balance the system out as well as the need to give an "edge" to people who buy things in MDShop. Should you want help from the community I'd suggest a forum with limited access or a work group as it'd require discussing details that are in essence spoilers (more has been revealed in this topic about game mechanics/angiens than I'd like already) 1: All aura's that boost a % for example [attackboost], [creatureboost] or [levelscare] 2: This is a lot harder on defense than on attack as in defence you only have your personal VE opposed to simply combo count. 3: In fact, a not-insanely-high-ve-ritual would need to contain atleast 3 freezers and a loreroot archer/lifealer to have a [i]chance[/i] at winning. 4: NOT "attack" so this'd be the effective damage dealt to the creature 5: NOT a calculated amount, I might put a different value there after considerationg 6: Also not a value I've done calculations with yet [/spoiler]
  12. [quote]Dynamic disk & Linux file system compatible.[/quote] from: http://www.easeus.com/ Do your own googling Something you could also try: I'm not sure what your internet speed is (and what your looking at the forum from) [url="http://www.knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html"]Knoppix[/url] is a distro I find usefull for recovering and it's only 700 MB (I've used it to recover data from a corrupted xp installation)
  13. lightsage


    Heh, I'm honoured Lightsage - Burns
  14. 'geoip_country_code_by_name' , 'geoip_country_name_by_name' and 'geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region' don't work because they contain "try" EDIT, forgot to copy paste 1 function
  15. I'm in, do I need to mention that dst is a semi-noob and I'm a full fledged noob? We only need a vet...
  16. Buying claw 1 or/and 3 remains (or other form of tree) Forum PM if you have one up for sale ~Light
  17. Lightsage ID:63991
  18. Wrong: [quote]#1 - The first rule of Fight Club is, you tell every fighter about Fight Club. [/quote]
  19. Elmster, power to the scarecrow! Or wait... He changed his avy :/ His "new" avy still looks kinda cool through.
  20. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='01 April 2010 - 05:03 PM' timestamp='1270134239' post='57359'] People, of course its a aprils fools joke.... you should know better, active days wont be ever taken away from an account regardless what else happens to it. It was funny hearing you worry about it, but i must admit i have weird sense of humor [/quote] It probably doesn't help you ARE actually crazy enough to do something like this I must admit it took me a minute or so to figure this morning and I already had my def rit changed
  21. Sale closed, winners will be contacted. TS excempted due to last minute offers...
  22. Closing in a few hours, cmon ppl! (bump)
  23. Bumpy, anyone wanting to get rid of theirs now that they've become... Self damaging?
  24. This is not just about a grammatical structure... Or maybe it is about your inability to formulate properly: Science is always formulated in such a way it represents exactly what you mean. It's one of the first things you learn when studying a science. Your inability to do so in your native tongue makes me deduct the extent to which your knowledge on the Biology and Chemistry stretches. Not very far. This is all I'll state in this topic for I have no desire to start a flame war.
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